- Filled E-7 billet for 45 days; led 3 offices/14 enl/8 officer--key to PACAF's most dynamic tactics/training/intel prgms April 17, 2017. 4.16.3. - Strove for professional development--attended Lunch and Learn seminar--bolstered leadership development - Finished 3-day Msn Partner Plng crse; mastered key concepts/terms--applied skills to NATO exer mgmt role, - Hands on leadership! Professional Development EPR Bullets. - Empowered/dev'd Amn; removed all obstacles to efforts, trusted them w/critical tasks--forged way ahead for new ldrs Employee Appraisal Phrases: Growth and Development - dummies But let's not underestimate the importance of this task it is important. Air Force EPR Bullet Examples Thanks! Training EPR Bullets - Exemplified professionalism; assumed NCOA drill/flight sergeant duties--elevated fellow classmate standards, - Exemplifies professionalism! - Comp'd 16-hr Adv SNCOLC; garnered 382yrs TFI knowledge--honed ldrshp/mentoring skills, - Completed SNCO Course 14broadened leadership ability/knowledgeready for additional responsibility, - Distinguished Graduate of SNCO Academy Class 10D; recognized as a dedicated leader by peers and faculty. Comments referencing Air Force prerequisite Professional Military Education (or sister service equivalent) selection, attendance and/or completion are prohibited, to include implied comments. - Flexible and mature NCO with proven performance; adapts to any given tasking/attacks challenges with confidence, - Flexible and versatile NCO with unbound potential; leads by example; set high and attainable standards - Coord'd professional development sessions; taught NCO expectation/mentorship--postured NCOs f/future ldrship pos, - Pursued MA w/Organizational Leadership focus; earned 6 credit hrs w/Brandman University--stellar 4.0 GPA So example bullet could be; Target'd top 1%: aced 6 credits/achieved 4.0GPA--set std f/peers. Although Airmen don't write their own EPRs, they are expected to keep track of their accomplishments and provide a list of EPR inputs when it's time for EPRs. Thanks! - Displays a high degree of personal and professional integrity; enforces highest standards of military conduct - Completed NCO Professional Enhancement Course; reinforced responsibilities--enhanced supervisory aptitude - Mentored/guided LCAP prep; revitalized pgms/fixed 150 deficiencies--six Outstanding Performers recognized, - Mng'd 16 Amn as NCOIC of Sq's largest fltpenned 6 EPRs/7 awd packages--garnered 3 Sq/1 Gp-level awds! Strong EPR Bullets : r/AirForce - Reddit Enter contributions below and click Send. Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - Taught progressive discipline course for NCO Prof Development Seminar--base-wide junior leader impact - Rare leader; always does right thing, even when AF culture supports, allows deviations from moral standards, - Recognized and accepted personal assets and liabilities; displayed exceptional military professionalism Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. Professional Development EPR Bullets - Attended 3-day NCO enhancement seminar; honed supv/ldrshp skills--imparted skills to work ctr/filled ldrshp toolbox - Mastered EPR Prof Dvlpmnt crs/CPI/6 Sigma Green Belt crs; expanded LEAN principles/honed ldrshp skills/5 Amn With Safety Suite, trainers can assign PDPs to at-risk drivers and receive notifications surrounding their training, calls, and check ins. Selected class cmdr during NCOA; led 181 TSgts/org'd 4 wg outreachs--Levitow Awd recipient, - Stellar performer; completed online NCO Academy while deployed to AOR--preparing for future challenges, - Top 10% NCOA/class ldr; mentored 2 failing peers/directed service project--selected Distinguished Graduate, - Transactional leader at NCOA; scored top 10% recognized by instructors--awarded Distinguished Graduate, - NCOA Distinguished Grad; produced 6 annual/5 grp/3 wg & Tm Tyndall winners/2 CCAFs--mentored ldrs at all lvls, - Pursued self-improvement; active in Crse 14 PME; c/w 1 of 5 blocks--enhanced leadership/managerial skills, - Always seeking career growth; voluntarily self-enrolled in SNCOA DLC - 1/3 complete, leadership skills sharpened, - Enrolled in SNCO req crse 14; attained vital mgmt knowledge--advanced org supervisory/leadership toolbox, - Complet'd SNCO PME Course 14; broaden'd leadership ability/knowledge--working towards CCAF degree in Safety. A NCO Academy "Distinguished Graduate"top 10% of 180-mbr class--performs well above peers! Professional Development EPR Bullets | U.S. Air Force Professional Enter contributions below and click Send. - Completed professional development; attended 3 hour Emotional Intelligence course--strengthened leadership ability - Dedicated AF steward; showcased superb ldrshp skills recv'd in PDC--trnd 14 terminal prsnl/56 core tasks completed - Attended 4-day NCOPE seminar; bridged gap between ALS/NCOA--strengthened mentoring/supervisory skills June 29, 2017. Action Verbs 5 5. - Reinvigorated Sq/CC innovation prgm; tm surveyed 360 pers/compiled 25 ideas f/3 initiatives--exec'd HAF #3 priority ; hand-selected for ALS leadership honor--awarded Commandant's Leadership Award, - ALS Class CC; led peers during volunteer project; earned 8 CCAF credits--gained valuable ldrshp experience. More Self-Improvement Training EPR Bullets PME/Professional Development Training - Attended NCO Prof Enhancement Crse; gained valuable supervisory skills--prepared for future leadership role - Completed Airman Leadership school; developed key leadership attributes--sharpened communication skills Esprit de corps and community relations: Consider how well the Airman promotes camaraderie, embraces esprit de corps, and acts as an Air Force ambassador. Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. Professional Military Education (PME) EPR Bullets - Built Flt winners; authored 12 awd pkgs/conducted mock BTZ boards/pushed 3 upgrades--7 Sq OTQ's/1 BTZ/1 OTS, - Catalyst for recognition! - Enforced DDRO prgm; 9 police agencies/6535 lbs drugs received--100% compliance, eliminate abuse of medications - Chaired ALS ldrshp panel; mentored future NCO's/refined 22 selects--cultivated tier ethos/commandant lauded event, - Committed to develop jr enl; instituted FW's Amn Prof Enhancement Crs--filled breach between FTAC & ALS, - Completed "Continuous Learning for Supervisors" crse; filled supervisory toolkit--enhanced interpersonal skill, - Completed 40 hour AFRC NCOLDC; "re-blued" NCO core competencies--honed tactical leadership/mentoring skills, - Engrossed in professional growth; attended two PDS mentorship crs--enhanced leadership/followership skills, - Focused on self-improvement; accomplished NCO Professional Enhancement Course--reinforced AF standards, - Forged leaders; produced 31 FW Amn/yr, 31 CS NCO/yr, WSA NCO/qtr & 3x ALS John L. Levitow winners, - ID'd 34 errors on new AF curricula; submissions approved by Enl PME director--expedited launch to 68 ALSs, - Instructed SNCO PME career progression crs; paved way for future AF careers--energized 84 AF Sr leaders, - Learned effective supervisor strategies; graduated PME course--sharpened communication/leadership skills, - Led ANG/AFRC distant learning crs validation; administered test to 28 mbrs--aided AF-wide rewrite/9K Amn, - NCOA DG awardee/top 10% of 150 NCOs; applied ldrshp skills to 118 mbrs--three BTZ/nine flt awd winners, - OG's RNZAF SNCO Academy nom; ldrshp head & shoulders above peers/key ALS mentor--shaped 30 future NCOs, - Organized four NCOA flt study sessions; helped incr classmates' avg 20 percentage points--15 of 15 graduated, - Promoted FRLD; guided NCOs/produced 2 SEJPMEs/1 crse 14/6 CCAF degrees--gained insight/built leaders, - SME! Copyright EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. - Solid performer who set the pace for others to follow; demonstrated recurrent initiative for self improvement This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. Senior Non Commisioned Officer Files - AF Mentor - Delegated critical tasks responsibly--developed and empowered subordinates--workcenter 100% qual first time ever Attended 3-day leadership/ministry conference--applied knowledge/enhanced mgmt skills, - Led ROS investigation; coor'd w/Army & AF legal tms--cleared mbr/ensured accountability of $12K mil asset, - Mastered "Kan-do" Lean course; relocated 32 wpns/crew chief CTKs to fltline--saved 160 man hours/month, - Mastered 2 leadership crses, applied lessons learned; crafted ORE cell boss trng plan--100% a/c tasking met, - Mastered 3-day Resilience Trng Assistance Crse; handpicked as 1of 7 Wg resilience instr's--mentored 38 Amn, - Mastered AF Emerging Leader Prgm; completed 14 modules/42 hrs--polished management/leadership skillsets, - Mastered Diversity Mgmt trng; expanded knowledge on AF high-interest topic--critical to mentorship x32 Amn, - Military Saves Week attendee; two finance classes/held informative brief to section--instilled debt mngt skills, - Orchestrated 3-day Lunch-&-Learn evt; trained "RUFit" techniques--strengthened warrior ethos/3 workcenters, - Selected by Gp/CC over peers for LOA conf; mentored by Senior ldrs, postured for next gen acft mx challenges, - Sound/solid leadership; handpicked for & completed Production Super course--poised w/ unique mgmt skills, - Tackled 5-day Unit Tax Advisor certification; vol'd 36 hrs/assisted 38 mbrs--saved FW Amn $12K filing fees, - Aspires for future growth; completed 3 hr web based Sharepoint training--honed section information efficiency, - Attended 176 hr advanced avionics crs; gained key sys knowledge/14 task cert'd--ahead of peers 5-lvl upgrade, - Attended advanced troubleshooting FTD; used new skills to isolate faulty JRIU in 3 hrs--aided 85% 8-hr fix rt, - Attended ammo augmentee tng; aided in loading 50 munitions on acft--enabled 219 sorties Kunsan ORE Aug 13, - Attended environmental sys FTD; cert'd on 30 tasks--sharpened task proficiency/attained vital tech knowledge, - Awarded CCAF degree in EM; applied exceptional mgmt skills within org--set example for peers and jr NCOs, - Boosted prof knowl; accomp'd 40 hrs ethical/white hat hacking/PT/Linux cmd line--impr'd ntwrk sec practices, - Comp'd 2 business mgmt crses; enrolled in BA crs/1 class shy of CCAF--earned Proj Mgmt & Office Mgr MSI certs, - Completed "Tool Control MAX" crse; implemented new sys/trn'd 14 prsnl--drove accountability of >200 tools, - Completed 5 college classes; 16 hrs/anatomy/health science/sports/nutrition/exercise--led 10 AF mbrs healthy living, - Completed 5 college courses; garnered 20 credit hrs/increased business acumen--only 1 class shy of bachelors degree, - Completed 6-Sigma crs; authored $1M toolroom upgrade layout--floor space up 50%, checkout time cut in half, - Completed 8 hr GPC refresher; sole VM O&M/OCO card holder--rewarded w/zero funding discrep/oversite, - Con education advancement; cpl'd 5 classes maintained/3.4 GPA--earned 16 cr/hrs twds Acft Mx Technology degree, - Dedicated to self-improvement; enrolled in FAA A&P certification prgm--broadened a/c mx knowledge/skills, - Driven NCO! - #2/24 ALS; earned Academic Achievement and Distinguished Graduate Awds--head & shoulders above peers! Bullet Writing. - Completed 3 books & attended 2 hr author's lecture dedicated towards USAF history, resiliency, and self development - Stepped up as acting Sq FOD Ofcr, a position normally assigned to a SNCO--improved participation & reduced FOD - Drove mx during Large Force Exer; diligent efforts enabled eight B-2s airborne at once--first ever for 509 BW, - Dvlp'd subords; illustrated higher ed significance--2 NCOs on track for '17 CCAF grad/1 enrolled in Bachelors prgm. - Directed semi-annual tool kit inspection; identified/corrected <50 discrepancies--aided 90% QA pass rate - Flt "Amn of Month" board president; led 3-mbr panel/upheld process integrityrecognized flt's best of the best Professional Development EPR Bullets Job-related Professional Development - Aced in-res OPSEC crs; created 31 FW msn risk eval/countermeasures--reduced adversarial collection efforts - Completed Hazardous Material Inspector Crs; oversaw load planning of 8K missions--integral to OEF/OIF spt I've seen bullets for formal classes, professional development seminars, additional duty training, public speaking events, reading from the CSAF reading list, writing articles for the base paper, continuing education for certifications (cyber transport should have plenty of this), and so on. - Aced in-res OPSEC crs; created 31 FW msn risk eval/countermeasures--reduced adversarial collection efforts, - Completed Hazardous Material Inspector Crs; oversaw load planning of 8K missions--integral to OEF/OIF spt, - Completed 22 hr Air Freight crs; earned 1 sem hr towards CCAF Trans Mgt degree--applied knowledge daily, - Completed 2-day ancillary course; garnered 2 special certs/performed 6 critical repairs--increased flt task quals 25%, - Attended USMTM Engagement Conference; attained foreign advisory skills--enhanced cultural understanding, - Balanced msn/prof educ; completed 3 NIMS crses/gained key incident mgmt knowledge--FEMA lvl-3 cert'd, - Completed pallet build-up hands-on trng; utilized skills for no-notice WTD--built pallet received zero JI errors, - Led Wg OPSEC prgm/15 units/30 monitors; developed profiles/countermeasures--negated enemy exploitations, - Sought lean initiative; enrolled in Six Sigma Green Belt prgm--2 tech order changes approved/AF-wide impact, - Sought personal development; aced 4-day community ldrshp seminar by AWAG--broadened mgmt repertoire, - Dedicated ldr; completed AFSO 21 Supervisor tng--gained knowledge/facilitated positive idea environment, - Attended Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation class; SABC instructor certified--enhanced sq deployment capability, - Completed AMC load planning computer crs; earned 2 semester hrs towards CCAF--sharpened skills/abilities, - Mobility warrior; completed seven hours in-depth survival ops tng--sq rated "Excellent" during IG ATSO insp, - Accomplished two E-Learning Ldrshp courses; incorporated skills in section--inspired higher lvl of teamwork, - Completed QAE insp tng; guided 18 inspectors/303 evals/10 violations--enforced $3.2B commercial contracts, - Versatile; completed "Iraq in Perspective Course"--gained valuable knowledge of diverse cultural sensitivity, - Versatile; completed two Romanian Defense Language Proficiency Tests--valuable asset between AF/NATO, - Enrolled in Exportable Hazmat Inspector crs; provided sect w/versatility--enhanced certification capabilities, - Completed Lean Basics crs; developed real-time veh mx status tracking sys--increased 32 veh status visibility, - Certified Wg MRT/VVA; donated 198 hrs/taught 3 classes/incr'd 12 RTAs skill set--fortified CAF mindset f/140 pers, - Balanced duty/professional improvement, deployed; aced Crse 15 PME--tapped trng/mentored 4 NCOs/3 Amn, - Attended Mgt Aerial Port Ops crs; amplified ldrshp/technical skills--tnd 4 new pers/eased 35% shift turnover, - Grad'd 3 courses/14 hours of Defense Acquisition Contracting tng; earned Phase II cert--honed pgm mgt skills, - Slam dunked AEF preparation; 14 CBT's/2 in-residence crses/mbr good-to-go--100% rdy & staged to respond, - Attended three ERAU Webinars: Aviation Security, Safety, & Green Supply Chain--NCO adv skills expanded, - Earned Professional Manager Certification credentialed by CCAF; leadership and management experience showcased, - Attended 1st Sgt symposium; learned valuable ldrshp/resource options--increased the number of add'l duty shirts 20%, - Attended 40hr First Sergeant Symposium; attained trusted skill to help manage 731st MUNS morale/welfare, - Chosen over 5 instructors to fill commandant role; flawless execution during 2-mo absence--develop'd 84 Amn, - Completed Professional Development Ldrshp Seminar; increased resource mgmt skill--utilized in 1st Sgt duty, - Enhanced Core Values; completed leadership/conflict management course--ready for increased responsibility, - Enhanced SNCO skill; c/w ADLS leadership/conflict mgmt course--adv mgmt skill utilized/streamlined flt ops, - Finished "First Sgt Symposium"; developed leadershipapplied skills to 56 pers--offset dplyd Shirt shortage, - Highly motivated; recently grad'd John Maxwell "360 Degree Ldrshp crs"--amplified ldrshp/managerial skills, - Selected for 8 wk Airpower Leadership Academy; aced 5-pillar curriculum--honed active leadership/mentoring skills, - Completed Strat Leadership crs; earned 3 credit hours/finished 85% BA/retain'd 4.0 GPA--coach'd 8 Amn w/ed goals, - Seized 12 prof development crs; broadened leadership/managerial skills--mentored 10 Amn/NCOs/Officers, - Self-improvement driven; attended five-day PME course--honed communication/leadership/management skills, - Mastered 16 hrs "Civilian Supervisory" crs; developed managerial skills--enhanced professional development, - Attended one day supervisory/management courses; optimized leadership skills--expanded prof development, - Attended 20-hour SNCO professional development crs; acquired ldrshp/mgt skills--prep for NCOIC position, - Attended 8 hr "Developing the Ldr w/in You" seminar; learned new ldrshp skills--integrated into daily sq ops, - Attended 8 hrs PDS; acquired ldrshp skills/gained info on mil educational benefits--broadened AF career plan, - Attended 90 hour NCO professional development seminar; enhanced supervisory skill--molded future leaders, - Attended Amn Pro Development crse; enhanced leadership/comm skills--impart'd knowledge to 26 fellow Amn, - Attended Amn Prof Development crse; elevated professional comm--greatly enhanced ldrship/personal growth, - "Purple" ready! Thanks! - Articulate; briefed 32 civic leaders/CMSAF on LO systems--highlighted contributions of B-2 to AF/community, - Attended 2-hr A&FRC ldrshp crs; mentored HS students/est team collaboration--bridged generational gap w/42 teens - Organized MXS/CC call; coor'd time/location for eight briefings--climate survey/critical info delivered to Sq therealcoso 3 yr. ago. Job-related Professional Development - Aced in-res OPSEC crs; created 31 FW msn hazard eval/countermeasures--reduced adversarial collection efforts - Completed Hazardous Material Inspector Crs; oversaw load raumordnung of 8K missions--integral to OEF/OIF spt - Focused on recognizing prsnl--authored 1 BTZ/1 Sq/1Gp qrtly winner/Gp's Amn Lt Gen Leo Marquez Awd winner, - Gp's SAPR rep; launch from AMC/CV-chaired intro & processed 2 cases--added lasting sq impact to HQ msg When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball - Superb motivator; vaulted production/support effort--helped wg achieve 1.1K sorties/5.6K flying hours, FY13 This growth may help employees gain more confidence in their abilities and improve their contribution to the company. - Implemented new travel card rqmts; coordinated 122 certifications--100% complete/beat suspense by 6 days Professional Development: Body building / personal trainer / PTL Completing a marathon Martial arts certifications/belts Professional development seminars Reading from the CSAF/CMSAF book list (s) Writing articles in the base paper Continuing education units (CEUs) for IT AFSCs Additional duty training Submitting articles to peer-reviewed journals - Completed 9 cr hr ldrshp/mgmt crs; fortified strategic communication/feedback skillset--shaped Sq Amn OTQ winner I briefed FTAC for the better part of 3 years and reached over 3,000 airmen, pretty strong bullet for 2 briefs and 2 hours a month. Professional Development EPR Bullets - Participat'd in weekly skill-building/mentoring group sessions; 2 programs/8 hrs; mental/spiritual AF pillars shored up handpick'd by Fayetteville State University as global citizen of yr--awarded '18 FSU CRED cert' Leadership EPR Bullets - A leader among peers; unceasingly involved with AMXS critical processes--increased MC rate 26% for FY14 - Advised CC on 4 NJPs/discharge pkg; two SrA BTZs/vacated TSgt demotion--secured discipline for 230 Amn - Amn whisperer; conveyed standards, renewed pride in unit and uniform, workcenter now working as a team This author unlocks the "magic" of effective bullet writing through proven techniques. Education Bullets for EPR/awards : r/AirForce - Reddit - Academic Review Board mbr f/ALS; review'd records/interview'd staff/stdt--equipp'd Commandant f/decision Contact admin@eprbulletsafsc.com Disclaimer. - Exceptional supervisor; mentored 11 Amn in financial security--prepared Flt mbrs for nat'l economic downturn The Air Force considers certain topics to be inappropriateMore. Personal / Professional Development Personnel Writing (EPR/OPR/Awards/Decs) financial miscellaneous Most Recent Additions Common Links April 24, 2023 Go here for common Air Force links. Safety Suite's Professional Development Plan (PDP) Module helps fleets implement a professional development program that is standardized, efficient, and highly effective. Air Force Professional Development Training EPR Bullets Chosen over 109 candidates as FTAC Team Lead; entrusted with developing 30 Airmen from, - Promoted VOCC monthly PME sessions; cemented AF military standards--boosted 19 junior Amn's knowledge, - Focused on professional development; finished two Leadership Pathways Courses--reinforced AF standards, - Highly-rated SNCO; Completed SNCOA/SEJPME & broadened leadership ability/knowledge--Amplified expertise, - Represented AF at joint 3 week Army Warrior Leadership Course--lauded for leadership/coined by Wg/CCC, - Finished 12 hrs ldrship CBTs; took initiative/acquired control of section morale fund--enhanced 21 mbr's QoL, - Future Leader; attended 2018 176 WG Enlisted Leadership Symposium--gained leadership vision & prof/development, - Created OTS seminar; consulted USAFA grads/Ed office--illustrated process f/25 Amn--Wg's 1st commissioning PDC, - Read Art of War by Sun Tzu; enhanced leadership/military strategy/tactics knowledge--daily put skills to work, - Pursued professional development; attended principles of instruction course--sharpened instructor acumen/mgmt skill, - Premier Wg Mentor! - Ensured Amn were aware of career opportunities, benefits, and entitlements; primed Amn for career success, - Established rater-ratee evaluation protocol; kept up-to-date records--streamlined communication and appraisal efforts, - Expertly steered 384 hours of EPME curriculum and two graduation banquets for 51 students and 500+ guests, - Gp Supt by-name selected as ALS mentor; infused 20 airmen w/guidance & ldrshp--led next generation leaders, - Honed PME @ NCOPE Seminar; employed skills/techniques learnedenhanced briefing/writing capabilities, - Instituted wkly "5 Things to Know"; informed Gp/Sq mbrs on AF policies--enhanced prgm knowledge for 1.6K, - Kept Amn informed on cross-training/retraining/reenlistment options & limits--committed to thriving team, - Led wx flt for the 3 OG PME mentorship 5K run; encouraged younger Amn to finish--bolstered esprit de corps, - Mentored Amn on OCF/extended downtime forms reviews; 35 OCFs releasedwarranted gp Staff Pro, 3rd qtr, - Mentored four Amn on 5-level CDC taskings100% task completionupgraded two months ahead of schedule, - Mentored peers value of education; prov d degree/employment outlook/asst d w/strategic goals--2/5 earned CCAF, - Osan 5/6 Professional Development Committee mbr & food booth volunteer--$1378 raised for future projects, - Outfitted seven classrooms for 192 ALS Amn; prepared 800 student guides & OI updates--graduates msn ready, - Participated in two NCO development seminars; focused on ldrshp/supervision--rdy to guide two supervisors, - PME champion! Training & Education - Air Force Writer --poised to forge effective chg, - Cert'd I&E evaluator; skill quickly utilized on four prsnl--key to FW mntng 53 of 50 certs, 3% > MAJCOM std, - Completed 16 hrs "Continuous Learning for Supervisors" through e-Learning--cemented expert NCO abilities, - Completed finance crse; acquired strategic budgeting skills--mentored 27 Amn on how to improve credit rating, - Completed Mx officer academic session; educated on environmental aircraft systems; developed mx acumen, - Facilitated 5/6 speed mentoring session; taught career progression/leadership/EES--guided 20 FTA thru AD transition, - Facilitated three FTAC sexual assault briefs/64 students on UCMJ practices--instilled healthy morals/manners, - Filled Afghanistan's WWM Chief billet for 1 wk; coord'd 85 2W1 prsnl/$35M in eqpmnt--100% ATO fulfilled, - Filled SSgt shift load crew chief role; led peer through 5 SUU-20 ops cks--enabled 15 NATO upgrade sorties, - Great leader! - Vol at Klamath Falls Open House during deployment; operated F-35 souvenir booth--$5.4K raised for sq Booster Club, - Wg E5/E6 mentor; guided 9 TSgts thru board selection process/speed mentoring vol--invested in next gen enl leaders Af epr bullets. Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets. 2022-11-26 Professional Development EPR Bullets. - Bolstered Hungarian vocabulary; devised bilingual guide/taught class--tools used during multi-national TDY, - Completed Finance crs; org'd four briefings/taught basic financial classes--provided sound advice to 15 amn, - Completed Here's to your Health crs; earned three CCAF credit hrs--three classes shy from Log Mgmt degree, - Completed Public Speaking class; earned 3 credits hrs/held 3.4 GPA--awarded CCAF Logistics Mgmt degree, - Facilitated peer prof development crse; acquired bullet & report writing skills--incr'd supervisory knowledge, - Strives for professional development; completed Mentorship & Counseling crs--increased ldrshp/supervision aptitude, - Strives for self-improvement; completed "Perceptions" equal opportunity course--increased followership skills, - Hard charger! Read More September 25, 2021 Biography Template This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. - Produces consistent MX; shows desire for self improvement--accepts leadership opportunities to assist others Duty Position Requirements, qualifications, and certifications: Consider duty position qualifications, career field certifications (if applicable), and readiness requirements. Brown Bag Lessons: The Magic of Bullet Writing - Air University Professional development ideas refer to topics and activities for employees to improve their skills and advance their careers. - Attended 2-day APEC seminar; reinforced airmanship/leadership skills--bridged prof dev gap between FTAC & ALS, - Attended 3 professional development seminars; received 8 hrs EPR/ldrship training--gained crucial supervisory skills - Sought out professional development; completed 8 hr Amn mentorship course--prepared for career challenges Selected by peers/instr f/ distinguished academics/leadership--received Levitow Awd, - Mastered SNCO PME; completed Course 14--sharpened leadership capabilities/promoted PME among peers, - Conquered SNCOA DL -- highest score in Wing for this course! - Selected by peers as top performer; led eight study grps/11 students--NCOA 2012 DG proves worthy of MSgt! Represents SOLRS to allow enlisted voice heard to be heard throughout the wing! Air Force Hub - A repository tools built by Airmen for Airmen. PME/Professional Development Training EPR Bullets - Pursued graduate prgm/human resources cert; compl'd 2 crses/rcvd 6 credits/3.8 GPA--enhanced ldrshp/mgmt skills - Attended Creech 3-day Marriage Retreat; applied skills to strengthen marriage--enriched QoL/incr'd work production - Ramrodded three titanium deck repairs; eliminated crack progression--extended aft deck service life by 4K hrs Initiative/Motivation: Describes the degree of willingness to execute duties, motivate colleagues, and develop innovative new processes. Career Success. It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. - Thrust behind LCAP prep; groomed Amn/corrected 150+ discrepancies--6 Outstanding Performers recognized - Absolutely sterling performance at NCOA--awarded Academic Achievement plaque--represented AAFB well, - NCOA Class leader/aced academic crs; designed study plan layouts--garnered critical skills for SNCO duties, - Transactional leader at NCOA; scored top 10% recognized by instructors--awarded Distinguished Graduate, - NCOA Dist'd Grad/Commandant Award winner+ 87th Med Ops Sq NCO of the Year--poised for greater challenges.
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