thronebreaker my enemy's enemy consequencessomething happens when i call your name chords james wilson

Use the Wagenburg ability against the escorts to damage each by 7HP, destroying one of them. Slingers (preferably promoted) are just the ticket here. These are pretty much the same units that you faced in chapter 2. Play another Soldier Puppet on your melee row. All three Spotter units will move up to the enemy ranged row. Continue west and help yourself to some wood. This is pretty much a standard monster battle. Force your men to clear it and take the hit to your army's morale. Unlock the fast travel point as you continue east. Play the Slinger and target the three Gigantic Arachas in the enemy ranged row. If you fought the elves at the field hospital earlier you will have the disadvantage of reduced morale, however. When you're done, check with Grey Rider in your mess tent that the number of chests that the game reports as having been unlocked is correct. I don't rate these units, but they're useful for an upcoming battle. This should complete another card. Use the Wagenburg to destroy the two Boulders. Grab the loot and examine the house. If you lynched the nonhumans in Elkenfurt or murdered the patients in the field hospital, these episodes will not go unmentioned. Use Bekker's Dark Mirror. The other options give you recruits that you don't really need and pressing townsmen into service will reduce your army's morale into the bargain. In the top left of the screen is the army morale indicator. When the enemy deploys an Alghoul, it will use its command ability to consume one your units and boost both its units. Leave via the entrance that you came in through and head north to unlock the fast travel point. Here's a solution. Send the girl home: random gold reward, lose morale. Every four turns the enemy commander can destroy the lowest powered unit(s) and damage another of your units by the power of the unit destroyed. Alternatively, you can choose the option that boosts your forces' morale. Meve: Avenger is on their side of the board and will eliminate an enemy unit on every turn. Return the way you came and continue round to find some ruins. In the subsequent conversation respond however you wish. No sooner do you arrive in Aedirn than you are thrown straight into battle against Scoia'tael forces. Gabor, Decoy and Alzur's Thunder should win you the battle without having to attempt to outscore your opponent. Morana Runestone (Trinket)Heals all allies and boosts them by 2. You can choose to dismiss one, the other or both. You will be fighting treacherous Lyrian units. If they don't take any damage in a turn they can move all units on the same row as the Fallen Soldiers to the other row which cause it to lose a charge. On your next turn, place the Trap in the enemy back row, reducing all but one of the Drowners to 3 health. Return to the temple grounds and head east then north. It's most useful when you come to the end of the map, which is why it's listed last. Follow the northern path back to the bandit camp and take the path leading southeast. Place the War Wagon wherever you like and use Meve's Longsword ability on it. Use Aretuza Adepts to duplicate Lyrian Scythemen and use Rayla / Xavier / Renyard to spam them, then Decoy to replay Xavier (or Reynard) and Blacksmiths to replay the Decoy. I'd hold off on doing so, because you can come back here later. This prevents it from spawning endless Harpy Eggs. Take advantage of another nearby loot point and go inside the fortress. Grab the loot nearby and go south collecting more resources. Careful: do not use Becker's Dark Mirror when there's a Phantasm on the board! If you at least want to cheer your forces' spirits, there's a shrine to the south of Keltullis's lair. Nilfgaardian units are trapped in cocoons with some still alive. Deploy Gascon to your melee row and attack an enemy Guard. If you don't have any blitz units left in your reserve deck, this trinket has no effect. Fighting the Nilfgaardians will restore your army's morale but will have negative consequences down the line. Talk to one of the men three times to receive some wood. Note that there are trophies related to unit creation. In that case, you don't need to deploy Pit Traps - the Lyrian Horn and Rivian Broadsword will be sufficient. An enemy Warmonger will destroy one of your Drummers and the inn will disappear leaving behind two Warmongers with 7HP each. When all the palisades are destroyed, the Ancient Foglet will kill Meve. There's a notice board to read as well. Cannot target bosses. Pick up the loot lying around. Walk out onto the nearby broken stone bridge. Assuming your relations with Lippy Gudmund in chapter 1 were good, Arnjolf and his crew will consent to join you permanently. You have a single slot for a trophy. This is pretty much the Manticore trophy in reverse. This is a standard battle. If the unit survives, it will be boosted by 25. Agree to help and Gascon will secure the document. You can keep your distance, which will result in a morale loss, or attempt to free the captives. and no armour. The enemy spams Smuggler units and Archers. You'll lose if he gets all the way across. The summon ability is not too shabby either. This will complete the Dimeritium Bomb. Afterwards, you'll be in battle against Gascon and his forces. Numbering the columns 1-8, here is a solution. Gascon makes a good point in my opinion. Lyrian Hajduk (Human)When deployed, give 1 charge to the unit to its right. If you manage to defeat the three Obert guards, you will bring an early end to the battle. He is also summoned when you play another character unit or have a unit carry out an order. Place another Onager next to it, destroy the 3 HP Drone and damage another Drone. Both nearby bridges are down so return to the most recent fast travel point. Afterwards, talk to the man in the village four times to receive a treasure map. Instead, continue north and go northwest across a wooden bridge to find a village. The general is able to draw a new card for every two that he plays - counter this ability with Reinforcements. You will start with two spies and Gascon among the enemy ranks. Use the recruiting post and grab the resources from near where the soldier is standing. I recommend the former option. This is an excellent command ability and I suggest you equip it right away. If you saved an elf from an angry mob earlier and recruited him into your forces, you will lose 5 recruits to poisoning at this point. Exit the fortress and go west and south to find a golden chest (7/10). Your goal is to move Meve to the opponent's ranged row. Rivian Pikeman + (Human, Blitz)Gains 2 power. Both Spotters on your melee row will move to the enemy melee row. This unit is OK and can be used to repair damaged allies. This is a standard battle against Ardal Aep Dahy. Your enemy will start the battle with a bunch of Alba Pikemen on the board and he has the ability to damage your units by the number of enemy units in play. Here's a solution. Use it to reveal a golden chest (2/8). Gather the after-battle spoils and continue south. Less obviously, if an enemy deploys a spy card you can acquire it and use it against them. If you damage him on your turn, he moves one square left. You can choose to forego vengeance or you can give the order to attack. Lyrian Hajduk + (Human)Gains 1 power and can give a charge to units on both sides. You will have a scene as you near the sign post. The freed gnome, Barnabas Beckenbauer, will introduce himself and agree to join your forces. The Onager will now have 5 charges, allowing you to destroy the Beast. I can't find anything after this point that gives me 5000 gold from Murko, is it a mistake? You can use Royal Decree / Mandrake to summon two units as your opening move to allow you to start gathering charges right away. Lyria - Treasure Maps - Thronebreaker and Gwent the Witcher Card - IGN Keep to the east of the new area to pick up some loot then go west for a bit more loot and a scene with Nilfgaardian pursuers. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. When you come to a split in the path, make your way south. Afterwards, you can choose to keep your word or have them killed. He will use this every 3 turns. By turning in Gabor Zigrin, I was still able to get 5x of all of the Dwarven units at the end of the chapter. Here's a solution. These cards damage a selected enemy by the number of cards already in the allied row + 1. This is the only way to eliminate the enemy. Now go north onto the main path and unlock the fast travel point. Grab some loot to the south then make your way into the ruins for a puzzle battle. Go into the field with the cows for a puzzle battle. Arf! Strays Cavalry + (Human, Blitz)Gains 1 power. Grab the wood and approach the monster for another battle. Go east to the signpost and take the road going south. Place an Arbalest on the melee row and attack the 4 HP Elemental. Aretuza Adept + (Human)Boosts all copies of the chosen unit (in play, in your hand and in your reserve deck) by 2. It will be reduced to 8 HP and moved to the melee row. But not much better. From here go west. Examine the mine entrance to learn that a wanted criminal is hiding there. Needless to say, it is a trap and you will be thrown into a puzzle battle. There are a couple of loot piles to the north. The other choice will have its own consequences later on. One relates to the Scoia'tael leader while the other relates to reprisals taken against Lyrians. After the battle, you'll have a choice: Note that the villagers treat the middle choice, which seems pretty fair to me, as a great crime. There is another destroyed army camp just to the east. If you steal it from him, your army will lose morale. Grab two piles of loot and make your way up to the walls. End your turn. Wagenburg + (Machine, Field Support)Starts off with 2 armour. Return to the fort and head south to unlock the fast travel point. Arnjolf can be useful, however. When you're done, make your way through the gates to the Lyrian capital. Gather the loot from the battlefield and investigate the tent for a card fragment. Go to the northeast corner for a puzzle battle. Talk to the man nearby who demands compensation for your failure to protect him. Isbel: Destroyer (Human)Damage enemy units at random by the total damage that your units have received. Grab the loot when you're done. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Mandrake (Trinket)Play a random bronze unit from each deck onto your side of the field. Gains a charge whenever an allied unit is destroyed. After victory, grab the loot from the campsite and make your way south until you come to some ruins. If he plays a Venendal Elite, you will have to eliminate that first so that you can target him, however. Do No Harm trophy. You can, however, choose to requisition his wares which will give you 100 wood. Ignore the shrine, since your morale is almost certainly raised at this point. Destroy a Water Hag on the enemy melee row, adding a Slinger to your hand. Continue west and you'll come to a farmstead. Choose either Gascon or Reynard to lead the initial assault (if Villem is in your army, I would suggest Gascon simply because Reynard is more useful to you). The Grave Hag destroys the weakest units on the board. Approach the bridge leading to the cemetery for a scene. The Adept also has the "immune" attribute which means that she cannot be directly targeted by enemy units. Head through the arch you ignored earlier. Deploy Strays Cavalry units to target it. You will probably get the necessary number of units destroyed during the second round. This page is a finding aid which lists every quest in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Pick up some loot by the side of the road and turn east into Turnifen. If an Archespore reaches the enemy ranged row, it will be destoyed.. Your goal here is to banish all enemy units before the same happens to you. Head through the gate further to the north for a scene where you witness Nilfgaardian soldiers trying to fight off necrophages. Read the notice board to highlight nearby points of interest and make note of the shrine just to the northeast. Continue north to find an abandoned village. You need to get them to consume Rotting Corpses which damage them rather than Lyrian Scythemen which strengthen them. Use Retreat on the Scytheman at 3 to swap its position with the Corpse at 1. Meve: SpearEvery 4 turns, sets a unit's power to 1. Place the Onager to the RIGHT of the Sapper. Place the Forager to the LEFT of the Slinger. Continue south to a sign post and grab the two piles of loot in the area. Set fire to the enemy rows to inflict damage over time and use Slingers and the Rivian Broadsword to take out the archers who are your biggest threat. You can choose to spend some gold or use some wood to restore your forces' morale. Play an Arbalest on the melee row and destroy the Boulder. Head west when you come to the fork and you will find a shrine. You have an optional goal of killing Lippy. Place your remaining Arbalest in the melee row and destroy the envoy. Go west from the camp to unlock a fast travel point. Here's a solution. The game walks you through this battle so just follow the instructions. You are assisted by Mahakam units which have the capability of pushing enemy units back. After you gather spoils, you can read a new report in your camp. You will have to destroy her by using the deathwish ability of the Rotfiends alongside her. Return the way you came and head west. After the battle, you'll learn that transport is carrying slaves. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales The problem is that ideally the most powerful unit should be on your side of the board making this trinket somewhat situational. You are back in Aedirn. Continue northeast and unlock the fast travel point. Grab a bit of loot as you follow the winding path. Here's a solution: After victory you will receive the Bekker's Dark Mirror trinket. Every turn he consumes the most powerful card on the field, damaging himself in the process. Cross the bridge for a scene and a battle. There is a timer on the field that counts down each turn. Every time the enemy damages one of your units, Eyck will gain 1 strength. When you're done go northwest into the swamp. Choose whichever conversation options you like since they don't make much difference. After the battle, gather spoils and unlock the last fast travel point. Play the Mushrooms to pair up with the Scout. Approach them to be thrown into battle. Return to the bridge and go east. The Fortitude Tonic boosts a selected unit's strength by 10. Continue around to pick up some loot. Return to the fast travel point and head south. There are three Assassins on the enemy side with countdown timers. Deploy Reynard and flip a banquet table on your ranged row. After the battle, examine the notice board for an amusing Nordling primer. Fortunately, they have low strength so you can eliminate them easily and get your unit back with a boost to all allies. and Dogs of War trophies. You will start at a considerable disadvantage and the enemy commander seems absolutely to spam Alba Armored Cavalry which makes using orders a bit more awkward than you might want it to be. This will unlock the Out of the Sizzlixer Into the Fire trophy. You may choose to attack the garrison or not. Although your path to proceed is to the north, begin by going south where you will find a golden chest (1/9). The castle is inhabited by a noble family who have long been in conflict with Meve. Continue north to find a fast travel point and go through the archway. Prioritise the Black Infantry Arbalest units since they are the most damaging that the enemy has access to. I'm up to Chapter/Map #4, have discovered several bugs by now, as always with my guides tags are searchable including the BUG tag *cough* devs *cough*. You'll find a tent containing the corpses of merchants. Head east from here to find a shrine and some loot. Currently this is the Lyrian Banner which allows Meve to use her command abilities more frequently. Make your way to the end of the ravine, picking up loot along the way, and examine the cave mouth at the end. You can choose to requisition their wares or refuse to steal from the dead. It's harder than it sounds. Choose to intervene to learn the long list of the gnome's crimes. Wolfsbane (Trinket)Draw 2 random units from your reserve deck and set their strength to 1. Eventually you will come a cave mouth. There's some loot near him and northeast from him are some buried crates. What a surprise! Note that if you're not comfortable with abusing peasants, you can restore your army's morale shortly. One corpse will be destroyed and the HP of the remaining corpses on that row should be 6633666. Leave Crumhorne through the northeast exit. Saving The Enemy All choices - Thronebreaker the Witcher Tales - (My This ability becomes an Order ability rather than one activated on deployment. There's a notice board here you can read. Press the men into service: +3 recruits. You will start to see row effects more often which makes this unit quite useful. Two will take its place. Examine the gate for a scene. Move the Infantry back into the melee row. From the fort, wade southwest through the swamp. Unlock the next fast travel point and go northeast. Once they start appearing you need either to be able to eliminate enemy units completely or just focus on building up points on your side of the board. This will raise your forces' morale and you'll see a skit with your companions. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Review - Nintendo Life Use the Wagenburg on the enemy ranged row. On the second round of a standard match, however, it could win you the battle. Gascon will trick the guards into opening the gate. After the battle, collect loot and read the notice board. Between the remains of a tent and a broken wagon is a dig point which is the location of the last golden chest of the game (6/6). Spend 2 recruits to receive 150G, 100 wood and a card fragment. Approach the priestesses for a scene. You will be subjected to Impenetrable Fog so a Lyrian Pathfinder will be useful. The enemy commander alternates between damaging your units and healing enemy units as its command ability. The Troll has seven snowballs which he will throw at the row with the most humans in it. You start in the bottom left corner and your target is the top right. This is something of a palette cleanser after the fight against Aep Dahy. You both have 30 HP. In that case, Raymond can also be extremely useful. You will find a letter among the after-battle spoils and on the other side of the newly formed lake is a golden chest (5/8). An enemy Warmonger will destroy the Sapper. The Hym has 34 HP and will replay any card you played, targeting the leftmost ally. The Slinger should target the last enemy in the ranged row and 2 Light Infantry. You'll have a new report to read afterwards as well. Leave Elkenfurt behind you. Before continuing, turn around and check out the small hut until you see a dig icon. Continue south, grabbing loot from the abandoned village. Depending on your previous choices, you may want to pay the nearby innkeeper 50 gold to restore your army's morale. You probably don't have too much to spend it on now so you can distribute it among your troops if you like. Continue through the gate for a scene. The carcasses have 8 HP and when they take damage, they will move to the other side of the board. Valve Corporation. Grey Rider (Human, Field Support)When you play a different unit, or move a different unit to the other row, this card moves next to it and boosts it by 2. Continue east for a scene. Afterwards, go west along the northern path gathering loot along the way. You can end this battle early if you can eliminate Gascon. Pray if your morale is not currently high, otherwise save it for later. Cross the wooden bridge for a scene. The commander has an ability to reset and duplicate these so after it flips, so make eliminating it a priority. If you didn't use the shrine earlier, you can do so now. Now head north, picking up a loot pile on the way. Once the escape route is revealed, the goal is simply to have more points on the board than the enemy after three phases. End your turn. Unfortunately, she cannot be directly targeted. Go west from the obstacle until the game throws you into your first battle. After victory, Gascon will agree to help you recover your throne. Place it on the melee row and attack the 8 HP Elemental, leaving it on the ranged row with 3 HP. The enemy has a grave hag with 7 strength who will consume a card from the graveyard every two turns, an Alghoul with 11 strength and 3 Nekkers with 3. Continue south and grab a bit of loot from the side of the road. Choose to take the dog to add a new unit to your army and unlock the Arf! The Troll will throw a snowball at your melee row and everyone will end up in the ranged row. Gather the after-battle spoils and make your way north a short distance to enjoy the view and pitch camp. You will be fighting an Imperial Golem and the mage Albrich. Letting her go will cost morale but will net you a treasure map. You will do this by getting them to the same power and then using the Scorch card. Cross the nearby bridge for a scene and a battle. If being unable to access those couple of bits of loot annoyed you, you can get to them by leaving the village to the south and going northwest. Leave the village where you obtained the treasure map through its southeast exit to find Vrygheff's camp. The guide was invaluable in my completion of the game. Have Gascon start in the centre of the board, then each subsequent turn have Gascon target a drone that is surrounded on all sides by odd-powered units. Return to the Hag's Pit and make your way south and west across the next bridge. Rivian Sapper + (Human, Field Support)Gains 2 power. After the battle you will find that this is a field hospital and will receive the Ointment trinket. Place the Wagenburg in the melee row and use Meve's ability to bring a Rivian Pikeman to the top of the deck. Go south from here and around picking up any loot on the way. The cards you receive will be War Wagon +, War Wagon +, Slinger, Rivian Sapper, Rivian Sapper, War Wagon +, War Wagon + and Cadaverine. Accept her into your ranks to receive the 1. There are 4 Water Hags on the board and Torrential Rain is present on all rows. Continue east and unlock the fast travel point. Bring up the map view and spend 50G on scouts until they report that there's nothing left to discover since there's bound to a few bits of loot that you've missed. Return to the main path and continue east. Your goal is to eliminate the Hym without any allies being killed. You can choose to let them go or have them handed over to Demavend. Deploy Meve and kill the other Guard, reducing Falbeson to 0 HP in the process. If Gascon survived, Meve will award him an estate so that he can abandon the outlaw's existence. Here's a partial solution: Subsequent turns depend on luck. For every turn that a corpse is on the board, it will do one more damage when consumed. Play the Rivian Sapper and destroy your two Light Infantry. The Armory node in the Workshop unlocks "Reynard combat units" and the Engineers' Drafting Desk node in the Workshop unlocks "Reynard support units". Use Meve's command ability on the Arbalests. Continue north to find the place where the humans sell goods to the Scoia'tael. This is a standard battle. The Wyvern will eat a cow. Order the Troll to let the Lyrian Scytheman pass. The caravans have 50 armour so you can't destroy them, but when you attack them they move towards your side of the board. Among the after-battle spoils is a letter. You skulk out of the city and make your way to Aedirn, a neighbouring kingdom. Play the Rivian Sapper and destroy all the enemies. The chest is locked but the key can be found in a loot pile in the top left of the camp together with a letter. Ignore the shrine for the moment. The enemy will be unable to move. Assuming you didn't surrender your advantage earlier, you will be able to summon two units from your hand and will get to go first. If you're not currently using it, make the Rivian Broadsword Meve's weapon. Brouver will bring up the flooding of Davor's Abyss and the collapsing of Boro's Rump. You'll find some additional loot to the east and west. Follow the path east until you come to a crossroads. You can allow them to buy their freedom or recruit them into your forces, but both of these choices cost morale. Version: 1.0a | Updated: 09/22/2022 Highest Rated Guide. Each one you kill will reduce the commander's power by 25% of its current total. Answer how you please. Fortunately, you can use this to power up Eyck and/or Isbel. After victory, you will gain 10 recruits. Continue a short distance east and go into the courtyard of an inn. Back outside the town, go into the field just to the southeast. Instead, backtrack east a short distance and speak to the individual with the blue cap.

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thronebreaker my enemy's enemy consequences