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WoundEx Flow is supplied in single use: 0.5cc, 1.0 cc, 1.5 cc, 2.0 vials. AlloDerm for duraplasty in Chiari malformation: Superior outcomes. Drugs, Biologicals and Radiopharmaceuticals. ProMatrX ACF is a human allograft comprised of amnion and amniotic fluid, providing a liquid allograft to "aid in the healing" and repair of chronic wounds. The use of acellular dermal matrix as a scaffold for periosteum replacement. Stability is pleased to announce that our request for a Level II HCPCS code for AmnioCore Amniotic Membrane Allograft has been established . Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF). 2014;22(6):688-693. The product is thawed in a sterile gloved hand for 5 minutes and cut and shaped to size prior to application following wound preparation. 2018;15(6):950-957. K062915. Parastomal hernia repair outcomes in relation to stoma site with diisocyanate cross-linked acellular porcine dermal collagen mesh. Steenfos HH. Plast Reconstr Surg. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. Bochicchio GV, De Castro GP, Bochicchio KM,et al. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. These products are cryopreserved and should be stored frozen at a temperature at -80C +/- 15. 2015;24(6):261-262, 264-267. Dass AK, Lo TS, Khanuengkitkong S, Tan YL. Effectiveness of Biobrane for treatment of partial-thickness burns in children. J Wound Care. 2007;177(2):604-608; discussion 608-609. Amniotic-derived treatments and formulations. Pelvic, abdominal, and chest wall reconstruction with AlloDerm in patients at increased risk for mesh-related complications. Natale F, La Penna C, Padoa A,et al. Plast Reconstr Surg. Frykberg RG, Gibbons GW, Walters JL, et al. Int Wound J. Some treatment modalities, such as the use of negative pressure wound therapy versus simple bolster dressing, differed between wounds, but no statistical difference was noted between the treatments. J Surg Case Rep. 2013;2013(4). Ann Plast Surg. Paquette D, Falanga V. Leg ulcers. TheraSkin is most commonly used in the treatment of partial and full-thickness wounds including chronic wounds, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, venous stasis ulcers and burns. 2015;29(2):366.e1-e4. Dressings and topical agents for surgical wounds healing by secondary intention. Successful treatment of non-healing wounds with Xelma(R). 2010;20(4):323-327. 2007;157(7-8):170-172. Weber PC, Lambert PR, Cunningham CD, 3rd, et al. stimulation of host healing without temporary persistence by acting as a biologic dressing. Chen SG, Tzeng YS, Wang CH. Zelen CM, Serena TE, Fetterolf DE. Review Body for Interventional Procedures (ReBIP). 2004;27(1 Suppl):s145-s149. Specifically, Zenith Amniotic Membrane is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic non-healing wounds inclusive but not limited to non-infected partial or full-thickness diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, and burn injuries unresponsive to conventional therapy. Does the addition of a nerve wrap to a motor nerve repair affect motor outcomes? Wounds. TheraSkin is marketed by Soluble Systems and tissue is provided by the Skin and Wound Allograft Institute (SWAI, Virginia Beach, VA), a wholly owned subsidiary of LifeNet Health, Inc. TheraSkin is cryopreserved human skin procured from consented and screened tissue donors that is used to provide a physiological and mechanical barrier that reduces environmental contamination and assists in the promotion of granulation tissue and epithelialization. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). The efficacy and safety of Dermagraft in improving the healing of chronic diabetic foot ulcers: Results of a prospective randomized trial. Pseudarthrosis was defined as abnormal movement between the spinous processes, lucency at the graft vertebral body interface or absence of trabecular bone spanning the complete fused space. Topfer L, Hailey D. Over-the-counter antimicrobial bandages (Acticoat). A total of 32 (65.3 %) index wounds were completely healed at 6 months, including 16 of 24 (66.7 %) in the spray-on skin group and 16 of 25 (64.0 %) in the SOC group (unadjusted OR [95 % CI]: 1.13 (0.35 to 3.65), p = 0.845). Zelen CM, Snyder RJ, Serena TE,et al. Incidence of complete wound closure at 14 weeks, donor site closure, pain, Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), satisfaction, and safety were assessed in 52 patients. J Wound Care. Bradley M, Cullum N, Nelson EA, et al. The authors concluded that ReCell, combined with widely meshed STSG, was a safe and effective POC treatment for mixed-depth burns without confluent dermis, achieving short- and long-term healing comparable to standard STSG, while significantly decreasing donor skin use. 1,2 1. In a retrospective study, these researchers examined the safety and effectiveness of a biologically active cryo-preserved human skin allograft for treating wounds with exposed bone and/or tendon in the lower extremities. A comprehensive literature search was performed on PubMed, EBSCO Host, Embase, and SCOPUS. 2010;117(12):1493-1502. Dermatol Surg. The authors concluded that the unique ability of PROMOGRAN PRISMA matrix to reduce in-vitro vegetative bacteria, biofilm bacteria and bacterial proteases while still allowing dermal fibroblast proliferation may help re-balance the wound environment and reduce the occurrence of infection. It is an acellular dermal tissue matrix derived from fetal or neonatal bovine dermis and is intended for implantation to reinforce soft tissue where weakness exists and for the surgical repair of damaged or ruptured soft tissue membranes. This study provided no data on the use of allogeneic amniotic tissue and fluid after plantar fasciitis debridement. -derived tissues contain endogenous growth factors and cytokines that maintain the natural healing properties of amnion. Wound Repair Regen. There are few published reports of SurgiMend (Cheng & St. Cyr, 2012). 2012;(4):CD004123. Diabetic foot problems: Prevention and management. 1998;25(3):397-405. Karlsson M, Lindgren M, Jarnhed-Andersson I, Tarpila E. Dressing the split-thickness skin graft donor site:A randomized clinical trial. J Wound Care. 2008;51(6):838-843. Kashefsky H, Marston W. Total contact casting combined with human fibroblast-derived dermal tissue in 15 DFU patients. K072113. Analysis of run-in and treatment data in a wound outcomes registry: Clinical impact of topical platelet-rich plasma gel on healing trajectory. Suprathel() causes less bleeding and scarring than Mepilex() Transfer in the treatment of donor sites of split-thickness skin grafts. J Adv Nurs. 2000;16 Suppl 1:S51-S54. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. Spine J. 1993;27(10):1201-1203. Int Wound J. SurGraft TL dosage is per square centimeter and wound size dependent. 2008;70(1):92-96; discussion 96-97. 2001;24(2):290-295. 2014;219(5):988-992. Clinical and cost efficacy of advanced wound care matrices for venous ulcers. The authors concluded that the ReCell system was a feasible, simple and safe technique. Ricci JA, Treiser MD, Tao R,et al. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). 2010;19(2 Suppl):47-52. Sheffield, UK: University of Sheffield; 2003. The clinical relevance of treating chronic wounds with an enhanced near-physiological concentration of platelet-rich plasma gel. Graftskin treatment of difficult to heal diabetic foot ulcers: One center's experience. Ostomy Wound Manage. Am J Obstet Gynecol. -peroneal. Salivary gland tumors: Treatment of locoregional disease. Caravaggi C, Barbara A, Sganzaroli A, et al. Dumville JC, O'Meara S, Deshpande S, Speak K. Hydrogel dressings for healing diabetic foot ulcers. Edmonds ME, Foster AV, McColgan M. 'Dermagraft': A new treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. Aziz Z, Abu SF, Chong NJ. Int Wound J. TEI Biosciences Inc., Boston, MA. It is held in place by hydrostatic tension. 2012;94(4):298-307. 2017;25(1):145-149. 2016;25(Sup10):S8-S17. Even after successful surgery, these procedures often result in reduced joint mobility and tendon or ligament strength. Beale EW, Hoxworth RE, Livingston EH, Trussler AP. This device was evaluated by the NICE Medical Technologies Evaluation Program. 2007;53(6):16-31. Amputations were significantly higher among patients treated with DSS than either CHSA or BLCC (p < .0001). Rayman G, Vas P, Dhatariya K, et al. 2010;20(4):462-467. de la Portilla F, Rada R, Vega J,et al. Each matrix provides the same amount of human keratin proteins per square centimeter of product. Blume O, Back M, Born T, Donkiewicz P. Reconstruction of a unilateral alveolar cleft using a customized allogenic bone block and subsequent dental implant placement in an adult patient. 2011;119(8):472-479. Management of defects on lower extremities with the use of matriderm and skin graft. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. Stravix (Osiris Therapeutics Inc.) is a cryo-preserved human placental tissue, composed of the Whartons jelly and umbilical amniotic membrane. World J Surg. In contrast, the ReCell system biopsied areas and post-operative pain were smaller than classic grafting (p < 0.05). 2013;34(23):5776-5784. Sari E, Eryilmaz T, Tetik G, et al. Scientific Data Series SDS 20-00. Galloway T, Amdur RJ. 2007;34(5):521-523. Hsu PW, Salgado CJ, Kent K, et al. Am J Surg. Waltham, MA: UpToDate;reviewed November 2013. 2012;25(6):253-260. Accessed July 7, 2009. 2010;65(4):391-395. Silver dressings for the treatment of patients with infected wounds:A review of clinical and cost-effectiveness. Surgery. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. St Peter SD, Ostlie DJ, Holcomb GW 3rd. Collagen fistula plug for the treatment of anal fistulas. Experience with acellular human dura and bovine collagen matrix for duraplasty after posterior fossa decompression for Chiari malformations. 2012;78(5):498-504. The investigators explained that the therapy, known as continuous diffusion of oxygen (CDO), delivers pure oxygen to the wound at low flow rates, preserves patient mobility, showed significant benefits in animal studies and received FDA clearance in August 2009. By changing the minimum baseline wound size and run-in rate of wound closure inclusion/exclusion criteria and removing subjects that failed these criteria from the final analysis, the investigators introduced a significant source of bias. Pfister LA, Papalozos M, Merkle HP, et al.Nerve conduits and growth factor delivery in peripheral nerve repair.J Peripher Nerv Syst. Ostomy Wound Manage. A higher proportion of wounds in the treatment group compared with the controls were more likely to close (68.3 % versus 60.3 %), particularly wounds with exposed structures (64 % versus 50.4 %) and with lower recidivism at 6 months (24.9 % versus 28.3 %). Baltimore, MD: CMS; September 30, 2021b. Advanced biological therapies for diabetic foot ulcers. Supra SDRM is fully malleable at room temperature and becomes more pliable at body temperature and can be conformed three dimensionally to multiple anatomical orientations. Jorheim M, Isaxon I, Flondell M,et al. Accessed January 22, 2022. Guiding practice improvements in pediatric surgery using multidisciplinary clinical pathways. Tenenhaus M, Bhavsar D, Rennekampff HO. Ann Plast Surg. 1994;110:560-564. Santiago GF, Bograd B, Basile PL, et al. Treatment of anterior vaginal wall prolapse with porcine skin collagen implant by the transobturator route: Preliminary results. These components in combination with a single layer of HA provide a conducive environment that is critical to the wound healing process. It comes in a single size configuration as a hexagon patch with 2.5 cm sides, 5.0 cm in diameter, and total surface area of 16 cm squared. 2002;14(3):107-115. Comparative analysis of biomechanical performance of available "nerve glues". 2001;36(8):1118-1121. 2006;58(5):627-630. Decellularized human placenta chorion matrix as a favorable source of small-diameter vascular grafts. Germani RM, Vivero R, Herzallah IR, Casiano RR. Wound Repair Regen. Greer N, Foman N, Dorrian J, et al. 2014;23(3):409-419. 2018;15(1):114-122. 59. A multicentre prospective randomised controlled comparative parallel study of dehydrated human umbilical cord (EpiCord) allograft for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Sports Med Arthrosc. J Reconstr Microsurg Open. The placental extracellular matrix (ECM) supports healing by modulating correct tissue reconstruction rather than scar tissue formation. A clinical trial of Integra Template for diabetic foot ulcer treatment. Yin HQ, Langford R, Burrell RE. 2008;106(6):1619-1626. (2015) examined planned interim data of a prospective, randomized, double-blind multi-center study comparing the clinical efficacy of the TransCu O2 device (EO2 Concepts) to standard moist wound therapy (MWT). Madison, WI: Mallinckrodt; revised June 2021. Some articles did not specify patient and wound characteristics. Human reticular acellular dermal matrix in the healing of chronic diabetic foot ulcerations that failed standard conservative treatment: A retrospective crossover study. Butterfield JL. Dis Colon Rectum. Yonehiro L, Burleson G, Sauer V. Use of a new acellular dermal matrix for treatment of nonhealing wounds in the lower extremities of patients with diabetes. They searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Registry Database to identify RCTs. Descriptive and multivariate regression analyses were used to compare wound outcomes. Stravix is supplied as a cryo-preserved placental tissue packaged in a wide-mouth jar. Bertolli E, Campagnari M, Molina AS,et al. 2009;36(3):179-181. ; EpiFix VLU Study Group. 2013;28(3):238-247. Int Wound J. These investigators recruited all patients with deep partial thickness burns admitted at the Burn Centre of S. Eugenio Hospital in Rome over 2 years. Longaker MT, Chiu ES, Adzick NS,et al. 2011;15(5):575-578. J Foot Ankle Surg. Developed to fill soft tissue defects and bone voids and to convey anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory capabilities, granulized amniotic membrane and amniotic fluid does not require fetal death, because its procurement is performed with maternal consent during birth. A prospective randomized trial in 159 patients. DiDomenico L,Emch KJ, Landsman AR. The mean ReCell donor area was approximately 40 times smaller than that of the Control (p < 0.0001), and after 1 week, significantly more ReCell donor sites were healed than Controls (p = 0.04). #: OF1-000327-en-USVersion: FLanguage: EnglishRevision Date: 02/27/2023 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the SwiveLock ACL Repair KitFile Type: Ref. J Cardiothorac Surg. Human skin equivalent investigators group. A multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial evaluating the use of dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane allografts and multilayer compression therapy vs. multilayer compression therapy alone in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Sorensen JC. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. Clinical Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes: Prevention and Management of Foot Problems [Internet]. 2019;27(6):680-686. Sams HH, Chen J, King LE. Average Length of stay (LOS) was 6.9 days. Specifically, Stravix/StraviPL are used for deeper wounds in higher risk patients and the wounds located in areas subject to high shear force. ProgenaMatrixis indicated for dry and exuding partial and full thickness wounds such as pressure (stage I-IV) and venous stasis ulcers, ulcers caused by mixed vascular etiologies, diabetic ulcers, donor sites and grafts, first and second-degree burns, superficial injuries, cuts,, abrasions and surgical wounds." Bullard and Souza (2008) conducted a retrospective radiographic review of all patients treated by a single surgeon with a 3-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with plate fixation. 2012;14(5):e264-e269. K060989. 24-month results of the BRAVO study: A prospective, multi-center study evaluating the clinical outcomes of a ventral hernia cohort treated with OviTex 1S permanent reinforced tissue matrix. J Hand Surg Am. Kerimolu S, Livaolu M, Snmez B, et al. Mod Healthcare. 2012;20(3):317-331. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ). The outer dressing was removed every one to four days, depending on exudate, in order to closely follow the wound through the translucent membrane and fatty gauze layers. Outcome of the use of acellular-dermal matrix to assist implant-based breast reconstruction in a single centre. Adv Skin Wound Care. Logistic regression analysis of healing rates according to wound size, wound location, wound duration, volume reduction, exposed deep structures, and Wagner grade was carried out. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. These investigators conducted a systematic review of RCTs of wound dressing trials that were published from October 1, 1997, through September 1, 2005. Collagen matrix for soft tissue reconstruction [website]. The use of an acellular porcine dermal collagen implant in the repair of complex abdominal wall defects:A European multicentre retrospective study. McQuilling JP, Vines JB, Mowry KC, et al. 2015;8:19-23. Agence d'Evaluation des technologies et des Modes d'Intervention en Sante (AETMIS). Newton DJ, Khan F, Belch JJ, et al. 2010;101(7):600-603. It is not clear whether a clinician in routine clinical practice would have the ability and willingness to limit the use of this product to persons with more slowly healing lesions by this measure. Wollina U, Schmidt WD, Krnert C,et al. As the dressing material accumulates fluid, silver ions are released from the dressing into the wound environment. 2012;6(2):36-44. The use of a collagen sponge/living cell composite material to treat donor sites in burn patients. Pro3-C Placenta and Cord. J Burn Care Rehabil. Results of bony chest wall reconstruction with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene soft tissue patch. Diabet Med 1997;14:1010-1011. Orthopedics Today. Durden F Jr, Tiwari P, Kocak E. Can the DermaClose device contribute to periwound tissue ischemia and necrosis:A case presentation and discussion? Statistical analysis was performed via analysis of variance followed by Tukey-Kramer post hoc pair-wise comparison when indicated. 1987;94(3):442-443. Skin grafting for venous leg ulcers. 2011;24(3):119-125. 2010;20(6):397-404. J Med Case Rep. 2014;8:251. Am J Clin Dermatol. Acta Orthop. After standard wound preparation, SurGraft TL is placed directly to the wound and adheres to the wound bed without fixation. REGUaRD (New Life Medical, LLC) is a donated allograft placental membrane tissue. Burns. Espinosa-de-los-Monteros A, de la Torre JI, Marrero I, et al. 2012;1(3):51-59. The prescribed dosage varies by the size of the wound. Adams CR, Denard PJ, Brady PC, et al. Tissue Science Laboratories PLC, Covington, GA. Rockville, MD: FDA; March 9, 2005. 2015;115(6):968-977. 1998;7(10):536-540. Adv Skin Wound Care. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. The use of acellular dermal matrices in two-stage expander/implant reconstruction:A multicenter, blinded, randomized controlled trial. Superior capsule reconstruction for irreparable rotator cuff tears: A systematic review. The authors reported that the duration of drainage was significantly shorter in the group managed with SurgiMend (8.5 days) versus the comparison group (11 days). Homicz MR, Watson D. Review of injectable materials for soft tissue augmentation. Most notably, it will be used for wounds resulting from chronic diabetic foot ulcers. 2017;14(3):569-577. Lu KW, Khachemoune A. 2015;9(4):460-468. Bell R, Desai S, House H,et al. Ditzel M, Deerenberg EB, Grotenhuis N, et al. Meyer RA, Bagheri SC. Lynch MP, Chung MT, Rinker BD. Ann Intern Med. J Periodontol. Long-term outcome of porcine skin graft in surgical treatment of recurrent pelvic organ prolapse. Neurosurgery. Superior capsule reconstruction to restore superior stability in irreparable rotator cuff tears: A biomechanical cadaveric study. 2022a;10(12):e4707. Drugs, Biologicals, and Radiopharmaceuticals. 2015;46(1):43-50. 2012;130(5 Suppl 2):183S-193S. Hafner J, Khne A, Treb RM. The manufacturer analyzed the interim data and discovered that, if one excludes smaller lesions at baseline and wounds that were rapidly healing during the two-week run-in period from the analysis, statistical significance could be achieved. Buchberger B, Follmann M, Freyer D,et al. The use of growth factors in clinical practice. 2006;56(1):22-25. J Trauma. Wounds. Int Braz J Urol. Ann Med Surg (Lond). Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). Pro3- Cord preserves maximum natural thickness (8x thicker than Pro3-Placenta); and helps support tendon and deep soft tissue healing. 2010;10(12):1065-1068. Ventral herniorrhaphy: Experience with two different biosynthetic mesh materials, Surgisis and Alloderm. 2012;130(5 Suppl 2):35S-43S. J Burn Care Res. Level of Clinical Evidence = IV. London, UK: NICE;August 26, 2015. Brem H, Balledux J, Bloom T, et al. 2009;6(3):226-232. Int Wound J. J Am Coll Surg. Narotam PK, Reddy K, Fewer D, et al. Links to various non-Aetna sites are provided for your convenience only. 2014;27(1):20-25. Ann Surg Oncol. Expert Rev Med Devices. Robb GL, Gurtner GC. #: FL1-00061-en-USVersion: GLanguage: EnglishRevision Date: 10/18/2022, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guide for the NanoScope Operative Arthroscopy System, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for Achilles Soft-Tissue Implants, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for Arthrex Amnion Matrix, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for Autograft OATS, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for CuffMend Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation System, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for FastThread Interference Screws, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for Hand/Wrist Anchors Soft Tissue Implants, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for Meniscal Allograft Transplant Procedure, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for Metal Compression FT Screws, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for PushLock, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the AutoCart Procedure Using GraftNet Autologous Tissue Collector & BioCartilage, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the BicepsButton Implant and Pec Button, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the BioSurge Convenience Kit, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the Corkscrew, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the Eclipse Total Shoulder System, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the FiberTak, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the Foot/Ankle, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the Foot/Ankle Anchors Soft-Tissue Implants, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the GraftNet Autologous Tissue Collector, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the IntraOsseous BioPlasty, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the SpeedBridge Technique, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the SutureTak, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the SwiveLock, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the Syndesmosis TightRope, 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for the Univers Revers Total Shoulder System, Cartiform Viable Osteochondral Allograft Reimbursement Guide 2022, Reimbursement Resources Contact Information. Lee JY, Parisi TJ, Friedrich PF,et al. Jansen LA, De Caigny P, Guay NA,et al. Though wounds were of different etiology diabetic foot ulcer, traumatic, surgical, and decubitus this did not appear to change outcomes. 2008 ;66(10):2058-2062. Cassidy C, St Peter SD, Lacey S, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg. use of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) (n = 75) versus. Cillo JE Jr, Caloss R, Miles BA, Ellis E 3rd. J Burn Care Rehabil. 2013;(8):CD009099. Typically, one application is applied per wound; however, the product may be reapplied if necessary. The authors concluded thatSuprathel represents a reliable epidermal skin substitute, with a good impact on wound healing and pain reduction in partial-thickness burn injuries. The future of recombinant growth factors in wound healing. Preoperative external tissue expansion for complex cranial reconstructions. Arch Surg. Functional properties of a purified reconstituted bilayer matrix design support natural wound healing activities. 2009;20(1):75-81. Hubik DJ, Wasiak J, Paul E, Cleland H. Biobrane:A retrospective analysis of outcomes at a specialist adult burns centre. Surg Innov. Diabetic foot problems: Evidence Update. In a prospective, randomized multi-center, pilot study, these researchers examined the safety and effectiveness of ASCS combined with compression therapy compared with standard compression alone (Control) for the treatment of VLUs. Stilwell and Delaney (2022b) stated that dermal acellular matrices may be used to replace or repair integumental soft tissue compromised by disease, injury or surgical procedures. Filgate R, Thomas A, Ballal M. Treatment of foregut fistula with biologic plugs. 65780 Ocular surface reconstruction; amniotic membrane transplantation; multiple layers. Collagen matrix (DuraGen) in dural repair: Analysis of a new modified technique. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). Ehrl D, Erne H. Poor outcomes from use of the Artelon biodegradable implant for the treatment of thumb carpo-metacarpal joint and scapho-trapezio-trapezoid osteoarthritis:A short report and brief review of literature. Wound Repair Regen. 2014;5:171. Wien Med Wochenschr. Clinical and in vitro responses of bilayered skin construct (graftskin) to meshing. 2014;21(2):137-146. J Wound Care. Overview of wound care technologies. BJOG. J Burn Care Rehabil. Spine J. Mostow EN, Haraway GD, Dalsing M, et al. Weindl G, Schaller M, Schfer-Korting M, et al. Reinforced biologic mesh reduces postoperative complications compared to biologic mesh after ventral hernia repair. Tornier BioFiber Absorbable Biological Scaffold, and Tornier Collagen Coated BioFiber Scaffold, Veritas Collagen Matrix for use as an implant in the surgical repair of soft tissue deficiencies and all other indications, VersaWrap Tendon Protector for the management and protection of tendon injuries and all other indications, Viaflow / Viaflow C flowable placental tissue matrices, Vitagel surgical hemostat for wound healing and all other indications, Xwrap Amniotic Membrane-Derived Allograft. The evidence base for the acellular dermal matrix AlloDerm: A systematic review. For new biological products, the FDA requires direct comparison to current SOC. Hayes et al (2020) stated that venous leg ulcers (VLUs) have a significant impact on approximately 3 % of the adult population worldwide, with a mean NHS wound care cost of 7,600 per VLU over 12 months. Langer A, Rogowski W. Systematic review of economic evaluations of human cell-derived wound care products for the treatment of venous leg and diabetic foot ulcers. Short-term results for laparoscopic ventral rectopexy using biological mesh for pelvic organ prolapse. Pfurtscheller K, Zobel G, Roedl S, Trop M. Use of Suprathel dressing in a young infant with TEN. 2012;130(5 Suppl 2):216S-224S. Schnoeller TJ, de Petriconi R, Hefty R,et al. #: DOC1-001032-en-USVersion: ALanguage: EnglishRevision Date: 02/22/2023 2023 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines for FastThread Interference ScrewsFile Type: Ref. Pilot study comparing the leak pressure of the sleeved stomach with and without reinforcement. 2010;149(1):112-116. Revitalon allografts are supplied in a single-sized package and provided in the following sizes: 1 cm round dot, 2x2 cm, 4x4 cm, and 4x6 cm. 2003;24(9):1549-1557. The diabetic neuropathic ulcer: An overview. Balayssac D, Poinas AC, Pereira B, Pezet D. Use of permacol in parietal and general surgery:A bibliographic review. #: OF1-000119-en-US Version: K Ansaloni L, Catena F, Coccolini F,et al. Incidence and management of vaginal extrusion of acellular porcine dermis after incontinence and prolapse surgery. Kavros SJ. Apligraf or the sheet form of EpiFix (Q4131) may be considered medically necessary for the following applications: 2020;17(4):966-973. Promethean LifeSciences, Inc. GammaGraft [website]. The evidence for the use of growth factors and active skin substitutes for the treatment of non-infected diabetic foot ulcers (DFU):A health technology assessment (HTA).

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