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The admissions team at Merton considered the above-mentioned six criteria together with the interview performance when making their final decisions. French vs. Russian). Admissions Report 2021 Law Faculty - Faculty of Law, TSA results were released in early January 2023. They take into account all information from the UCAS form and any relevant contextual information such as educational background, socio-economic background, or extenuating circumstances. Admissions report - University College Oxford TSA resultswill be available online from early January. Along with a small number of UK students forced to miss the PAT due to circumstances beyond their control, all such students were interviewed and given an additional back-up PAT paper during the period. Procedure for 2nd interviews: All second interviews were organised centrally by the Faculty of Classics; candidates flagged for second interview were assigned to one of the seven faculty interviewing panels, each of which had a historian and an archaeologist on it, who conducted a single interview with the candidate. Other partners include Pratt Institute, Pace University, the City University of New York, SUNY Maritime College, The Museum of the City of New York, Brookhaven National Labs and IBM, as well as research institutions such as Georgia Tech, Duke University, Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Oxford. Applicants are assessed based on the totality of information about the applicant with no one interview, by itself, decisive. Interviewers are well aware of the particularly challenging circumstances applicants this year have faced in light of the pandemic and took this into account when assessing applications. 0000009953 00000 n They can be accessed viaCambridge Assessments Results Online system. As in previous years the UCAS forms of all applicants were read and graded centrally, by the Biochemistry Department, prior to short-listing (we aim to shortlist approximately 3 applicants per place); all short-listed applicants were interviewed by two colleges (remotely this year); the applicants were ranked according to their UCAS and both interview grades; and the final decisions were made at a meeting of all College tutors. Merton College A key goal of the Oxford admissions process is that the probability of admission should not depend on the applicant's choice of college. Oxford University has today published its first Annual Admissions Statistical Report which sets out a detailed picture of our undergraduate admissions over the past There were818female and1046male applicants. 0000005018 00000 n Unless otherwise noted, the data presented comes from the universities and is generally reliable. All shortlisted applicants were then invited to attend online interviews with each of the two colleges. The timetable of interviews by subject was readily available on the Undergraduate Admissions website well in advance of the dates. As guidance, the Admissions Coordinator advises college tutors as to an upper threshold score and a lower threshold score. Although the pandemic has now eased, this applying cohort had still been the subject of substantial disruption to their education during the pandemic period. LNAT essays are marked college-blind by a pool of markers drawn from all colleges to ensure consistency. MSc Evidence-Based Health Care (Medical Statistics DPhil (PhD) Infection, Immunology and Translationa DPhil (PhD) Molecular and Cellular Medicine. Each year, tests are vetted by a committee which involves secondary school teachers so that they reflect current teaching aims and practices. We were interested in ascertaining how candidates engaged with and thought about the literary texts, rather than in testing factual recall. In the 2022/2023 admissions round there were 740 applications for Biology. Applicants had at least two interviews at their first-assigned College, and may have also been interviewed by their second-assigned College and other Colleges. For the Management interview, candidates were set a brief pre-interview reading from a broadsheet that assessed interest in Management and the ability to identify and discuss issues from a general management perspective. 2.2.5. If you have been a referee for an unsuccessful candidate, we encourage you to continue to send yourstudents to us, taking into account the comments here regarding any of the subject areas in which they may be interested. A small number of applicants for joint honours degreeswere offered places for single honours courses. 0000014577 00000 n Successful candidates for admission displayed the qualities listed below. Selection criteria: Candidates were assessed against the selection criteria published on the Classics Faculty website at https://www.classics.ox.ac.uk/admissions-criteria-classical-archaeology-ancient-history. Each applicant was interviewed by two colleges: the college of preference, or allocation if an open application was made, and one other randomly assigned by computer so as to equalise as far as possible the strength of the applicant field at each college (as measured by the numerical ranking produced by the shortlisting algorithm). [CDATA[// >