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Surety, - John Cox. VA Marriage Records Virginia Online Genealogy Records United States Virginia Online Genealogy Records This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Frederick County is located in the northwestern portion of the Commonwealth of Virginia and shares a border with West Virginia. The descendancy chart and reference citations cover the nine children from this union: Uriah, Joseph, Frances, Matthew, Hannah, Mary, Peter, Sarah, and Anna. Early monthly meetings (with years of existence): Online Court Indexes and Records the year 1825, should be of unusual interest and value to libraries, historians and genealogists everywhere. Brownfield, Thomas & Elizabeth Fisher --- April 29, 1793. Surety, -Benjamin Elkins. Surrounding Counties --- August 31, 1793. Kendall, John & Verlinda Sandbury --- October 17, 1797. Research genealogy for Hambleton Frederick Andrews of Caroline County, Virginia, USA, as well as other members of the Andrews family, on Ancestry. Joseph Steer and Grace, Frederick County Burwell, Philip & Elizabeth Page --- November 9, 1797. Langley, Curtis & Susannah Ridgeway. Surety, -Philip Allenworth. Roger Dale Mooney 1949 - 1977. Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia, 1634-1895 Surety, - Enoch Marple. (Close the pdf file with the left arrow to return to Iberian's catalog) Johnson, Stephen & Lydia Clevenger --- November 11, 1797. THE FEDERAL CENSUS OF 1850 FOR FREDERICK CO., VA. Surety, -William Wickersham. Surety, -Samuel Griffin. the Stricklers, but also collaterial lines among the following families. Mount Hebron Cemetery, within the city limits of Winchester, Virginia, is the resting place for many of the earliest settlers of the Northern Shenandoah Valley. Jones, John & Eleanor Alexander (widow) --- October 18, 1777 He married Magdelena Woods (1712-1810), a daughter of Samuel Woods and Elizabeth Campbell. I Surety, - Michael Grady. Surety, -Nathan Smith. Lewis, Evan & Ann Marple. Parents Philip & Margaret Shambaugh. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Names in Stone 75,000 Cemetery Inscriptions Frederick County MD - Holdcraft 2vol at the best online prices at eBay! October 19, 1864 - Cedar Creek, also known as Belle Grove. Virginia is covered on the Northeast State List which covers the states of Surety, - James Bruce. Stewart Bell, Jr. Archives Room, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Virginia. Surety, -David Griffith, Sr. Surety, -Walter Watson. Download or read book Hopewell Friends History, 1734-1934, Frederick County, Virginia written by John Walter Wayland and published by Heritage Books. found in the federal census sheets, plus a section on the 1860 slaveholders for the county. Nulton, John & Christiana Spoar. The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format: weeks during the war. Surety, - William Williams Catlett, Peter & Mary Bell --- August 13, 1774. --- November 15, 1797. --- Sept. 8, 1797. The county seat is Winchester. Surety, -Thomas Farmer. --- June 22, 1793. Surety, - Jacob Lindsey. Authorized in 1738, but the government was not formed until 1743. The county is named after Prince Frederick of Wales (1707-1751), the son of King George II of Great Britain. Richards, John & Mary Bean. --- August 1, 1793. County Societies, Family History Resources and County Genealogy Links, Virginia Birth, Marriage, Divorce, Death Certificate Applications, Frederick County Virginia Birth Records, 1855-96, Frederick County, Virginia, marriages, 1771-1825, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, USGenweb Archives Virginia Marriage Project, Virginia Births and Christenings, 1853-1917, Virginia Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, Virginia Birth and Marriage (Husband-Wife) Indexes, Henley Marriage/Obituary Index to Virginia Newspapers, Marriage Index for Richmond Enquirer/Richmond Visitor, Search The U.S. Federal Census Collection, Frederick County, VA Census Records Links, Frederick County Usgwarchives Census Records, Virginia Corthouse Records Research Guide, Frederick County, Virginia Message Boards, Frederick County, Virginia Genealogy Forum, Virginia Newspapers Books & Publications Research Guide, Virginia historical newspaper archives online, Historical Newspapers from Virginia (1784 1922 ), Search Virginia Obituaries (1985 to current), Frederick County Tombstone Transcription Project, Frederick County, Virginia Hopewell Friends History, History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley Counties of Frederick, Berkeley, Jefferson and Clarke : their early settlement and progr, Shenandoah Valley pioneers and their descendants : a history of Frederick County, Virginia (illustrated) from its formation in, Winchester, Virginia, and its beginnings, 1743-1814 : from its founding by Colonel James Wood to the close of the life of his s, The story of Winchester in Virginia, the oldest town in the Shenandoah Valley, Frederick County American History and Genealogy Project, Cyndis List United States Virginia Counties Frederick, Civil War battles in Winchester and Frederick County, Virginia, 1861-1865. Surety, -George Mook ( could be Mock). Rea, Allen & Eleanor Fisher. 1864 - October - Battle of Cedar Creek, INCORPORATED Birth of Henry Slinker. Dr. Alexander Balmain, Rector of Frederick Parish, recorded details of more than 750 marriages he performed between 1781 and 1821 in his journal: Tylor, Dola S. "Marriages from 'The Journal of Dr. Alexander Balmain,' Rector, Frederick Parish, Winchester, Virginia, 1781-1821,". Surety, -John Peyton Jr. Father Henry Heth. "Wills in Frederick County, Va., Prior to 1805,", Digital Images of Wills, Inventories and Estates, Book 2, 1752-61; Book 3, 1761-1700; Book 4, 1770-1783; Book 5, 1783-1794; Book 6, 1795-1802; Book 7, 1802-1804. (Close the pdf file with the left arrow to return to Iberian's catalog) Places Lehew - Marlboro - McQuire - Meadow Mills - Mount Pleasant - Mount Parents, John & Elizabeth Radenour. [Frdc] $21.95     (printed version) Box 106, --- May 31, 1798. --- December 12, 1797. McClun, Thomas Jr. & Elizabeth Bailey. Surety, -James Compton. See also Beckford Parish See also Frederick Parish See also Norborne Parish. --- May 4, 1793. Frederick County, Virginia Copyright Compiled and Edited by Eliza Timberlake Davis Watkins, Nicholas & Mary Freeman. All services are private. Mother Elizabeth Mulliken. Surety, -Jonathan Northern. --- May 11, 1793. Surety, - John Simpson, brother. Frederick Countywas established on December 15, 1738 fromOrange County. Surety, -John Gorley, father. Prince of Wales and eldest son of George II. VA Divorce Records Strosnider, Casper & Sarah Cyphet. See AlsoVirginia Corthouse Records Research Guide. [Frmg] $31.95     (printed version) Surety, -William Clements. Chart on the Formation of Virginia Counties Bedford, Bedford County, Virginia, United States. Father James Sumrall. The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format: If something looks amiss, check the link above to see what the original said. Symon Ogbourne 1652 - Virginia; The search for the origin of Symon Ogbourne in England (Emigrant to Virginia -1652) Descendants of Samuel Ogborne NJ; Samuel Ogborne of Monmouth County 17th Century; John Ogborne of New Jersey 17th Century; Extract from a book on early settlers in Virginia in the 17th Century; John and William Ogborne - New . W 1403,,_Virginia_Compiled_Genealogies&oldid=5062037, Locate publications about direct ancestors, Find the most updated accounts of an ancestor's family. and Northern Frederick County, Va All Rights Reserved. Blackmon, Lawrence Owon & Mary Wilson. While the reason for their loss is argued, they nevertheless no longer exist. Babb, Abner & Susannah Robinson --- May 27, 1793. James V. Hutton, Jr. 1987, xii, introduction, index, 369 pages. skills, consider joining us! Mother Judith Aires. Surety, - Mathias Harman. Meason, John, 3rd Battalion, Westmoreland County Militia, Pennsylvania. Father Thomas Blakemore. Surety, - John Kean, father. --- July 21, 1774 Noblar, John & Elizabeth Campbell. Surety, - Henry McFarden. Where can find Frederick County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? When was Frederick County, VA Created? Sharp, Spencer & Nancy Arnold. Surety, - Michael March, father. --- Nov. 4, 1797. Surety, -Aaron Bonham. 1840 1840. Frederick County Virginia Marriages: 1787-1799 By Wm Danner June 19, 2003 at 11:05:01. Grigsby, Jesse & Betsy Northern --- May 11, 1798. Information on the history and development of the earliest sections of Mt. --- October 12, 1797. Barton, Galbrath & Eleanor Talbott --- September 4, 1798. Frederick County supplied soldiers for the: War of 1812 Noland, Obed & Pricilla Bailey (widow) --- September 22, 1798. Surety, -George Bell. --- August 5, 1798. Virginia, Historical Society Papers, 1607-2007. Jenkins, Jonathan & Ann Hog (spinster). 1783 1783. Researchers will find this primary research to be as interesting and as helpful in understanding more about the life and times of the folk living at the time in Southern Berkeley County, W.V. Nine square miles of Frederick County is Slaves 6,457 (28.5%) Middleton, William & Milly McFosson ? Cryser, Jacob & Leah Garrett --- October 25, 1798. OR. Morris, Samuel & Rebecca McDonald. Bordering Counties areClarke County,Warren County,Shenandoah County,Hardy County, West Virginia,Hampshire County, West Virginia,Morgan County, West Virginia,Berkeley County, West Virginia. Essex Co (1692), King William Co (1702), Spotsylvania Co (1721), Orange Frederick County men served in the 31st, 51st, and 122nd Regiments.[18]. Surety, - Joseph Irwin. Surety, - Mordocai Rodd. that the village was called Guadaloupe, translated over the years to Got-A-Loop, God's Loop and [EBglg] $18.00     (electronic version) McKee, John Ferguson & Jane Marple. Surety, - Joseph Fry. function getQuery(form) { The current volume is a literal transcription of the original document with the following conventions. (Original Shire) --> Chickacoan Indian Reserve name changed to York Co --- August 10, 1793. Berkeley Co WV - Miller, Jacob & Lucy Hicks. Elbon, Reuben & Mary Gorley --- October 24, 1778. The second were the English People from Tidewater, Virginia, who became large land owners. Surety, - Robert Kenny. Many battles were fought in Frederick County. was all that country west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Smoot, James & Mary Cahoon. --- December 19, 1797. --- September 6, 1793. We regret that Book excerpt: A genealogy and a history of the Albin/Alban families of Virginia who are descendants of William Albin of Old Frederick County, Va. Shenandoah County Surety, - Joseph Latty, father. 1864 - September - Third Battle of Winchester Cowan, Nathaniel & Sarah Rice --- November 16, 1797. Hutchinson, James & Jane Duffield (spinster). Hampshire Co WV - [13] Vestry minutes, dating from 1764 to 1818, are kept at the Virginia Theological Seminary, near Alexandria, Va. Free White Males, 16-24 1,490 (6.6%) Use the key word search of our online catalog to see if there are significant records in our holdings. Larue, John & Hannah Jackson. --- July 22, 1793. Surety, -Joseph Britain. Williams, William & Elizabeth Brenan. Collection includes a vast amount of genealogical material.Website. Surety, - William Malin, brother. Surety, - Edmund Taylor. CHARLES E. DAVIS, Surety, -Thomas Moore Jr. Two streams of migration flowed through Frederick County. Newspaper articles, private collections, and photographs may be available as additional resources. B Hebron). --- September, (no day) 1797. Bainbridge, Absalom & Elizabeth Taylor --- May 28, 1793. The County Seat is located inWinchesteralso, the county government website This book was released on 1998 with total page 698 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Frederick County vital records can be found at theVirginia Department of Health (VDH) Office of Vital Recordswhich hasBirth and Death Records since June 14, 1912 and copies of Marriage and Divorce Records since 1918 to present. --- September 6, 1773. Weiner, John & Ann Wharf. Index to the 1810 Virginia Census In 1763, by the treaty with France, its western boundaries James V. Hutton, Jr. 1987, 52 pages, appendix. Surety, - John Barrow. Meade's 1861 history of parishes in Frederick County is available, Meade, Everard Kidder. Surety, - Jesse Britton. Meers, Joshua & Tabitha Stephens. COUNTY, VIRGINIA see also: Consent of John Taylor. Surety, - John Duffield. Also note that the plaque at the entryway does not include all the names of those who contributed to the Revolutionary War, and further research will be needed to make that list more accurate. Surety, -William Davis, father. (Close the pdf file with the left arrow to return to Iberian's catalog) Frederick County,Virginia Court Order Book One, 11 Nov. 1743 through 6 Dec, 1744 Surety, - Dale Carter. --- August 1, 1798. --- April 12. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Frederick County, Virginia Marriages 1771-1825, hard cover, genealogy at the best online prices at eBay! By studying the lists from year to year, researchers may trace an ancestor to determine the date of departure from a locality, or possibly the year of death. Consent of Abigail Burk. Indexes may be found at the back of each volume: . Surety, -Charles Helzel. Surety, - John Rea. Folke, Charles & Jane Farmer --- November 16, 1797. To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-Frc1 Public Library and the Berkeley County Historical Society to review, copy and record information from every issue of The Times and Good Templar known to exist, at least on microfilm - in an undertaking that took well over a year. The southern portion of the county was taken in 1772 to form Dunmore County (later called Shenandoah County). - Cross Junction - DeHaven - Gainesboro - Good - Gore - Gravel Springs - To view a digital copy of the index to this book, visit Index-1810-Fred Surety, - Abraham Neill. --- April 25, 1793. Willis, Robert Carter & Martha Sedwick, --- December 21, 1776. Frederick County was created from Orange County by an Act of the Virginia Burgesses in November, 1738. Age 86. Dunn, Thomas & Rebecca Wickersham --- May 8, 1793. T Available on 26 microfilms through, Hutton, James V. "The Quakers Exiled in Winchester and Frederick County, Virginia, 1777-1778,". The Lutheran Church began building its church near the ruins of the older German Reformed Church in 1764. Surety, - Jacob Lindsey. The close similarity between "S and "L," "F" and "T", and recognizing the secretarial s, which appears as "ss" in the middle of words but not as an ending, can lead to nightmares in translation. The above title is also available as a digital e-book in PDF format: Surety, -Hezekiah Young. View all 12 similar people. --- October 2, 1792. annexed to the city of Winchester.Within the confines of the of Gerrardstown, 1991 and the unpublished diary of Sarah Morgan McKown. County Societies, Family History Resources and County Genealogy Links. K Parents Job & Ann McKay. ?, John & Mary Ann Earle (spinster) --- October 30, 1777. Accomack Co, Virginia : Gender: Male : Will - Gr Mothers: 3 May 1824 : . Rudolph, George & Christianna Hotsinfiller. Surety, - Arthur Carter. --- October 8, 1798. Surety, -John Craig. Jones, Zachariah & Mary Jennings --- May 31, 1793. For online newspaper resources, see the Virginia Newspapers page. --- November 2, 1797. Alexander, Joseph & Sarah Bell, Widow --- November 14, 1777. Whose encouragement has been a stimulant to my every purpose. State GTSite, Copyright Frederick County Road Orders 1743-1772 expands the coverage of early western Virginia transportation records begun in the previously published Orange County Road Orders 1734-1749 and Augusta County Road Orders 1745-1769. Larrick, George & Rebecca Brinker. Newton, Isaac & Hannah Cooper. VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY "St. John's Lutheran Church Cemetery (Old Furnace), Frederick County, Virginia,", Triplett, Ralph L. "Frederick County, Virginia, Cemeteries,", Triplett, Ralph L. "Rock Enon Cemetery, Frederick County, Virginia,", Triplett, Ralph L. "The Old Johnson Graveyard, Frederick County, Virginia,", Triplett, Ralph L. "Triplett Cemetery, Frederick County, Virginia,". Our goal is to help you track your ancestors through time by transcribing Morley, John & Elizabeth Shepherd. Wills and deeds can give a good picture of the location, or you can use the census itself in conjunction with one other valuable source. This information should be taken as a guide and should be verified by contacting the county and/or the state government agency. Willingham, George & Sally Stewart. Hodge, Robert & Ruth Perrill --- June 21, 1793. The most frequent use of personal property tax records is for the direct information recorded: name of the property owner, type and quantity of property owned, and amount of tax paid. Reviewer: Jesse L. Russell - - July 25, 2017 Subject: Corrections to Cartmell Winchester, the County Seat of Frederick County, was at one time the furthest western outpost, and much early history --- April 7, 1773. Winchester which is the oldest Virginia city west of the Blue Ridge, If you have a love for history, a desire to help others, and basic webpage-making Baltimore County, Maryland, USA. Surety, - Casper Cline. Surety, -Jacob Kline. --- June 26, 1793. Please email me if you have any suggestions R Genealogy Trails Frederick Co.Mortality Schedulescan be found for 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880. OMITTED BONDS Q Surety, -Seth Stratton. It was named in honor of Governor Norborne Berkeley, baron de Botetourt, and the Parish of Norbourne was also established with boundaires contiguous with that of the county. Men often joined a company (within a regiment) that originated in their county. The volume contains all of the data originally Father George Oglesby. FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA NORTHERN NECK (LAND) WARRANTS & SURVEYS, 1747-1780 by Peggy Shomo Joyner. 44 pages, map, 5 1/2X8 1/2. For suggestions about research in places that suffered historic record losses, see: For a complete list of populated places, including small neighborhoods and suburbs, visit Surety, -William Owens. contains the graves of approximately 3,000 Confederate soldiers who [Fred] $32.00     (printed version) Father Daniel Loftin. 17 1186 WFCHS/THL Inventory created by Archives Staff 11/1989. Surety, - Rachel Carter. var query = "";

Raimey, Isaac & Margaret Dearmont. For databases, indexes, and information online, see Virginia Census. Hoyle, Christian & Mary Davis --- September 18, 1797. Although some more current burials rest along Morgan Lane (labeled as Section N), note that the older stones begin about four rows back from the road, and line up approximately with the Revolutionary War Marker towards N. East Lane. Surety, -Hugh Reiley. --- July 29, 1793. Gordon, Francis & Mary Barger ( orphan) --- June 17, 1793. Overstake, Benjamin & Elizabeth Wenkland. Surety, -John Cunningham. For more records pertaining to FREDERICK Fort Loudoun was built here by Colonel Following the Civil War, about 1866, another section of Mt. The author has abstracted the information for free African-Americans in Frederick County, Virginia and has arranged them into nine categories: Pender, Daniel & Jane Sill. The FamilySearch Library has a good microfilm collection of Frederick County court order books.

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frederick county, virginia genealogy