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She proceeds to throw gasoline about the cabin. Eventually the house explodes, engulfing the place in flames with Bonnie and the twins still inside. Bonnie agrees to help Damon and Stefan break the spell on the tomb long enough to get them in there to retrieve the moonstone. As the huntress, Bonnie will now develop Rayna's hunter instinct, which will cause her to grow an extreme hatred towards all vampire kind and this will making her a threat to the show's protagonists and her best friends; Damon, Stefan, Caroline and her own boyfriend, Enzo, stopping at nothing until she has killed them all. Bonnie, who stands up claims she will see it all through and then walks out. With Sybil's release, she peers into his mind and tells them that consciously, Damon believes to be in hell. Black Determined to find answers, she seeks out Alaric. Damon has saved her life on various occasions throughout the course of the series and because of it, Damon is seen as Bonnie's hero and protector (in the series, Bonnie and Damon hate each other and will only work together if they have to). ", [The flame had burned down on the match and started to burn Elena's hand. Outside he embraces her and they share a deeply passionate kiss. He asks her to leave or that he'll make her. Once they arrive at the Armory Bonnie and Alaric talk. Enzo is too slow swatting away the gun and she shoots him in the side of the abdomen; he can no longer move. The spell eventually succeeds with Bonnie figuring out that Kai has had the Ascendant all along. Jeremy tells Bonnie's parents that his sister is in trouble and they need Bonnie's help, but Abby says that her daughter is done with helping Elena Gilbert. After Seline's conversation doesn't end well, Bonnie spies the list she has been writing, a list of names with Georgie's at the top. Caroline wants her to focus on her and Bonnie realizes that her memories are being re-wired due to the Huntress curse to hunt vampires. Jeremy confronts Bonnie again on why she wants to kill herself for Elena and they are overheard by Damon. Malcolm, Lily's favorite Heretic, spots a human hobo who has not abandoned Mystic Falls and attacks him, draining him of blood. Bonnie in response says that Vicki is here because of him and that he should let Vicki go. Caroline tells the girls, now she's ready, because her best friend is here. When Jeremy puts his hand on Bonnie's neck, they both can feel it and realize the spell has worked and Bonnie has become the Anchor. [Walks in living room and sprays couch with lighter fluid. Bonnie and Damon found themselves back in Mystic Falls. Enzo corrects her, "when", that when he says he'll doing something, that he means it. Bonnie, later, explains to Damon that she spoke to Kai and tells him that they didn't destroy Hell. MATT: In this case all of us in Mystic Falls. As they attempt to leave, Bonnie takes matters into her own hands and vervains Enzo, knocking him unconscious and driving away with him in the back seat of the car. She shows Matt the video, which is of Kai, who tells her that he is upset that she left him in the 1903 Prison World and that he linked her life to Elena's. Shane mentions Jeremy's death and that he was there when Silas awoke and, to gain the strength he needed to feed on Jeremy. Bonnie is then seen at the Boarding House with Damon as they wait for Abby to arr rive. Later that night, Bonnie goes to the burned down cabin that Enzo and her shared for three years. However, in Season Six, the two rekindle their friendship and decide to breakup. She is later seen trying to call Damon for help, only so Enzo notices and takes away her cellphone before she can call him. He tells her she needs to come with him, and that they are going to "register for classes.". He brings her over and they kiss and begin slow dancing. Since then Damon and Stefan are alive thanks to her. Just as Bonnie is about to Kill Enzo, Damon is successful in destroying the last remaining Everlasting, breaking the Huntress' curse. She warns him that if Damon spills one drop of innocent blood, she will kill him. Sheila tells her, "You can do that, expression is a manifestation of your will, you can do anything, I don't like it but sometimes there are no choices, but you are strong enough, you can do this". I don't want to live here anymore. Bonnie's birthday is February 5 and her astrological sign is Aquarius. Dr. Martin doesn't hear her and soon the lights up above start to explode. Back in the prison world, Bonnie admits that she misses her friends then sets her Christmas tree on fire. Elena tells her she wanted to process about the cure and tells her she wants to be a human again but it's just complicated right now. When she walks in, she is shocked to see candles lit everywhere. Enzo appears to Bonnie and tells her that he's not and that it's not her time. Bonnie then collapsed to the ground. Stefan, Damon, Enzo and Bonnie work together to stop Rayna. Bonnie, and Katherine talking at the diner. Virginia tells Bonnie that her family hunts things, and that they don't stop until they get what they want. As Damon plunges his hand further into Enzo's chest, Bonnie makes her choice, she chooses Enzo. Bonnie complies and tells her that they will leave, though Seline mentions the weapon that they were looking for, the Tuning Fork. Sybil arrives and indicates that she invited both Damon and Stefan. Bonnie is running through resurrection spells using the Phoenix Stone as the binding agent; she briefly brings back "Oscar", though her quickly dies once more. Damon shows up telling them both that the psychic blast of Arcadius' death blew him back into his body. Later, at the Boarding House, Bonnie explains to the gang, and Alaric and Dorian who are at the Armory, that when Cade crossed planes with the eleventh ring of the Maxwell bell, other souls like Kai could do so as well. WitchGhost (Formerly)The Anchor (Formerly)Supernatural Huntress (Formerly) Alive (Resurrected/Granted Rayna's Remaining Lifespan) She doesn't care what he does and mockingly tells him to have "safe travels" and slams the cabin door in his face. He promises he won't let Kai out, but he just wants the Ascendant. The message was that as long as Elena was alive, the transition cannot take place, and Tyler would die. They have their small fights every now and then, but ultimately come together as friends and ally to help their other loved ones against the one thing they hate the most: the Heretics. She has been drugged and tied up by Kai, who has flown them from Mystic Falls to Portland, where his family home is located. Enzo calls her, she tells him that she know what they are planning, that see can see it. Abby blatantly tells her no though Bonnie disregards her mother. They invite her to sit with them and seeing that Jeremy had not arrived yet, Bonnie sits down. Bonnie also sacrifices herself to let Damon go home. Bonnie tells her it's way too late and that all of her friends are vampires and that she even loves one. Caroline was a shallow girl who envied Elena and usually talked to Bonnie about it. Bonnie's father, Rudy Hopkins is Mystic Falls' new mayor and he makes it his priority to protect Bonnie and the town. Enzo believes otherwise, that she's always had her magic and that why she's been able to stay connected with him. Bonnie continues by saying that Josie and Lizzie have made strides in their Gemini magic. Bonnie gets a great shock when she suddenly feels and sees her grams holding hand. It is later revealed that Esther was in the fourth coffin. ", Katherine then tells Bonnie to hurry up, Bonnie tells Katherine that she can't reach out to Qetsiyah while Katherine is breaking her concentration every 5 seconds. In Fool Me Once, Bonnie was found lying by Elena in the bathtub where they got locked up. Bonnie Sheila Bennett is one of the main characters of supernaturel romance drama series, The Vampire Diaries. He was so happy until he realized he couldn't feel her hands on his face. Bonnie replies to him "This is what happens when you make enemies, Enzo. Having all the remaining names on Rayna's list killed off, Damon gather the descendant of the original shaman that cast the spell and Rayna to perform the transfer spell. Bonnie had no qualms when she telekinetically drove a pick axe through Kai's heart, knowing that he is of no use to her and Damon and also knowing that Kai is a psychotic murderer who has no moral or guilty conscience. Massak claims that he will not go any farther and Shane gives him Silas' Headstone, which is not needed to open Silas' tomb, just to pay Massak with. A weakened and semi-conscious Enzo see what Bonnie is about to do to him, yet unable to move. Enzo suggests skydiving. He is still pinned within the car, and cannot get his leg free. Suddenly, during the kiss, Bonnie gets a strange vibe and knows what he truly is. Just before her funeral, Bonnie is watching Elena crying on Damon's shoulder about her death. Luka gets in Bonnie's face and demands to know what had happened to him. She tells him to tell Lily that she's running late and to stall her until she finds the Ascendant. Bonnie explains to her what happened and Elena realizes that Stefan risked his freedom to save her. Bonnie means the world to Grams and tells her that she's cheating, but will do the spell. He tells her it's not that he doesn't care about Elena but he has to think about his family, that he can't fail his daughters. Enzo questions where she's going, and she admits she doesn't know, but she has too. Bonnie and her mother Abby meet up with Esther and Finn at the old mansion. She told Caroline that Elena was there with Damon, leaving her shocked and she hung up on Bonnie. When she does, Bonnie has a cold attitude towards her because of her recent departure. ], Elena: [shouting] "There's nothing here for me anymore, Stefan. So you are gonna repack your things. With her Vicki clue unfruitful in locating Damon, she tries a different approach. Later, Bonnie tells Damon about Alaric's intentions to raise the dead and reassures him that she convinced him to drown it in acid. Stefan immediately sees that Bonnie senses something. Shelia is shocked to hear this but continues by saying she's so close to having the happiness she's always wanted. She suggests not to go to the Homecoming Dance and figure out the symbols, when Elena says that she doesn't have anything to wear. Through a memory flash of Sybil scanning Enzo's mind it reveals his and Bonnie's moments just after Enzo woke up from when Bonnie drugged him. Bonnie screams in pain, as her lover is murdered. In Into the Wild, Bonnie arrives at the island where Shane claims that the cure is along with Stefan, Elena, Damon, Jeremy, and Rebekah. Before she attacks him, she tells him to go. Later, while talking to Damon about how they're stuck together because she's linked to Elena and has been given a task to look after him, Bonnie is nearly hit by a car which Damon saves her from. They work together to find a way out and form an alliance to take down Kai. Caroline attempts to reach Bonnie and enters her mind. Then he knew she was dead. They both fall to the ground and pass out. As Bonnie checks her phone, Enzo receives a call from Damon, who is supposed to be chained up since he is still under Sybil's control after having killed Tyler. Significant spells Bonnie responds with "it's like she's Caroline, but not Caroline". Despite the struggles Bonnie's faced, it appeared that they picked up where they left off and acted like not a day has passed since they got separated. Damon calls Bonnie seeking more help with finding Julian, with Nora, she believes there is something she can do. Bonnie, angered with Tiki's attitude, makes the hose run with her powers, and Tiki gets wet in the process. Bonnie rushes to the Mystic Falls High School and finds April in one of the science classrooms. Moments later, Jeremy's mark grows, allowing everyone to see it. Bonnie sees that Elena is really upset and fights the urge to go to her. When the veil was up, Jeremy gasped for air. Bonnie is seen taking her pills and asking the nurse if she had any messages from her doctor. However, Elijah apologizes and dashes away before Bonnie could stop him. Bonnie and Nora later discusses Nora and Mary Louise's relationship trying to offer advice. Jeremy was the first to develop romantic feelings for Bonnie and the first to express desire for a more romantic relationship between the two of them. Physically, Bonnie is a very beautiful and attractive young woman. Later on, while Damon starts plotting with Bonnie to get out of the dimension without Kai, he shows up and claims that despite them believing he is powerless, that his one power is to drain the power of other witches,as he then demonstrates upon grabbing Bonnie and draining her power by giving Damon an aneurysm. The continue to argue over the unopened letter Damon wrote to Bonnie before he desiccating himself. Just make it stop. He admits that he'll spend the rest of his human life with that guilt and looking for ways to atone; he also tells her that he's leaving Mystic Falls. Damon tries to be reasonable; even if someone is there, that doesn't guarantee a way out. Bonnie opens up and tells Jeremy that she feels all alone and he admits that he feels the same way. Without Sybil, Bonnie confirms that she was right, that Stefan will always protect Damon and that she has no power to help Enzo. Finally, Bonnie is with Elena and Jeremy at the Salvatore Boarding House. White lights begin poking through the dimension's walls and Damon walks up from behind her. They end up kissing but were interrupted by Damon who needed Bonnie's help in lifting the spell that Esther placed to keep the vampires in the school. Finale Recap: Break On Through. So what? She instructs Tammy to extend the invitation to their other guest, Enzo. As an immortal, he wants her to leave the fighting to him. Mystic Grill is intact and there's no one around. The lights go out at the medical center, and Bonnie finds Kai waiting for her in the hallway. Matt tells her that Elena is the only thing Damon cares about and that he'll kill her. Bonnie embraces her mother, full of painful tears and agony as she tells her that she has to say goodbye. In the forest, a memorial is organized for Bonnie. First of all, the Salvatore Mansion has been turned into the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, serving as a place for supernatural teenagers and children to hone their skills and get an education.Of those supernatural teens, we have a few that are the legacies of characters in The Vampire Diaries. Then Bonnie and Katherine are at the Pastor's Ranch and Bonnie says "12 humans died here, they died in vain for Silas", then the lights go out at the farm, and Bonnie tells Katherine that she linked the final 'hotspot', It's time to drop the veil. Everyone will find their way. Bonnie attacks Enzo from behind and steals the tranquilizer gun and shoots Enzo. He hesitantly and tearfully answers Damon's call. Since then, Bonnie has taken witchcraft much more seriously. Katherine slits Jeremy's wrist open and feeds him to Silas, who grabs Jeremy, giving Katherine an opening to grab the cure, and with that, she takes off. Abby stands on the other side, she tells her daughter that Caroline called and she was hoping that she would want to talk to her since she wont talk to Caroline. Alaric and the class runs after her. I know what that's like. Bonnie: I just hope you know I appreciate how hard you fought to get back to me.Enzo: It's what I do. Once alone, Elena asks Ben for a glass of water. She then assists Valerie with the spell to keep the Gemini twins within Caroline from preventing the doctors to perform a C-section. She presses Bonnie further about this devotion she inspires within them and tells them to sit. Pulling her necklace from her neck, she sees that it had burnt her skin. She does and begins to chase after him, buying more time for the others to get into the Armory and destroy the last remaining Everlasting. ", For Matt: "You didn't do anything wrong, Matt. Bonnie puts the Ascendant back together, only to realize that she's missing a piece. Just as Bonnie is about to reveal to Damon there is no spell to save her or The Other Side,Jeremy arrives before she can say anything. Abby then tells her that the desiccation spell is dangerous because it taps into the dark magic that comes from within a witch, not from nature which is pure. Bonnie decides her grandmother is right and leaves the necklace on, but she just wishes it was a little bit prettier. He pleads for her to tell him she knows how to bring them back but she tells her she lost it. Not wanting to get involved in any physical altercations, they comply. Ten minutes later she wakes up startled at the realization of what happened. #words, Elena: [continuing to dump the fluid everywhere] "We need a cover story, right? She wants to know what it took for her to break through. Her style is much more relaxed and she's seen in more sleeveless tops than she did before. Seeing Bonnie in trouble finally triggers his humanity. He claims to understand that but he couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least try. Bonnie quickly gains the upper hand, knocking Enzo to his feet. In I'm Thinking Of You All The While, Bonnie is on the phone with Damon, who tells her that Kai was at the wedding and killed Jo. Bonnie then uses her magic and tries to take down Kai, but he siphons magic from his werewolf bite to lift her off the ground and slam her against the wall, injuring her. Later Bonnie sees Jonas enter the Grill and walks over to him to try and convince him that it wasn't their fault and that she wants to help him get his daughter back. She expresses that she didn't know he was there but he tells her that whenever she's angry, appearing to her is easy their connection seemingly amplified where their at and by her emotional state. Bonnie is seen worrying about Caroline's 'get-well soup', as she recovers from her exertion, though she is still weak as the sickness begins to take its toll. Elena tells them that Bonnie can reverse the spell on the device and then they can hand over the device to Isobel. Bonnie expresses to him that Stefan's earned every word and that she hates Stefan for killing him. #thevampirediaries Once he finds out Maria's dead, in a flash of rage, he rips out Stefan's heart. She is a witch and also Bonnie's cousin. Caroline asks how she is feeling. In the class, she sees one girl next to her moving her pen and she realizes that she must be a witch. Bonnie tells him that Damon needs to change his ways. In this episode Jeremy and Bonnie's relationship gets deeper. Enzo uses this vampiric speed and saves them both. Bonnie, Damon, Enzo track down the vampire rejects, killing them one by one. Bonnie later pays her respect to The Gilbert Family by attending John and Jenna's funeral. He probes further, hypothetically mentioning what if there was a way to undo the link between her and Elena and the small price to pay was for them to free a soul from hell. She tells Caroline to have Damon asked for it back himself. View Mobile Site Damon refuses, saying it must have something to do with the wiring, but Bonnie argues that someone put a quarter in it. Some time after they all wake up, Bonnie discovers they Alaric had lied to her. Resisting at first but soon Luca starts to talk. Jeremy tells Bonnie that they don't have time for this and Rudy replies by saying that this is a family matter. Jeremy hugged Elena, meaning that Bonnie was successful with her help. As she starts telling the rest of the group to pass through,Elena arrives,claiming she won't go back until Damon's there too. She tells him that she's not ready to be dead yet and that she doesn't know what to do about her dad. Seeing the necklace in the bag, Caroline calls her a liar. Unlike the previous Anchor who was Amara, Bonnie had the support of her friends, as well as her Grams on the Other Side. They both proceed to chant the spell. She agrees but tells him that "hope hurts, and I don't want to hurt anymore.". He gives some of his blood to Bonnie and she starts working on a locator spell. Having convinced Matt, Bonnie tells him six minutes is how long it takes for Matt's heart to be stopped without anything bad happening to him, but he tells her it won't matter because she's only going to stop it for ten seconds. Bonnie begins to read the spell. Caroline expresses for them not to come, that both Sybil and Damon crashed their dinner and that Enzo needs to stay far away from her. On her way out, Bonnie bumps into Caroline. Still furious at Damon, she reluctantly accepts his help. Determine to keep searching for Enzo, she works with Caroline, and Stefan over the phone, at the TV station combing through more crime reports as far as Tennessee. Soon Luka joins Bonnie at her table while Jeremy plays pool. Matt then explains that he drives up and down the streets of Mystic Falls where there used to be kids playing, people in the street, etc. Damon explains in a heartfelt manner that he had only hesitated because of Elena and that in those three seconds, he saw her, he held her and in the last he kissed her, but he decided to save Bonnie because she's his friend and she's "stuck with me, too." Enzo: I need you to think about me.Bonnie: No. They both leave without Damon and Enzo. She is unable to let go of the past, as she refused forgiven Malachai Parker for what he did to her in the Prison World, despite the fact that he was no longer the evil psychopath he once was. Browse Browse Bonnie comments that she just wanted to be sure and, reconciled, they decide they want to fight for their home back and will not let the Heretics win. She sits at the table in the kitchen, where she crosses out February 5 on a calendar that she has modified to correspond with current dates. Abby and Bonnie trying to open the coffin. The two share a heartfelt goodbye scene in the season finale in season six and afterwards, Bonnie seals Elena's slumbering body into the Salvatore crypt until she awakens. However, Bonnie begins to suffer immense grief, loss, pain and tragedy as well as the losses of people close to her, most notably, her Grams and Jeremy. He thanks her for the perfect "bucket list" day and she continues to worry about him becoming human, that maybe he needs more time for his vampire life. After Elena turns her humanity back on, they make amends and Elena apologizes for her actions, to which Bonnie replies, "You weren't you. ], Stefan: [raising his voice] "Elena, stop it. Bonnie tells Jeremy to wait behind, but Jeremy refuses, saying that for once they can't stop him from getting involved. In the few moments afterwards, Enzo is magically excised from the home as, unknown to them, Stefan compelled the ownership of her safe-house to another women. She looks around as if someone was there with her but she dismisses the thought. She tells him that she just wants to make sure that if he takes the cure that there will be nothing that he's missed. Watching on, Damon tells Stefan that Katherine never compelled him to love her. Holding her motionless for a minute until Stefan pulls him off and falls to the floor dead this time. Damon is visibly horrified at this and reveals to the others that he made a suicide pact with Bonnie when they believed it was just the two of them in this world. He leaves and Bonnie and Matt follow, where at the high school they discover many other compelled victims hooked up to IV bags. However, they were forced to repeat the same day, May 10, 1994, over and over. Hazel tells her to deliver Luke a message that she failed and that "they" found them. Damon grabs Elena and takes her in as leverage. She also reveals that a witch cannot make a true immortal creature and that he has to have a weakness. Matt tells her that she needs to leave town, but she refuses, saying that she can't let Kai win. Sometime later in the not so distant future, Bonnie casts a spell over Elena and she wakes from her magical coma. In She's Come Undone, Caroline was trying to call Bonnie, and finally, she answered the phone. Damon thanks her by telling her she is officially the most terrifying person he knows. Caroline expresses concern for her, given her revelation previously at Sarah's apartment, however Bonnie reassures her that she is fine and not just putting on a face. As she leaves she encounters Matt, who tries to talk her out of murdering their friends. She embraces him in a hug, his presence seemingly soothing her rage. She embrace him in a hug and he takes her into his arms and kisses her deeply. To further sadden her, Bonnie, losing two of her closest friends, also realizes that her magic never came back from being freed from the Huntress, unable to do a locator spell. In Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Bonnie is seen in Amsterdam with Damon and Alaric, who're both drunk on "a funky tasting whiskey" which Bonnie soon figures out to be tea. Elena is desperate to help free Stefan from the tomb. Bonnie tells him that she has found her 'Hope' and she convinces him to find his. Bonnie is not seen again until near the end of the episode, when she is seen running up to the Gilbert House. It appears one of Klaus's hybrids compelled Jamie to kill himself if they don't tell the location of the coffins. A moment later, the necklace is nowhere to be found. If D. Added: May 13, 2010. Seline tells thems that she not Sybil and wont harm them. When Bonnie arrives, she tells Caroline that the "necklace" drama is all over and that she threw it in a field. In Gone Girl, she is seen with Jeremy talking about her birthday. But this is revealed to be a distraction for Damon to rip out the vampire-witch hybrid's heart. Elena watches on in horror as Bonnie sets the gas on fire. Afterward, when Elena is at the Grill, she sees Bonnie at the door. Trying to decide what to do, Caroline tells them about the band playing down at the Mystic Grill and they all decide to head on out. Damon's Letter to Bonnie (8x10) Damon Talking About Liz (6x15) Katherine's Suicide Letter (5x08) Elena Gilbert Diary 1x01. She's watched all of her friends struggle with vampirism and how hard it's for them just to live. They soon see Bonnie and her mother knocked out. While at Mystic Grill, Bonnie calls Alaric telling him that it's not Jo, that the spell mistakenly place a vampire's soul into Jo's body. Back at the Salvatore house, Bonnie reluctantly helps Damon tie-up, Mason. Kai has brought her back to the house, where he threatens to hurt her by taking her magic if she doesn't help put the Ascendant back together and do the spell to get them out of 1994. Thus, she gets her revenge on Silas for all the torment, manipulation and pain he caused in her life. Further explaining, she tells Elena that Esther wants to channel all of her families power to complete the spell that night during the full moon, meanwhile, they try the privacy spell Esther used at the ball by letting Caroline out of the room and see if she can hear with her vampire hearing with the burning sage. When Caroline reaches out to grab the necklace, she gets a shock from the necklace. Her fashion sense or style is described as being gypsy chic with a bit of a hippie trend and she dresses in a casual manner with nice tops and jeans, but on special occasions, she will dress up in trendier and fancier clothing. Bonnie says Damon's name, as she's about to die. The Vampire Diaries Club Join New Post. She then realizes that "The stone gives the sword its power against immortal foes. and now all he can think of when he sees these places is wish he sees no one because of the safety of the citizens and he hates it and he hates them to which Bonnie answers that maybe then they should stop fighting and do something about it. Bonnie's nose begins to bleed but she tries to hide it. He continues that if she wishes to locate Enzo's soul in hell, she will open her mind to him and, together, they can contact him.

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vampire diaries monologues bonnie