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However, in "Lars and the Cool Kids", he is pushed to the limit, angered by Lars insulting Rose, and calls him a jerk, showing he does not hesitate to call out him on his bad behavior at times. and "I Am My Mom" he comes to a resolution about his feelings for Rose when he gives himself up as Rose Quartz to Aquamarine to both save his friends to atone for both their actions that led up to that point. In "Stuck Together" Steven is upset to find that Lars had ended up staying on Aquamarine and Topaz's ship and constantly tries to help him get off as a team effort. This article is about the character. Based off of a calculation of Pearls height (thanks to Akrivus) and Roses estimated height, I found the approxamite height of each crystal gem. Reverting to her old behavior, Spinel attacks Steven and briefly holds Garnet hostage, before retreating to the top of the Injector. Steven returns this sentiment, as shown by his efforts to assist Alexandrite in her fight against Malachite in "Super Watermelon Island". He wears a salmon-pink T-shirt with a gold star in the center. After Connie reassures Steven that he is still her best friend, the two reaffirm their bond by fusing and winning a best-skater contest as Stevonnie. But he soon realizes that the room made Rose exactly how the Gems portrayed her to be: the perfect, loving being. As a result, he decides to no longer hold back, enjoying the thrill of fighting and the freedom of using his full power which culminates in him gleefully massively attacking Jasper in a rematch of their fight from "Little Homeschool", causing, unintentionally and to his great horror, her shattering. Steven Universe. Afterwards, the four gems: Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, and Rose Quartz. In the last episode of the 6th StevenBomb, "I Am My Mom", Steven comes to terms with his feelings for Connie and confesses his love to her as he is taken away to Homeworld. He is initially very awkward and nervous to talk to her. Aquamarine is arguably Steven's worst enemy. However, he is still paranoid about her and her secrets as seen in "Lion 4: Alternate Ending". I'm sure your memories are in there somewhere, Pink. The skin and hair have bright orange markings, which appear to . He soon discovers he can communicate with her through his dreams. This is continued when she delivers a nonchalant response to Steven giving her his ukulele as a parting gift, even storing it in her gemstone almost immediately after receiving the instrument. However, while there, the Rubies discover Amethyst was shapeshifted as Jasper, and engage in a battle with the Crystal Gems. Did you make me just so you wouldn't have to deal with all your mistakes? In "Everything's Fine", Steven expresses shame and regret in scorning Greg, along with getting away with shattering Jasper and attempting to murder White Diamond. In "An Indirect Kiss", Steven and Connie are shown not to care about things such as sharing the same straw. However, this ability to fuse is only possible through his gem and training, and once his gemstone was affected by Spinel's rejuvenator, fusing with his father proved to be extremely exhausting for Steven and severely weakened him since he lost the power and focus he originally had. Connie, however, is terrified of the thought of her parents knowing about this or any of the magical things she does with Steven. Edit Aug 13, 2016: Added Smoky Quartz. Throughout the latter half of Future he resembles his mother more, particularly her faults as he runs away from problems by helping everyone else with theirs, hides his feelings and distances himself from others, and shows a literally explosive temper that causes his powers to run out of control. I thought you never wanted to hurt anyone, but you hurt everyone! When Peridot asks if the others are with him, Steven tries to lie by shaking his head "no" until he nods "yes" with an apologetic shrug. However, when Steven revives him, Steven shows much more devotion and care to Lars, and he the same. After all three of them are back in Beach City, Steven expresses remorse over not being able to heal Pink Pearl's eye, feeling the mission was for nothing but Mega Pearl puts a smile on his face when she told him the both Pearls understand Pink Diamond beter and they now have each other. "Alone at Sea" shows that Steven cares enough about Lapis to bring her on a trip on Greg's rental boat to help her get over her trauma and fear of the ocean because of her experience as Malachite. Steven's gemstone projects a form that looks like a pink-colored version of Steven's human body and speaks in his voice after cycling through the forms of his mother. Steven Universe Size Comparison | Character HeightsToday we have a size/height comparison between characters from Steven Universe. Additionally, as his friends and family continue to grow and start to go out into the world and beyond, Steven has begun to struggle with his own self-identity and what he wants to do with the rest of his life. Again, White Diamond is initially dismissive of Steven, though he is angry at her for taking control of the other Diamonds and later, the Crystal Gems. Steven had his first meeting with White Pearl in "Legs From Here to Homeworld". Spinel sought out revenge on Steven due to him being the descendant of Pink Diamond, as stated by his broadcast, and she was jealous of the fact that he, or "Pink", now had new friends that were not herself. However, due to the Crystal Gems' obliviousness about some human activities, he is quite oblivious about some social terms, like "nuclear family". During a brief moment when the possibility of death is very real, Steven expresses no qualms about dying in Peridot's company. Rewatching season 2 of SU and making a drawing based on one of the episodes I watched that day, episodes 19-20 day 11: PIE-RIDOT!! Steven Universe: The Movie (Original Soundtrack), Steven Universe Future (Original Soundtrack), "Shy", "Hippie", and "Superfan" Rose Quartzes. r/stevenuniverse Steven Universe height chart. This is because Steven wants Rose to be that way. Jasper thinks Steven is just Rose Quartz hidden in a weak constitution, possibly after regeneration. She lets him have the first hit and as the fight goes on, she has Steven back into a corner where she down talks him on how he always tries to help others when in reality, he's the one who needs help. When viewed from the back, the bumps of Steven's hair form a rose shape, though this is more visible on the Funko Pop! The two are inseparable, with the relationship heavily skewed; coming mostly from Spinel. Steven's name and appearance are based on Rebecca Sugar's brother. It was further cemented when Greg completely misses the point after Steven's outburst when he compliments Steven for standing up to him instead of realizing some of Steven's points and the things he did miss out in his life; as Greg compliments Steven, he completely ignores his father, deleting a picture he'd taken of his middle school photo and demonstrating a loss of respect for Greg. when Yellow attempts to poof Blue, Steven stops her and makes her realize the error of her ways, in addition to recognizing Steven as his being. When Steven returns to Little Homeworld after his fight with Spinel, Bismuth is happy to learn that he is unharmed and greets him along with Lapis and Peridot. Despite being educated in an isolated environment and never attending conventional school, he possesses a good deal of knowledge not only on general topics, but also in scientific and technical fields like physics, chemistry, and geography due to being educated by the highly intellectual Pearl. In "Together Breakfast", he had a phone that resembles an, However, as of "House Guest", a new phone can be seen on his nightstand and again in ", Steven was taught by Greg how to play the ukulele when he was only a toddler, as shown in the, Steven seemingly can breathe in space, as shown in ". Amethyst then proceeds to inform her about the truth, and Jasper meekly sinks into the pool. Pearl is (in comparison with Amethyst) calm and collected. Rose then reassures Steven that she didn't make Steven just so she didn't have to deal with her guilt and that the tape she left him is proof that she wanted him and let him exist. However, upon seeing each other at the party, tension and uncertainty between them (due to Steven believing that Connie's new look was a sign that she had decided to move on from him, and Connie presumably being uncertain of what Steven thinks of her after unintentionally leaving him completely in the dark during the duration of their estrangement) prevent them from reconciling immediately. -Updated Pearl's render to have a less bumpy gemstone. Steven is the most durable character in Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers. He believes that he can't tell Pearl anything without her blaming herself and falling apart, that Garnet acts "high and mighty" and lectures him, and that Amethyst is only "acting" mature and needs to get over herself. Despite his underdeveloped magical power and lack of experience, he has proven himself to have much heroic potential through his resourcefulness, optimism, and confidence. He still keeps his blue jeans and salmon-pink sandals, but his shirt is now sky-blue with a yellow star in the center, and he also wears a pink varsity jacket with white trims. Steven reunites with Lars, introduces Connie to the Off Colors, and the two deliver the package to Lars. Your voice inspires us, binds us, reminds us why we promised to protect the planet. Steven is devastated by Lars' death and cries over him knowing he did not save him. This could hint he is sorry and is trying to be more respectful to her desires. Sugilite, in turn, enjoys having an audience to her show-off actions. Shocked at her apparent betrayal, Steven leaves her locked in the truck and tells the other Gems of what occurred, very upset at Peridot for having learned nothing. When they find a potential way home, Steven does not want to leave Lars behind, but he is convinced, and instead of high fiving, they hug each other, showing how close they have become since the beginning as Lars allows Steven to return home. He has also started coming to terms with suppressed trauma that he has built up over the course of his years of adventures and near-death experiences with Gems. As stated in the Steven Universe: Origins book, 'Jasper is tragically obsessed with proving her superiority. Steven shares his birthday with Steven Sugar, August 15. In "Mindful Education", one of Stevonnie's hallucinations is the giant head of Rose Quartz staring down menacingly at them, further highlighting Steven's doubts on what he should think of his mother. In "The Future" as Steven is preparing to leave Beach City, Peridot is more upset than most, sobbing after wondering where she'll find another Steven. 157. Connie also gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, heavily implying their feelings for each other. "A Single Pale Rose" once again changes Steven's view of his mother after learning she actually was Pink Diamond. "Made of Honor" further shows his enthusiasm for weddings in the form of the wedding planner book he claims to have been putting together his entire life and he shows great zeal in preparing for and performing Ruby and Sapphire's wedding in "Reunited". For my whole life, I've been hearing stories about you. Regardless, Steven is willing to defend Rose, like when he snapped at Lars for insulting her. In "Cry for Help", a picture of Connie can be seen in Steven's room. Steven jokes around with Blue and even says that the two should spend more time together. Deep down Steven feels guilt over his mother not being around and inferiority over not being able to live up to her reputation. Steven acts as the support character in Steven Universe: Attack the Light. His forearms are thick and powerful, bearing large human-like hands with four fingers and a thumb each, all five digits bearing sharp, dark pink claws. Despite his naivety Steven still has a more grounded and practical outlook than his three caretakers, often correcting them on normal human interactions. In "Bluebird" he shows a more snarky, cynical and sarcastic personality when dealing with Bluebird and a resurfaced Aquamarine and "Eyeball"; "A Very Special Episode" highlight his maturity and practicality as he races between Garnet and Pearl to help keep both situations under control. As a human/Gem hybrid, Steven possesses unique physiology, resembling a fusion of a Gem and a human. I can't deal with more horrible thing she did, Okay?! Lonely Blade: Evil Janitor Lonely Blade Lonely Blade's Brother While Steven is typically friendly and kind-hearted by nature, his enthusiasm and excitability can get out of hand and he ends up doing more harm than good. In Steven Universe: The Movie, two years after the events of the end of the fifth-season finale "Change Your Mind", Lion, while keeping his typical independent feline traits (such as docility and long naps), has become more loyal to Steven, and seems to perfectly understand him now (likely due to him having matured a lot over the two-year time skip), listening to what Steven says and showing both worries for him during his final conflict with Spinel, and affection after he emerges from it alive and alright. In "I Am My Monster", Connie assists the Gems and Greg in trying to calm down and revert Steven back to normal. Later, Lion demonstrates his caring and protectiveness of Steven's well-being when he stops him from blindly running after Lapis after she opens the base's doors, and then nuzzles Steven in comfort when he ultimately fails to stop her from leaving. and G.A.L.S. In "The Good Lars", Lars and Steven seemed to have developed a more open friendship, even taking his advice to bake the Ube cake, and asks when Steven even got so mature. However, Steven does still feel comfortable enough to talk to Pearl about his problems in "Historical Friction". These feelings come to a head in "Are You My Dad?" The prime example is during his conversation with Connie about a family gathering in which Connie mentions the concept of a nuclear family, which makes Steven think that she thinks the Crystal Gems are radioactive. In "Ocean Gem", Steven is the one who insists on speaking to her and gets angry when she refuses to do so and hurts him and his friends. After many failed attempts, Peridot comes up with a new plot, their own character "Steffan" will do one of the characters dirty by kissing their love interest. At the end of "Everything's Fine" and during "I Am My Monster", he transforms into a giant Kaiju-sized monster after coming to the conclusion that he is one. "Little Graduation" shows Steven is shocked and somewhat saddened by the fact that Sadie and Lars have grown apart and she is now dating Shep. After a frustrated Connie leaves on an equally upset Lion and stops responding to Steven's texts afterward, Steven becomes afraid that she hates him now. If the Stevens were kept apart each would be focused only on seeking their other half and becoming whole again. The only problem with that is that now White smothers him with attention, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. When Lars later has a breakdown after learning that Sadie is now in a band with Steven and the Cool Kids, and assumes that she is having such a good time to spite him for all the times he let her down, Steven and Connie set him straight; they tell him that Sadie does still care for him and is very worried for him, but she has to keep going in her life, just like Lars has to keep going in his life as he tries to get back to Earth. After everything you've been through, you must be in a lot of pain. At one point during this time, Connie rides him to Steven's house in an attempt to reconcile in person after failing to do so over the phone, only to find that he'd gone on vacation. Humans: Lars Barriga, Other Gems: Minor Gems Unknown Gems (Morganite Nephrite-XJ Cut-763 Unknown Quartz Warrior Blue Diamond's Court Pink Diamond's Entourage Unknown Crystal Gems 67 Elite Citrines Pyrites Hessonites, Demantoids, and Pyropes Kyanites), Forced Fusions: Cluster Gems (The Cluster), Comic Gems: Ant Gem Monster Clock Tower Gem Frozen Fragment Glass Ghost Invisible Manta Ray Mole Gem Monster Mollusk Monster Lizard Gem Obelisk Old Book Gem Plant Monster Perils of Pweepwee Rainbow Cloud Monster Red Bird Gem Monster Red Eel Monster Scorching Shard Slime Gem Monster Slug Monster Snowbeast Tentacle Monster Unknown Giant Bird Vine Monsters, Others: Baby Melon Blue Crabs Cactus Steven Holo-Pearl Magic Moss Steven Jr. Watermelon Stevens, Animals: Butt Lobster Crystal Basilisk Dog Giant Bird Mask Island Birds Mask Island Fish Mask Island Worm Onion's Mouse Onion's Snake Party Guy Raccoon Seagulls Snake Steven The Third Susan Minor Animal Characters He does, however, manage to get her to realize just how many times she has made Pink cry, and Blue agrees to help him return to Earth, even fighting Yellow to do so, in addition to finally acknowledging him as his own separate being. The advice, of course, ends up having the opposite effect, instead causing Connie to believe that Steven has given up on making amends with her after being unintentionally abandoned and shut out by her for so long, and has decided to both drop her as his best friend and replace her with Kevin, which is seemingly confirmed in her eyes when the two have an awkward encounter in which he, still under Kevin's influence, implies that he has moved on from her and Lion, and is much happier with them out of his life. In Save the Light, Steven retains all of his abilities in Attack the Light (barring the Escape option) and has some new abilities. Hurt by Pink's abandonment, she vowed to destroy Steven's new friends and the planet that Pink had loved so much. Aquamarine reacts to this by looking visibly annoyed. Immediately after Sapphire and Ruby's re-fusion in "Jail Break" Garnet acts a lot more emotional and loving towards Steven, indicative of the deep, true love that she has for him that her pre-regeneration self would not, or could not, express. He can warp using the Warp Pads and bubble objects and gemstones to be teleported to the Temple with seemingly full control. In the following episode "Growing Pains", after calling Steven out of concern for him, and noticing his out-of-control powers, Connie insists that he seek medical help and arranges for her mother to examine him at the hospital. However, he is one of the slowest and can not jump high. In "Chille Tid", Steven is horrified by Jasper, and Jasper immediately attempts to attack him in an incoherent fury. This Gem version of Steven is insistent that he is not Pink Diamond. I've been crying her tears! In "Little Homeschool" Steven attempts to get Jasper to join him and the rest of the uncorrupted Gems at their school, to which the latter turns down the offer. By approaching her calmly and feeding her Chaaaaps, Steven managed to calm her down, and later train her. During this, she becomes shocked to learn that Steven never told the Gems about going to the hospital, and is even more shocked when he reveals that he shattered Jasper and nearly did the same to White Diamond. At first, she is wary of her surroundings, being scared by the presence of the rest of the Crystal Gems. Onion is Steven's friend whom he talks to in the episode "Bubble Buddies". Steg is the only fusion involving Steven that solely uses "he/him" pronouns. First meeting Bismuth in the episode of the same name, Steven is quick to respond warmly, showing admiration towards her tales of past battles and laughing indulgently at her jokes. After capturing Connie, Steven commands her and Topaz to let his friends go, to which Aquamarine uses her wand to hurl Steven towards a tree. As associated with his gemstone, Steven's powers are maternal and the control of his gemstone is based on emotional clarity. Golf Quest Mini: Ace Ace's Father They finish by reminding Lars that he and Sadie are best friends and would never do anything hurt each other, fusing into Stevonnie in the process. Garnet is the fusion of Ruby and Sapphire and the current de-facto leader of the Crystal Gems. Steven is shown to have unique tastes in entertainment. Pat-Man15 5 yr. ago. But then they were cast out, forgotten when the traitor duped all of Homeworld into loving him instead. She asks if he is "My-Dad" again, he says no, and she flies off. Answer me! Measured by Dr. Maheswaran in "Growing Pains". He was rather annoyed that he only got two and a half words in, and was frustrated when she didn't show up to the Era 3 ball. However, Pearl can defeat them after she overcame her initial surprise. Steven. "I Am My Monster" shows her genuine concern over Steven, as while the Crystal Gems and Connie attempt to reach out to Steven, Lapis is shocked upon the relevation that Steven actually transformed into a giant monster. He was especially frustrated when the Gems wouldn't always tell him the truth about things or how things really were. "Prickly Pair" shows that Steven is somewhat frustrated with Amethyst's growth and maturity, believing that she is only "acting" mature. It is there that Onion shows Steven around his room, inviting him to feed his pet snake and show Steven his collection of G.U.Y.S. The three then begin crying immediately and let him know how they truly feel, with Garnet's being a bunch of tears bursting out of her eyes. White Diamond: What is this? Throughout the show, Steven is shown to have impressive cooking skills. As seen in "Reunited", Steven has the power to officiate weddings in the state of, Steven's bubble boxing gloves are similar to the Bari Bari No Pistol technique of the character Bartolomeo from. Steven's added arsenal of powers in his pink state is also similar to is Meliodas' Berzerk state and Assault Mode. Their relationship slightly sours for a while in "Dewey Wins", when Connie gives up in frustration after trying to make Steven understand how much he hurt her by surrendering to Homeworld and asks Lion to take her home. "Growing Pains" shows that all of the Gem missions Steven went on made him incapable of managing normal human-level stress. He becomes very eager to meet the fusion when Amethyst and Pearl reveal the information and the concept of fusion to him. In "Onion Trade", Steven gives his favorite action figure to him as a gift, although Onion had originally stolen it. A great example is in "Bismuth" and throws something at her and yells, "Look out!" In "Reunited", Connie participates in Ruby and Sapphire's wedding and fights alongside Steven and the other Crystal Gems. That's got to shift. Immediately after, Steven retains his kind and remorseful attributes as shown when he brings Jasper's gemstone shards home after calming down from his battle high and uses his and the Diamonds' essences to restore it. The only people he has opened up to about it are Amethyst, Bismuth, and the Cool Kids. Around 4.5 feet to 5 without enhancers and 5.5 to 6 with them That's assuming the paint cans she uses are a gallon and are 7.5 inches high. . When Steven accidentally causes Pink Pearl to become trapped in a shell that will rejuvenate her, he feels guilty and tries to free her. In "Bismuth Casual", Steven and Connie go with Pearl and Bismuth to a roller rink to have fun. After it was revealed in "A Single Pale Rose" that Pink Diamond created Rose Quartz as an alias to escape her duties and protect the Earth, Steven admits to Amethyst in "What's Your Problem?" Sapphire. Lion shoots Steven a disapproving glare before leaving with her, showing that he shares her anger at Steven over his surrender, as well as him treating the situation as nothing, and ignoring her feelings about it. Rose is Steven's mother, although he has never met with her face-to-face since she gave up her physical form to create him, he has shown great interest in her and her past.

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steven universe height