Heifer International is a global development organization on a mission to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way. We make it easy with one tax-letter, gift card and present, but you may also choose to give directly to these groups or choose from our grants list. I would go in that order. Quoted from the GiveWell website are concerns about animal gifting in general: When examining organizations implementing livestock-distribution programs, we feel it is appropriate to ask the following questions. 2009-2023 - A Well-Fed World - EIN: 27-0865905. Heifer . There are village quarrels about community grazing; children are taken out of school to graze the goats; water becomes even scarcer, Two goats can reduce the amount of farmland available to local people and result in villages becoming deserted, while a cow will drink up to 90 liters of water every single day., Some agricultural economists began pointing out flaws in the strategy during the 1970s, notably that many recipients of gift animals were unable to feed them to maturity, let alone able to feed and raise offspring., Environmentalists later added questions about the wisdom of introducing non-native livestock to often fragile habitats, where animals with larger or different appetites from the indigenous strains might overtax the vegetation or simply starve., Heifer International and similar organizations spend exorbitant amounts of money on colorful, glossy catalogs depicting cute children hugging and kissing happy, healthy animals (like this HI catalog photo). This is wholly unacceptable if not pernicious. Staff members personal donations for giving season 2022, The winners of the Change Our Mind Contestand some reflections, Answering some questions about water quality programs, The Maximum Impact Fund is now the Top Charities Fund, Announcing the Change Our Mind Contest for critiques of our cost-effectiveness analyses. Alternative Giving on Giving Tuesday | HuffPost Impact (It is not necessary that the audit committee be a separate committee. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Isnt a donor who believes that the success stories they see on a non-profits website are the rule rather than the exception as naive as a consumer who thinks Nike shoes will actually make them play basketball like Lebron James? These organizations also supply givers with greater confidence by maintaining broad public support for their programs. Certainly not every gift goes to provide geographically appropriate animals or plants to families gripped by poverty, but Heifer makes that fact clear in all of its publications, collateral and material. Heifer International | Ending Poverty and Caring for the Earth 855.9HUNGER (855.948.6437) Live Chat Many farmers saw their incomes drastically reduce or completely disappear, with limited opportunities to generate additional income. The two giving criteria executive compensation and cost-effective impact are not mutually exclusive. Some children have even had to sleep in the barn with animals to prevent theft. Having another mouth to feed can significantly add to a familys burden, and the animals frequently suffer from neglect, malnutrition, dehydration, lack of veterinary care, and lack of shelter from temperature extremes. Heifer International and similar organizations spend exorbitant amounts of money on colorful, glossy catalogs depicting cute children hugging and kissing happy, healthy animals (like this HI catalog photo). We have continued education in diverse market systems, emerging technologies and impact capital, and are planning for belonging labs focusing on employee engagement and inclusion. - Wide range of institutional and corporate partnerships see annual report for more information. From my perspective, I think we have to be careful about blaming the non-profits here and place more responsibility on the funders (especially large funders, since smaller funders often follow their lead). A world without hunger and poverty where smallholder farmers can meet demand for food through climate-friendly farming practices. Heifer International is exempt from federal income tax under 26 U.S.C. As a result, the idea that Nike doesnt turn you into LeBron James is widely recognized. Donate Monthly to Heifer International | Heifer International If the charity does report a diversion, then we check to see if it complied with the Form 990 instructions by describing what happened and its corrective action. See this article from the American Institute of Philanthropy for more on this topic: http://www.charitywatch.org/articles/salaries.html. Thats why we created the Climate-Friendly Food Guide to provide more details, recipes, tips, and resources. Your donation attempt encountered a problem. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up for our e-newsletter and get our free EcoFood Guide PDF. Ending Hunger and Poverty While Caring for the Earth | Heifer International How to Change The World - Heifer International - YouTube How a donor can have themselves removed from a list differs from one charity to the next, but any and all opt-out policies require donors to take specific action to protect their privacy. Source: IRS Form 990 (page 7), filing year 2020, Below are some key data points from the Exempt Organization IRS Business Master File (BMF) for this organization. Additionally, dairy production negatively impacts local communities with ripple effect consequences that ultimately disadvantage entire societies. See the metrics below for more information. Rather than focusing on executive pay, which is more likely to create self-righteousness than anything else, it is more productive to focus on impact and cost-effectiveness. Seventy percent of all Ethiopias cattle are raised pastorally in the highlands of their country, where less than 100 pounds of meat and a few gallons of milk are produced per acre of land used. Who are the people you serve with your mission? Working to empower people all over the world and help them to escape poverty, this organization donates livestock and funds programs with similar missions. I doubt they use the full donations but instead use them on things which they shouldnt be doing.. they have to improve. These lawn alternatives are great for the - Heifer International Since 1944, it has invested in more than 39 million small-scale farmers and their families around the world, providing livestock, training, and access to a wide range of farmer-focused services. These lessons are about more than livestock as well. We include in a charity's working capital unrestricted and temporarily restricted net assets, and exclude permanently restricted net assets. Bothar had an income of 6 million in its last filed accounts while Heifer International's accounts show it had revenues of $120 million, according to its last annual report up to year end of. Dan West (1893-1971) was the founder of Heifer International, [1] a charitable organization dedicated to relieving hunger and poverty, as well as being involved in starting several other programs associated with the Church of the Brethren. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donation is fully tax-deductible as allowed by law. Goal Three: Build inclusive and effective value chains, The nonprofit provides evidence of investment in leadership development. The Dark Side of Animal "Gifts" - A Well-Fed World The charitynavigator.org site provides that information about every charity listed. The key question we have is whether animal donations compare favorably with other forms of asset transfers in terms of cost-effectiveness, and the Rwanda evaluation is generally silent on that question (though it notes that Given that animal donations are expensive Heifer (personal communication) reports that the average full cost of a pregnant cow, delivered to the Rwandan beneficiary households we study, is roughly $3000 solid evidence of impact is arguably long overdue.). This website uses standard, nonpersonalized cookies for best experience. Partial Credit: There has been a diversion of assets within the last two years and the charity has used Schedule O on the Form 990 to explain: the nature of the diversion, the amount of money or property involved and the corrective action taken to address the matter. Phone Number (855) 948-6437. Working with rural communities in 21 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, including the United States, Heifer International supports farmers and local food producers to strengthen local economies and build secure livelihoods that provide a living income. The promise evident in animal donation programs is apparent, even if the impacts remain difficult to estimate precisely in small, observational studies such as ours. In this case, we deduct 15 points from the charity's Accountability and Transparency score. Heifer International's work in Japan is widely viewed as the start of their modern factory-style dairy industry. In this case, we deduct 7 points from the charity's Accountability and Transparency score. Chicken Behavior: An Overview of Recent Science, Eating Animals: Addressing Our Most Common Justifications, 4 Reasons Why We Don't Advocate for "Humane" Animal Products, Motherhood Led Me to Quit Dairy Farming Forever. Heifer is about much more than animals. Those dollars should be going to where they are most needed. No Credit: There has been a diversion of assets within the last two years and the charity's explanation on Schedule O is either non-existent or not sufficient. The Charity Navigator rating isnt just less useful than a GiveWell-style analysis its nearly useless if your goal is to actually help people with your donation. So, for example, I would consider an organizations rating by GiveWell, then use Charity Navigator to evaluate what it pays its executives. How much funding does GiveWell expect to raise through 2025? Our Plants-4-Hunger gift-donation program is a plant-based hunger relief alternative to Heifer International and other live animal campaigns. You run it through both filters. Concerns about the priorities and appropriate use of donations apply to all animal gifting programs, but Heifer International raises particular concerns because of their annual budget which exceeds $100 million a year, and luxury spending such as on their headquarters pictured here. The committee provides an important oversight layer between the management of the organization, which is responsible for the financial information reported, and the independent accountant, who reviews the financials and issues an opinion based on its findings. Heifer International believes ending global hunger and poverty begins with agriculture. - We kept more than 4,000 families from leaving their homes during the most critical period of the pandemic, with 200 producer families benefiting from the sale of their products, with crops their main source of income. Heifer International has earned a 84% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. Heifer International has earned a 3/4 Star rating on Charity Navigator. Heifer International was founded in 1944 by farmer Dan West, after returning home from feeding fatigued refugees affected by the Spanish Civil War. By contrast, donors generally. Better to look for the most impactful organizations and assume that they know more than you do about how to allocate expenses and what an appropriate salary is. Although the impact question is complex and not easily answered, the bottom line is that one can find organizations that have both a good record on impact and do not pay its executives excessive amounts. Some program participants and staff have been critically ill, and others have lost their lives. This work has continued during the pandemic. Heifer International To Partner With Mastercard To Empower Millions Of We often hear about those honored by a Heifer International gift. About Heifer International | Heifer International Re: donor illusion. We use the term donor illusion to refer to any case where donors are getting something very different from what they imagined, even if the charity in question has fully transparent disclosures. Heifer International Reviews - Glassdoor Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. U.S. based staff continue to work from home apart from those designated as essential workers. The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year. I think the question that Mary raised about CEO salaries is very relevant given the stated missions of the organizations that they are leading. Heifer International and SEAF Announce Agreement to Expand Impact For 76 years, it has invested in more than 36 million smallholder farmers and their families around the world, supporting them to build businesses that are economically and environmentally sustainable. Because of this, raw milk still poses problems. loading and try your donation again. It doesnt sound right to me, and I also believe the overhead ratio issue is usually a distraction. 10 Reasons to Say NO to Animal Gifting Hunger Relief Organizations Meeting the needs of hungry families always comes first, but we do our best to accommodate your wishes, too., Every gift to Heifer International represents a gift to our total mission of purchasing and transporting food and income-producing animals, as well as providing intensive training in animal husbandry; environmentally sound, sustainable farming; community development and global education. To identify and remedy poor client service experiences, To identify bright spots and enhance positive service experiences, To make fundamental changes to our programs and/or operations, To inform the development of new programs/projects, To identify where we are less inclusive or equitable across demographic groups, To strengthen relationships with the people we serve. Sputnik/Alexey Nikolsky/Kremlin via Reuters. This organization received multiple star ratings within this fiscal year, due to an update to its Accountability and Transparency data and/or the receipt of an amended Form 990. What challenges does your organization face in collecting feedback from the people you serve? Mary, what is your source for the 80% overhead figure? In the past 12 months, efforts have also been made to strengthen learning circles, with more tailored support provided based on needs identified by staff and their managers. Due to popular demand, A Well-Fed World created a special Plants-4-Hunger gift-giving program to provide a compassionate and highly-effective alternative. See how Heifer International compares to its main competitors: Internal Revenue Service has the most employees (74,454). Often at smaller charities, it falls within the responsibilities of the finance committee or the executive committee.) In October 2020, Heifer International provided anti-racism training to all US staff, as part of a wider, ongoing DEI initiative covering all of the 21 countries it works in. Animal Law 101: What Is Necessary Animal 12 Reasons You May Never Want To Eat Turkeys Again, 10 Facts About Koch Foods and Joseph Grendys. According to Heifer Internationals most recent 990 public tax form, they spent $22,359,441 on fundraising alone in one year. Some tell better stories than others and some have more disclosure than others. Founders Dan West. Donate Now. De-Dollarization: BRICS Currency Would Pose a Threat Unlike Any Other Alternatives to Heifer International For the most part, people can do more good through direct action in their communities starting a community garden near you is more likely to help lift. Heifer International Competitors and Similar Companies - Zippia In fact, their advanced search feature allows you to use that as a search criteria. Heifer International has earned a 95% for the Culture & Community beacon. Presented here are this organizations key compensated staff members as identified by our analysts. I feel that raising questions like the ones we raise above is more productive. How is your organization collecting feedback from the people you serve? This is in line with Heifer's plan of reaching 6 million smallholder farming households in Africa by 2030. - Work is regularly published and shared in traditional media and on social media channels. The People Department is strengthening development policies across the organization and providing clearer guidance and support to leaders in formal and informal leaderships roles. Cart ID: Not Assigned, Copyright 2023 | EIN 13-4148824 | Bridge ID 3108588923. I agree with Bill, if a charitys funding comes from Donors then the bulk of that should be used for the work that charity is carrying out & not for paying its executives. The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's mission. Global Development's Glaring Blind Spot: The Power of - heifer.org That isnt the issue I was raising. Our Plants-4-Hunger gift-donation program is a plant-based hunger relief alternative to Heifer International and other live animal campaigns. We have a promotion process that anticipates and mitigates implicit and explicit biases about people of color serving in leadership positions. Heifer International reported its three largest programs on its FY 2020 Form 990 as: International Development: Sustainability. No: This charity either does not have a written donor privacy policy in place to protect their contributors' personal information, or the existing policy does not meet our criteria. As do organizations in other sectors, charities must be mindful of their management of total liabilites in relation to their total assets. Describe briefly. I dont think it is difficult to satisfy both criteria at once. Researchers have found that teff can be grown in those same areas by the same farmers at a yield of 2,000 to 3,000 pounds per acre, with more sustainable growing techniques employed and no water irrigation teff has been shown to grow well in water-stressed areas and it is pest resistant.. GiveWell is devoted to finding charities in which we can have more confidence. However, one important difference is that people who buy Nike shoes do eventually figure out what they actually did and didnt get for their money. Partial Credit: The charity's audited financials were prepared by an independent accountant, but it did not have an audit oversight committee. Heifer International is an equal opportunity employer. During the holiday gift-giving season, a popular choice for gift-donations are programs that send live farm animals as gifts to help alleviate hunger and poverty in low-income countries. A follow-up study using a randomized control trial design with long-term tracking would enrich our understanding of how animal donations affect dietary diversity, child and adult nutritional outcomes, and longer-term development results in developing countries, as well as the pathways through which such impacts are realized. Re: executive compensation. Turkey Talk Between Birds and Humans Will Blow Former Meat and Dairy Farmers Who Became Vegan Why Organic Meat, Dairy and Eggs Are Not Biden Must Stand Up To Animal Agriculture! Reasons to support organizations other than the Heifer Project Box 8058 Little Rock AR 72203, Little RockAR | IRS ruling year: 1999 | EIN: 35-1019477. As Bill suggested double checking information is a very good idea. 30 Organizations Working to End Hunger | Human Rights Careers Furthermore, children who are supposed to benefit from animal gifts may be taken out of school to tend to animals. A goat destroys the fertility of land and [the value of] any milk or dung it may give is very little compared to the havoc it wreaks, within two years, the people who get goats have an even poorer lifestyle. Our evaluation convinced us of the importance of continuing with this core feature.. If you wish to donate, please refresh the page. Heifer International Foundation | Charity Navigator Profile These lawn alternatives are great for the environment, your wallet and your nose | Heifer International Animals Culture Food & Water From The Archives Newsworthy Equality Risk Mitigation & Resilience Insights & Analysis Work & Income Climate 3 Great-Smelling Lawn Alternatives That Will Save You and The Earth By Molly Mitchell October 22, 2019 Gifts are deposited into various animal accounts, such as llama/alpaca, tree seedlings or bees. We have different accounts for every type of Heifer International animal. (BMF affiliation code: 3). We check the charity's last two Forms 990 to see if the charity has reported any diversion of assets. - Research projects regularly published in academic journals. Well be discussing our two top-rated charities working internationally in forthcoming posts. The percentage each beacon contributes to the organizations overall rating depends on the number of beacons an organization has earned. The municipal government is expanding agroecological fairs and opening a first permanent agroecological and organic marketplace benefiting consumers and farmers. Animals must be provided food and water in areas where these resources are already scarce. We ultimately see a Kiva loan as a gift to a microfinance institution, and we have major concerns about supporting any but the most outstanding microfinance institutions as well as concerns about Kivas due diligence process specifically. We help senior leadership understand how to be inclusive leaders with learning approaches that emphasize reflection, iteration, and adaptability. Logically, this makes sense but rarely is it fully considered. Before a project participant ever receives an animal, he or she goes through training to learn how to care for the animal, how to provide safe and secure shelter, how to feed and water the animal in ways that dont conflict with food and water for the family as they pull themselves out of poverty. Unfortunately, zero-grazing means that confined animals must have food and water actually brought to them. I am saying that its not a very useful question to ask. Stated Mission . I was led to your web site by an article in Whole Living magazine. However, I signed a nondisclosure agreement with Heifer that requires me not to disclose the contents of the evaluation. It is now rather stale and heres a positive development: Goal Type: New program(s) based on observed changes in needs among our constituencies/communities served. Heifer International cannot currently be evaluated by our Impact & Results methodology because either (A) it is eligible, but we have not yet received data; (B) we have not yet developed an algorithm to estimate its programmatic impact; (C) its programs are not direct services; or (D) it is not heavily reliant on contributions from individual donors.Note: The absence of a score does not indicate a positive or negative assessment, it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated the organization. advisory committees, Suggestion box/email. The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organizations vision. And finally, the animals are far from happy. Lactose intolerance occurs when there is not enough of an enzyme called lactase. We have concerns about this general area and concerns about giving livestock specifically. Poverty and hunger are again on the rise, meaning support from Heifer International is needed to build resilient livelihoods providing protection to farmers in emergency situations, now more than ever. Raising animals for food requires up to 10 times more water than growing crops for direct consumption. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. horizons HEIFER.ORG | 1 For the last couple . Would you expect a doctor to recommend a cancer drug based on reading an abstract? Donors can be reluctant to contribute to a charity when their name, address, or other basic information may become part of donor lists that are exchanged or sold, resulting in an influx of charitable solicitations from other organizations. Dividing a charity's average program expenses by its average total functional expenses yields this percentage. She has two master's degrees from The George Washington University: one in International Relations, the other in Women's Studies, both focusing on economic development. The much larger 2005 Western Michigan University evaluation is still not public as far as we know. Total Revenue and Expenses - Data Available, IRS Published Data (Business Master File) - Data Available, Data Sources (IRS Forms 990) - Data Available, How to Donate Food and Prevent Food Waste. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The partnership will enable Heifer International's impact investing division - Heifer Impact Capital - and SEAF to build on SEAF's global network and experience raising over $1.2 billion in . - In countries that are hardest hit, Heifer is providing emergency cash grants and food supplies to communities. Heifer International is a global development organization on a mission to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way.
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