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[209] Heavy stews spiced with habanero and scotch bonnet chilies are popular and eaten with fufu. Liberia Population What Is The Population Of Liberia? The dusty and dry harmattan (desert winds) blow from the Sahara to the coast in December, bringing relief from the high relative humidity. Liberia imports 90% of its rice, a staple food, and is extremely vulnerable to food shortages. [68] Climate change in Liberia causes many problems as Liberia is particularly vulnerable to climate change. The country's capital and largest city is Monrovia. The country enjoyed relative stability until a rebellion in 1989 escalated into a destructive civil war in the 1990s that did not fully cease until 2003. Liberia has one of the highest incidences of sexual violence against women in the world. Based on the political principles of the United States Constitution, it established the independent Republic of Liberia. [13] A peace agreement in 2003 led to democratic elections in 2005. Town of Monrovia 1827 [45] By September 1990, Doe's forces controlled only a small area just outside the capital, and Doe was captured and executed in that month by rebel forces. These features may represent social networks or some form of cultural diffusion allied to changing ecological conditions. [154] Among the companies to have won licenses are Repsol YPF, Chevron Corporation, and Woodside Petroleum. It lies between latitudes 4 and 9N, and longitudes 7 and 12W. Liberian independence was proclaimed in 1847, and its boundaries were expanded. It is bordered by Sierra Leone to its northwest, Guinea to its north, Ivory Coast to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean to its south and southwest. Category:Islands of Liberia - Wikipedia Five years of military rule by the People's Redemption Council and five years of civilian rule by the National Democratic Party of Liberia were followed by the First and Second Liberian Civil Wars. [158] Of those, 1,118,241 lived in Montserrado County, the most populous county in the country and home to the capital of Monrovia. [46], Under Taylor's leadership, Liberia became internationally known as a pariah state due to its use of blood diamonds and illegal timber exports to fund the Revolutionary United Front in the Sierra Leone Civil War. [16] Shortly after the Mane conquered the region, the Vai people of the former Mali Empire immigrated into the Grand Cape Mount County region. In Liberia, the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex serves as a multi-purpose stadium. [30][31][32], The leadership of the new nation consisted largely of the Americo-Liberians, who initially established political and economic dominance in the coastal areas that the ACS had purchased; they maintained relations with U.S. contacts in developing these areas and the resulting trade. "[29], American and other international interests emphasized resource extraction, with rubber production a major industry in the early 20th century. [76] In 2012, President Sirleaf granted licenses to companies to cut down 58% of all the primary rainforest left in Liberia. [81], The Hairy Slit-Faced Bat (Nycteris hispida) suffers from malaria here. Commerce is prohibited by law on Sunday and major Christian holidays. Please read the. St. Clements University College (Liberia), a private higher education institution that was founded in 2008. There was a decline in production of Liberian goods in the late 19th century, and the government struggled financially, resulting in indebtedness on a series of international loans. As of 2015, it had more than 8,000 mostly Liberian employees, making it the country's largest private employer. In 1824 the territory was named Liberia, and its main settlement was named Monrovia, which is the present-day capital. [75], Liberia is a global biodiversity hotspota significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from humans. [119] This led to a United Nations ban on Liberian diamond exports in 2001, which was lifted in 2007 following Liberia's accession to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. The Kpelle comprise more than 20% of the population and are the largest ethnic group in Liberia, residing mostly in Bong County and adjacent areas in central Liberia. Open Location Code. The lowest point of the country is the Atlantic Ocean at 0m. [112] Liberia's external debt was estimated in 2006 at approximately $4.5 billion, 800% of GDP. [citation needed] Today, over 20 political parties are registered in the country, based largely around personalities and ethnic groups. In alphabetical order, the 15 counties are Bomi, Bong, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh, Grand Kru, Lofa, Margibi, Maryland, Montserrado, Nimba, River Cess, River Gee, and Sinoe. For a treatment of earlier periods and of the country in its regional context, see western Africa. [109] In 2011, the country's nominal GDP was US$1.154 billion, while nominal GDP per capita stood at US$297, the third-lowest in the world. [15], The Pepper Coast, also known as the Grain Coast, has been inhabited by indigenous peoples of Africa at least as far back as the 12th century. [113] Liberia gained observer status with the World Trade Organization in 2010 and became an official member in 2016. Pages in category "Islands of Liberia" The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total. The climate is equatorial, with significant rainfall during the MayOctober rainy season and harsh harmattan winds the remainder of the year. [98][99] On July 20, 2012, the Liberian senate voted unanimously to enact legislation to prohibit and criminalize same-sex marriages. [49] The Second Liberian Civil War began in 1999 when Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy, a rebel group based in the northwest of the country, launched an armed insurrection against Taylor. [126] Since 1926 Firestone has operated the world's largest rubber plantation in Harbel, Margibi County. They intermarried largely within the colonial community, developing an ethnic group that had a cultural tradition infused with American notions of political republicanism and Protestant Christianity. [50] Peace talks between the factions began in Accra in June of that year, and Taylor was indicted by the Special Court for Sierra Leone for crimes against humanity the same month. This institution was founded in 1998. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Minority ethnic groups especially were exploited in a system that enriched well-connected elites. [51] [91], After the turmoil following the First and Second Liberian Civil Wars, Liberia's internal stabilization in the 21st century brought a return to cordial relations with neighboring countries and much of the Western world. Providence Island - UNESCO World Heritage Centre Milestones: 1830-1860 - Office of the Historian However, over the years the two groups joined and the terms "Americo -Liberian" and "Congo" were used interchangeably. Christopolis was renamed Monrovia after President James Monroe and the colony was formally called Liberia (the free land). Between 1822 and the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, more than 15,000 freed and free-born African Americans, along with 3,198 Afro-Caribbeans, relocated to Liberia. The Wologizi mountains are an isolated area of upland located in north-west of the country, to the south of the town of Voinjama. Sapo National Park, established in 1983 in the countrys southeast, was expanded in 2003 to encompass an area of some 700 square miles (1,800 square km). It was established on land acquired for freed U.S. slaves by the American Colonization Society, which founded a colony at Cape Mesurado in 1821. [88] All existing local governmentscities, townships, and a boroughwere created by specific acts of the Liberian government, and thus the structure and duties/responsibilities of each local government varies greatly from one to the other. Liberia is divided into 15 counties which are subdivided into 90 and further into clans. Liberia has year-round evergreen vegetation. B Bushrod Island P Providence Island, Liberia Islands by country Islands of Africa by country Landforms of Liberia Hidden category: Commons category link is on Wikidata These resulted in the deaths of 250,000 people (about 8% of the population) and the displacement of many more, with Liberia's economy shrinking by 90%. Stella Maris Polytechnic, a post-secondary, private institution of higher learning. [160] In 2010 some 43.5% of Liberians were below the age of 15.[157]. [92], In the past, both of Liberia's neighbors, Guinea and Sierra Leone, have accused Liberia of backing rebels in their countries. Time zone: Noon = noon GMT. [165] Liberians also speak a variety of creolized dialects collectively known as Liberian English. [168] While separation of church and state is mandated by the Constitution, Liberia is considered a Christian state in practice. What are the major mountains of Liberia and their location? [1], The Legislature is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. [16], This influx of these groups was compounded by the decline of the Mali Empire in 1375 and the Songhai Empire in 1591. [150] The government divided its offshore waters into 17 blocks and began auctioning off exploration licenses for the blocks in 2004, with further auctions in 2007 and 2009. [68] Liberia's three largest rivers are St. Paul exiting near Monrovia, the river St. John at Buchanan, and the Cestos River, all of which flow into the Atlantic. The landscape is characterized by mostly flat to rolling coastal plains that contain mangroves and swamps, which rise to a rolling plateau and low mountains in the northeast. Nimba is the largest of the counties in size at 11,551km2 (4,460sqmi), while Montserrado is the smallest at 737.069sqmi (1,909.00km2). [142] With low rates of adult literacy and high poverty rates, television and newspaper use is limited, leaving radio as the predominant means of communicating with the public. Life expectancy in Liberia is estimated to be 64.4 years in 2020. Please select which sections you would like to print: Professor and Chairman, Department of History, University of Liberia, Monrovia. Challenges of reservoir hosts and transmission cycles: Expect the unexpected", "Desert Locust Bulletin General situation during September 2021 Forecast until mid-November 2021", "Restoring the Battered and Broken Environment of Liberia One of the Keys to a New and Sustainable Future". The internal security is characterized by a general lawlessness coupled with the danger that former combatants in the late civil war might reestablish militias to challenge the civil authorities. Later Stone Age (LSA) populations evidence significant technological diversification, including both microlithic and macrolithic traditions. [57] Most parties suffer from poor organizational capacity. [120], In 2003, additional UN sanctions were placed on Liberian timber exports, which had risen from US$5 million in 1997 to over US$100 million in 2002 and were believed to be funding rebels in Sierra Leone. However, Lincoln in 1862 described Liberia as only "in a certain sensea success", and proposed instead that free people of color be assisted to emigrate to Chiriqu, today part of Panama. [citation needed], The government of Liberia, modeled on the government of the United States, is a unitary constitutional republic and representative democracy as established by the Constitution. [35], In 1927, the country's elections again showed the power of the True Whig Party, with electoral proceedings that have been called some of the most rigged ever;[36] the winning candidate was declared to have received votes amounting to more than 15 times the number of eligible voters. The Constitution calls for the election of various chiefs at the county and local level, but these elections have not taken place since 1985 due to war and financial constraints. Edward Wilmot Blyden, Bai T. Moore, Roland T. Dempster and Wilton G. S. Sankawulo are among Liberia's more prominent authors. The 2000s saw an expansion of protected regions in Liberia, with new and enlarged wildlife reserves at Gola National Forest, the Wonegizi National Forest Reserve, and Lake Piso, and ecotourism was seen as a potential growth industry for the country. [123] Due in large part to foreign aid and investment inflow following the end of the war, Liberia maintains a large account deficit, which peaked at nearly 60% in 2008. [199] In early August 2014 Guinea closed its borders to Liberia to help contain the spread of the virus, as more new cases were being reported in Liberia than in Guinea. Along the coast lie beds of sandstone, with occasional crystalline-rock outcrops. Liberia, country along the coast of western Africa. Together with the vice president, the president is elected to a six-year term by majority vote in a two-round system and can serve up to two terms in office. [68] During the winter months of November to March, dry dust-laden harmattan winds blow inland, causing many problems for residents. [38] As a result of the report, President Charles D. B. Pressure from the United Kingdom, which controlled Sierra Leone to the northwest, and France, with its interests in the north and east, led to a loss of Liberia's claims to extensive territories. As inland regions underwent desertification, inhabitants moved to the wetter coast. [194], Approximately 95% of the country's healthcare facilities had been destroyed by the time civil war ended in 2003. The greatest amount of rainfall, 205 inches (5,200 mm), occurs at Cape Mount and diminishes inland to about 70 inches (1,800 mm) on the central plateau. [115], Following a decrease in inflation beginning in 2003, inflation spiked in 2008 as a result of worldwide food and energy crises,[116] reaching 17.5% before declining to 7.4% in 2009. Justification of Outstanding Universal Value. Name the major rivers of Liberia. Give their locations, and - Brainly [53] The 1988 Omnibus Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act designated the metric system as "the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce," but in practice the system is in mixed usage, with the population generally preferring customary units and industries either fully metric or mixed. The settlers wore top hat and tails and modeled their homes on those of Southern slaveowners. [citation needed] It was made up primarily of Americo-Liberians, who maintained social, economic and political dominance well into the 20th century, repeating patterns of European colonists in other nations in Africa. Includes 99 Liberia mountains. [57] Public schools offer biblical studies, though parents may opt their children out. [79], Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is endemic in some animal hosts here including both domestic and wild. What Are The Biggest Industries In Liberia? - WorldAtlas [12] Americo-Liberians encouraged religious organizations to set up missions and schools to educate the indigenous peoples. Professor of Geography, East Carolina College, Greenville, North Carolina. [68], Tropical rainforests cover the hills, while elephant grass and semi-deciduous forests make up the dominant vegetation in the northern sections. The emerging chronometric record of the Middle Stone Age (MSA) indicates that core and flake technologies have been present in West Africa since at least the Chibanian (~780126 thousand years ago or ka) in northern, open Sahelian zones, and that they persisted until the Terminal Pleistocene/Holocene boundary (~12ka) in both northern and southern zones of West Africa. August 9, 2012. Most of these Christian denominations were brought by African-American settlers moving from the United States into Liberia via the American Colonization Society, while some are indigenousespecially Pentecostal and evangelical Protestant ones. [102], Liberia scored a 3.3 on a scale from 10 (highly clean) to 0 (highly corrupt) on the 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index. [164] As of 2022, 27 indigenous languages are spoken in Liberia, but each is a first language for only a small percentage of the population. (2007). Map of the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent, located on the African continental plate. Their passage of the 1865 Ports of Entry Act prohibited foreign commerce with the inland tribes, ostensibly to "encourage the growth of civilized values" before such trade was allowed in the region. Liberia is divided into 15 counties which are subdivided into 90 and further into clans. [47] From 1989 to 1997 around 60,000 to 80,000 Liberians died, and, by 1996, around 700,000 others had been displaced into refugee camps in neighboring countries. Liberia mountains list | peakery The country's major rivers include the Mano River in the northwest and the Cavalla River in the southeast. [149], Liberia has begun exploration for offshore oil; unproven oil reserves may be in excess of one billion barrels. The Greater Monrovia District has 970,824 residents. [216] However, this change has been gradual, with government reports concurrently using both United States Customary and metric units. [58][59], In 2006, the government established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address the causes and crimes of the civil war. Wikidata ID. [129][130][131][132] Liberia has a climate favourable to farming, vast forests, and an abundance of water, yet low yields mean that over half of foodstuffs are imported, with net agricultural trade at -$73.12 million in 2010. Founded in 1988, the school is owned and operated by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Monrovia. Under heavy pressure from the international community and the domestic Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace movement,[52] Quakers believed black people would face better chances for freedom in Africa than in the U.S.[7][19] While slaveholders opposed freedom for enslaved people, some viewed "repatriation" of free people of color as a way to avoid slave rebellions. Other trees of value are rubber, cacao, coffee, and the raffia palm. [1] Each House member represents an electoral district within a county as drawn by the National Elections Commission and is elected by a plurality of the popular vote of their district into a six-year term. [151][152][153] An additional 13 ultra-deep offshore blocks were demarcated in 2011 and planned for auction. [28] The United Kingdom was the first country to recognize Liberia's independence. The Mano and Morro rivers in the northwest and the Cavalla in the east and southeast are major rivers and form sections of Liberias boundaries. This list may not reflect recent changes . On May 9, 2015, Liberia was declared Ebola free after six weeks with no new cases. [23], The ACS, supported by prominent American politicians such as Abraham Lincoln, Henry Clay, and James Monroe, believed "repatriation" was preferable to having emancipated slaves remain in the United States. The 16 officially recognized ethnic groups include the Kpelle, Bassa, Mano, Gio or Dan, Kru, Grebo, Krahn, Vai, Gola, Mandingo or Mandinka, Mende, Kissi, Gbandi, Loma, Dei or Dewoin, Belleh, and Americo-Liberians or Congo people (so named because many immigrants including those freed from slave ships arrived from ports at the mouth of the Congo River). [33] In 1914, Imperial Germany accounted for three quarters of the trade of Liberia. The three countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory Coast bound Liberia to the northwest, north, and east respectively. Map of Africa - Countries of Africa - Nations Online Project [citation needed], Liberia has a rich history in textile arts and quilting, as the settlers brought with them their sewing and quilting skills. Today it has six colleges, including a medical school and the nation's only law school, Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law.

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name the major island in liberia and their location