25 fascinating country facts from around the worldsomething happens when i call your name chords james wilson

The Richat Structure, an uplifted dome that has eroded away, is located in this African nation. Take the road less travelled and visit these underrated European cities. The agreement aims to combat climate change and accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed to strengthen the global climate effort. Because of this widespread emigration, the expat population is now greater than the domestic population. Its water resources are shared by 11 different countries, too. This is because the Earth is not perfectly spherical, but rather oblate. If you ate one, it could potentially cause a type of anaphylactic shock, burning your airways and closing them up. And if you want to watch that increase in real-time, you can tune into the World Population Clock, which shows the upticks and downticks as babies are born and people die. The North American . Not all bacteria are bad. 25 Fascinating Country Facts from Around the World Its even believed that descendants of the first man to do so can still walk on white-hot stones. Finland has one of the oldest school starting ages in the world, as well as one of the most successful education systems. But its least famous triangular structure is actually the largest one in the world. Some 80 percent of Africas gorilla population reside in this small country. Monaco wanted foreign money from this pursuit, but it didnt want its own citizens going into debt from gambling addictions. Essential Facts. READ THIS NEXT: 175 Random Facts So Interesting You'll Say, "OMG!". At nearly 6 minutes long, this South American country has the worlds longest national anthem. Theres a saying on Barbados that if a mongoose crosses the street in front of you, it signifies good luck. This North American country is home to many pyramids built by the Mayans and other ancient civilizations. Step aside John, James, Mary, and Janethe most popular name in the world is believed to be Muhammad. Belgium colonized this African country from 1908 to 1960, and one of the leftovers from this period is an obsession with mayonnaise. Indonesia attempted to count them all in 2017, but several differing figures still exist. That meeting saw police and judicial representatives from 24 countries get together to improve contacts between police forces in different countries to increase the effectiveness of international investigations. Its the longest-running humanitarian effort by the Defense Department and now includes over 50 islands in the Pacific. Very faint sounds become audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. Although their numbers fluctuate, there are around 1 to 10 billion queleas, which leads scientists to believe that there are more of them than any other bird on Earth, according to Audubon. Spain has twice occupied this African nation, and its the only country on the continent with Spanish as its official language. Manas is a folk hero in this former Soviet republic. You might think twins are a rarity, but they're actually becoming more common than ever. Uzbek people have several superstitions surrounding bread, which is considered sacred in this former Soviet republic. While Im not about to do an interesting fact about all 196, here are a list of 25 fascinating facts about various countries in the world today: Find more interesting lists at List25.com. About one-third of the population in this West African nation adhere to an ancestral form of belief, including voodoo. Ancient Kazakhs are credited with domesticating wild horses. 15 Interesting Facts About Countries Around the World - travelingmitch However, the situation is a little more complicated than that. Just over 96 percent of the total amount of the world's water is held in its oceans, according to Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World's Fresh Water Resources via the United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2023 Galvanized Media. Its more than 2,000 years old and lives among several other olive trees that are 500 to 700 years old. Sarawak Chamber on the island of Borneo is the largest known cave chamber on Earth. Guinness is arguably this European nations most recognizable beverage. However, only The Gambia and The Bahamas formally include "the" in their names. The "weapons-grade" Dragon's Breath chili pepper is so hot it's downright deadly. Men average just over 6 feet while women average 5 feet 6 inches. 3. This tiny country sandwiched between Austria and Switzerland is the worlds top producer of false teeth. 100 Amazing Country Facts Around The World - Facts.net } else { Due to repeated droughts in the 20th century, many Cabo Verdeans left the West African island nation for better opportunities. Nobel laureate and famous existentialist Albert Camus was born in Algeria to French parents and began his career in the North African country. Although sugarcane originated in Southeast Asia, it was first chemically refined about 2,500 years ago in India. Often called Africa in miniature, Cameroon touts 1,738 different linguistic groups and more than 200 national languages. That's because every one of the gentle giants in zoos around the world is on loan from China. The national drink of this enormous Asian nation, called airag, is made of fermented milk from horses, which are a revered animal in Mongolia. Lake Malawi is vitally important to this country. Its constitution was suspended in 1997 and there is only one political party in the entire country, the Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice. Wayuu, Colombia. During his lifetime between 1162 and 1227, Genghis Khan fathered countless children. The fossil was named Lucy after the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, which Johanson was listening to the night of the discovery. Punishment ranges from small fines to imprisonment. Country that Produces More Oxygen than Any Other - Russia: Siberia is home to approximately 25% of the world's forests that span an area larger than the continental United States, making Russia the largest converter of CO2 into breathable compounds. It first competed in the Olympics in 1988. It is the third-largest lake in Africa, but contains more species of fish over 1,000 than any lake in the world. And when the PyeongChang Winter Games were held in 2018, 2,952 athletes were expected to show up from a total of 92 countries. In 2014, the most expensive coins were made from 7.1 grams of gold, featured . In 2002, East Timor became the first new country of the 21st century. Without further ado, here's 25 travel facts that are certain to shock and surprise. Since being introduced in the 1880s, baseball has been an obsession in this Caribbean nation. Often called the Eye of the Sahara, its best viewed from space, where it can easily be seen. 10 fascinating infrastructure facts from around the world The Western Hemispheres oldest botanical garden is located within this Caribbean island country. Agriculture is so important to this African nation that 90 percent of the population depends on jobs in this sector to make a living. Bees are big in this former Yugoslavian republic. "top 10 amazing facts of the world" "25 strange facts" "25 fascinating READ THIS NEXT: 40 Facts So Funny They're Hard to Believe. They apparently put it on everything here. The stars and stripes make up one of the most recognizable flags of any country in the world. 15) Rwanda has the highest percentage of women in parliament Many people still make their homes outside of bustling locationsespecially in India, which has the largest number of people living in rural areas (approximately 893 million people live outside of the city), according to Reuters. It gets about 15 inches of rain a year, compared to the global average of 3.8 inches. All Rights Reserved. It was created by brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century. But South Sudan in North Africa just gained its independence from Sudan in 2011, which currently makes it the youngest country in the world. That beat the previous record of the 2,800 athletes from 88 countries who participated in the Winter Games in 2014. 6. This country in Southern Africa has the continents highest concentration of elephants thanks to strict regulations around hunting. "Most people find the absence of sound deafening, feel a sense of fullness in the ears, or some ringing. The gene that causes this is naturally occurring and totally distinct from the one that gives Europeans blond hair. They were in Parc National Nouabal-Ndoki, a swampy forested region teeming with flora and fauna. The holes were likely made using a prehistoric bow drill. The world region with the highest unemployment rate in 2021 was the Arab World. These tidbits about everything from nature to global politics will make you feel instantly smarter. So to make the world a bit more accessible and fun, we set out to find one no-way-it's-true, fascinating fact about all 195 of these countries/observer states, ranked by population. But did you know the modern iteration containing 50 stars was designed for a class project by an enterprising high school student in 1958? Oct 27, 2019 - This is a guest post contributed by List25 Depending on which government list you're reading from and which countries they recognize, it's estimated that there are about 196 official countries in the world. Only about 1,000 of them are inhabited. Home to more than one billion oysters, the area is a no-fishing zone, which will hopefully give the population a chance to recover. Many religious traditions are also linked to food. The sky is so clear at night in this Central American nation that stargazers can see 86 of the 88 constellations. The most famous of these was Constantine I, who founded Constantinople (Istanbul) and elevated Christianity to a state-level religion. This European nation is the most visited country in the world with 89 million annual tourists. Hungry for more world facts? 2. Want to try it? Castroville is a rural town in California that grows a lot of artichokes (and other vegetable crops), thanks to the fact that the area enjoys ideal weather year-round. Beef up your knowledge with these fascinating facts about every single country on Earth. So do the folks from Lake Chargoggagoggman-chauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg in Massachusetts and Tweebuffelsmeteen-skootmorsdoodgeskietfontein, South Africa. Crocodiles are found on the American, Asian and Australian continents. In 1893, this island nation in Oceania became the first self-governing country in the world to allow women to vote in parliamentary elections. Established in 1765, the gardens contain native flora and breadfruit trees first brought to the island from Tahiti. Kimchi and rice are the two most important foodstuffs of this East Asian nation, and there is a common saying that if you have kimchi and rice then you have a meal. This reliance on kimchi and rice dates back up to 3,000 years. Watch the whole process of how bees make honey in this video! Although it's off the coast of northwestern Africa, the archipelago is actually part of Spain. The panda at your local zoo may look like it's at home in its cozy sanctuary. To find the bulk of the world's freshwater, you need to trek to the poles, as 68.7 percent of it is encased in ice caps, permanent snow, and glaciers. Today, however, Cholula is mostly covered by dirt and plants. Sheep are a prized animal in the Muslim nation and are therefore very well taken care of. 23 fascinating diagrams reveal how to negotiate with people around the world. Fedchenko Glacier stretches some 47 miles and is located among thousands more glaciers in the Pamir Mountains. Today, it has the most foreign-born players in Major League Baseball, at 102. Camels are extremely important to the people of this African nation. The largest petroglyph in the world can be found in this African nation. From hidden secrets to strange phenomenons, here's 20 things about the world that may sound absurd at first but are actually proven to be true facts! It was part stunt and part cry for help, and it at least succeeded in attracting media attention. The longest river in the world is the River Nile, clocking 6,853km in length. Since many time zones only differ by 30 or 45 minutes, they don't fit into a neat and tidy 24-hour span, which means that there are more than 24, though it's hard to say exactly how many. In 1996, a tropical cyclone named Olivia hit off the coast of Barrow Island, Australia with such force that it broke an incredible record. An entire day of shooting was lost so 350 TV antennas could be removed from atop buildings near a filming location. During Frances 30-year war In the 17th century, King Louis XIII hired Croatian mercenaries who wore a piece of cloth around their necks that the king was particularly fond of. Get the latest BBC World News: international news, features and analysis from Africa, the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia, and the United States and Canada. While this fizzy drink is sold practically everywhere, it still hasn't (officially) made its way to North Korea or Cuba, according to the BBC. 105 Fascinating World Facts You Have To Know - Facts.net ", National Centers for Environmental Information, 70 Wonderfully Weird Facts That Will Make You Question Everything, United Nations World Tourism Organization, 100 Fascinating Facts You'll Want to Share with Everyone You Know, 125 Facts That Will Make You Feel Instantly Smarter, 12 percent of people on Earth are 60 years old, 40 Facts So Funny They're Hard to Believe, 50 Summer Facts That'll Make You Even More Excited for the Season, https://www.mountwashington.org/about-us/history/world-record-wind.aspx, https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo-search/study/32292, https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/102/2/BAMS-D-20-0101.1.xml, https://www.pnas.org/content/118/13/e2021442118, https://www.pnas.org/content/117/51/32627, https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(20)31267-7, https://www.nature.com/articles/srep12150, https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/which-country-has-most-earthquakes, https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/our-natural-resources/forests-and-forestry/state-canadas-forests-report/how-much-forest-does-canada-have/17601, https://www.audubon.org/news/what-most-abundant-wild-bird-world, https://www.interpol.int/en/Who-we-are/What-is-INTERPOL. In the town of Gao in this West African nation, one can straddle the prime meridian and have one foot in the Western Hemisphere and the other in the Eastern Hemisphere. In fact, some of those itty-bitty biological cells are actually good for us and aid the world in various and complex ways. As one of the biggest waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls is quite impressive. From Japan's penis festivities to the baby-jumping revelry in Spain, experience some weird holidays and bizarre festivals from . In Spanish, the area's name is Islas Canarias, which comes from the Latin phrase Canariae Insulae for "island of dogs.". This former Yugoslavian republic was once the center of the Roman empire and it shows there were 18 emperors born in what is now modern-day Serbia. This African nation is the youngest country in the world, having achieved full independence in 2011. 10 fascinating facts about different countries that are almost too The exact date varies from year to year, but it always falls during the winter. Countries With The Most Summer Olympic Medals. Every year, on the weekend closest to Feb. 14, Saint Valentin offers lovers the chance to marry in a rose-covered garden and pin love notes on the Tree of Vows. Interesting Facts. Once considered some of the shortest people in the world, the Dutch are now the tallest. The man who invented the steam espresso machine and the Illycaffe brand, Francesco Illy, was born in this European nation in 1892. It might seem safe to assume that the Canary Islands were named after canary birds, but the location was actually named after a different animal. There is a dancing ceremony in this tiny European country that is so old and so popular that in 2010 it was included on UNESCOs Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list. 3 since the inception of the Best Countries rankings, Canada finally climbed to the No. This small country in southern Africa once had a national soccer team, but it was dissolved in 2017 because of continued poor results. Of the 2 million residents of Slovenia, some 90,000 are beekeepers thats 1 out of every 20 people! Europe has been experiencing serious dry spells and extreme heat since 2015, which has caused major droughts. After Catherine of Braganza wed King Charles II in 1662, her favorite libation, tea from China, quickly caught on in the royal palace, then the rest of the country. The countrys 50,000 doctors working abroad bring Cuba some $11 billion annually. We rely on you. Spain was the second-most popular destination with 81.8 million visitors, followed by the United States (76.9 million), China (60.7 million), and Italy (58.3 million). This Scandinavian country has not fought in a war in more than 200 years. Its not known exactly when, but it appears to date to at least 1610 and possibly as far back as the 1300s. Previous readings have ranged from 29,002 feet above sea level in 1856 down to 20,029 in 1955, according to NPR. You might think you're accustomed to frigid air and blustery winds, but the average winter day has nothing on the coldest day ever recorded, which was -144 degrees Fahrenheit. The worlds largest wine cellar is buried in this former Soviet republic. The first part was published in 1605 and the second 10 years later. Built in 1410, the worlds oldest astronomical clock still in operation resides in Prague, the capital of this European country. There is a tire dump in this small Middle East nation that is so massive, its not only the biggest in the world, but it can be seen from space. President Alexander Lukashenko has been in office since the post was created in 1994. The laws date to the introduction of gambling in the country in the mid-1800s to save the nation from bankruptcy. While I'm not about to do an interesting fact about all 196, here are a list of 25 fascinating facts about vario During holy communion, for example, Catholics consume a wafer made from unleavened bread. 17 Holidays Around the World - Little Passports Previously, CFOs had been common in refrigerators, aerosol cans, and dry-cleaning chemicals. This former Soviet republic contains the largest glacier outside of either the north or south poles. After Christianity, Judaism is the 2nd largest Religion in the U.S.A! With each generation that passes, more and more people are learning how to read, according to UNESCO. While I'm not about to do an interesting fact about all 196, here are a list of 25 fascinating facts about various countries in the world today: Most People Behind Bars - United States: When it comes to incarcerating its population, the United States is the world's uncontested leader. Tea is big on this European island nation locals reportedly drink 165 million cups a day. Either way, the main fermentation bacteria in the creamy dairy product is named after Bulgaria, lactobacillus bulgaricus, and was first discovered in the region. The three wealthiest families in the world have more assets than the combined wealth of the forty-eight poorest nations. Don't worry, your prized red roses aren't going to turn turquoise overnight, but an increase in UV radiation due to the ozone layer deteriorating over the past decades has caused flowers all over the globe to change. One of the things Monaco, a tiny country surrounded by France and the Mediterranean Sea, is most known for is its casino in Monte Carlo, but local residents of the country are barred from entering it unless they work there. World Facts - WorldAtlas Traditional Christian marriage is largely reserved for the upper class, and its acceptable for men to maintain several households. The Wayuu tribe, one of Colombia's several indigenous American groups, is located at the northernmost point of South America. 20 Fascinating Cultural Traditions Around the World - Day Translations Blog var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=48118e46-45d5-4c9f-8212-f8ea832ed522&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=8609396378615663536'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); This former Soviet republic was the largest country in Europe in the 15th century. Cars and bikes are needed to traverse it, and the same road rules apply underground as above ground. At 5,525 miles, its the worlds longest unprotected border. 01 There are 195 countries in the world today. The country has had several agreements in place since the late 1990s with companies that sell web addresses using the desirable suffix. The U.S. Defense Departments Operation Christmas Drop started in 1952 on one of the many islands that make up Micronesia in the North Pacific Ocean. 02 As of June 2019, the world's population numbers 7.58 billion people. Bread was invented in Egypt around 8,000 BC. Dukhan is a Sudanese tradition that involves a month-long series of smoke baths for brides-to-be that are intended to make their skin smooth and glowing for their wedding day. Fascinating Facts About Every Single Country on Earth You win this round Russia. 03 Uganda is home to the endangered mountain gorilla, particularly in the Ruwenzori Mountains. Which of these countries ISN'T landlocked? The Limbo dance originated in the 1950s on this twin-island nation just north of Venezuela. As it turns out, the chili was initially developed to be used in medical treatment as an anesthetic that can numb the skin. READ THIS NEXT: 50 Summer Facts That'll Make You Even More Excited for the Season. That's almost seven miles! With 221,800 islands, Sweden is thought to have more islands than any other country in the world. Argentine Diego Maradona is one of the best soccer players of all time. This African nation has one television station, Tele-Tchad, and its run by the state. Travel the globe learning interesting trivia and information related to countries found on continents such as Europe, Asia and North America. World - BBC News Naples is, of course, also the birthplace of pizza. Striking findings from 2022 | Pew Research Center 30 Of The Most Interesting Facts About Countries Around The World Both men and women in this East Asian nation can only choose between 15 state-approved haircuts. That number is expected to reach 22 percent by 2050. 55 Fascinating World Facts You Need to Know, 175 Random Facts So Interesting You'll Say, "OMG! Forager bees regurgitate it. But the group dates all the way back to 1914 when the International Criminal Police Congress was held in Monaco. The first examples of it were flat and unleavened, most closely resembling what we know today as chapatis in India or tortillas in Latin America. In 2014, a massive fire in Valparaiso sparked debate about whether this arrangement should change. Eat blini while you look upon dancing bears and organized fistfights at the Maslenitsa celebration in Russia. But it was a Portugeuse woman who first brought the drink to the isles. We are a movement of people from over 100 countries. To help fuel your planning, we've found 10 fascinating facts from destinations around the world - oddities and unknowns that will inspire your inner explorer. Everyone who lives in this European country, even foreigners, can attend college tuition-free. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Its unclear why Dylan composed the song, as hed never visited the country, and the timing of its release was roundly criticized. * Population stats were sourced from Worldometer. 26 Weird Holidays And Bizarre Festivals From Around The World Earthquakes can range from minor tremors that are barely noticeable to building-toppling ground-shakers that cause massive destruction. That's almost seven miles! This Central American country is the birthplace of chocolate, with ancient Mayans worshipping the cacao tree. Now, this island nation accounts for 40 percent of the worlds nutmeg production. This island nation in the Caribbean Sea is the only country in the world thats named after a woman, in this case Saint Lucy of Syracuse. Because of this, it grows 99.9 percent of all commercially grown artichokes, and has even been nicknamed the "Artichoke Capital of the World.". Africa has 54 countries! It ceded 30 percent of its land to Britain following the Anglo-Nepalese War from 1814-16, but the Brits were never able to conquer it all due to the countrys treacherous terrain. But Italians have only been eating this fruit since the 1500s, when Spanish conquistadors brought it from Peru to Naples, which at the time was under Spanish rule. Due to overfishing and disease, the oyster population in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay was seriously suffering. When looking for unusual and fascinating cultures all around the world, you don't want to pass up an opportunity to visit or even see the Wayuu people. That's bad news for everyone, since the fragile gas layer protects our planet and shields us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Bicycles are much more prevalent than personal automobiles in this European country. People who live in New Zealand seem to love having at least one animal companion around. And King Mswati is permitted to take another wife every year if he so chooses; his predecessor, for instance, had 125 wives. xhr.send(payload); READ THIS NEXT: 125 Facts That Will Make You Feel Instantly Smarter. As of the time of this writing, the overall human population is estimated to be more than 8 billion people. In terms of the likelihood of a natural disaster, this Middle East nation is the safest country in the world. However, during World War I, it was one of the first countries to declare war with Germany despite the fact that it had no military. Icelanders, per capita, consume more of the soft drink than any other country in the world. In 2017, the European country welcomed 86.9 million people. For comparison, Australia ranked 29th, with a score of 72.9, while the US placed 13th, Canada . Countries such as United States, Russia and Germany typically top the list. In this video it's the countries from M to Z. A 2021 study published by the American Meteorological Society noted that the area's "mountains produce sharp gradients in clouds and rainfall, which are key to abundant rainbow sightings." Oil explorations in the 1950s uncovered a fossil aquifer in this African nation that is 40,000 years old and existed before the end of the last ice age. In 2022, another country made it onto the list. He is so popular in his home country that some 120,000 people worship at the Church of Maradona. However, one study found evidence of teeth being drilled in skulls that dates from 7,500 to 9,000 years ago. This coastal nation in North Africa gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year war, yet it has not held an election since. This Middle East country has a bright history with the tomato.

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25 fascinating country facts from around the world