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This doesnt mean that the eye tyrant likes, respects, or understands the creatures it chooses to associate with, but it does distinguish between individuals of other races and communicates with them on a regular basis. Sometimes a beholders dreams are dominated by images of itself or of other beholders (which might or might not actually exist). Beholders are paranoid, secretive, and xenophobic, hating and mistrusting any creature different from themselves. The individuals in these roles generally serve the Xanathar for months or years, because replacements that have the same specialized skills can be hard to come by. When a beholder goes on the offensive against a threat outside its lair, it plans ahead and makes use of all of its advantages. A spectator (see the Monster Manual) is a kind of lesser beholder summoned from another plane of existence to watch over something, such as a treasure hoard. A beholder who wished to learn the Art of arcane spellcasting beyond the simple use of its innate powers faced a number of limitations, the greatest of which being its own antimagic eyesight. A beholders true rivals are other beholders, for only another beholder has the intellect, power, and magic to threaten another of its kind. Eye Rays. Each orb possessed an instinctual knowledge of one's body, and dreaming alterations were without limit. View and manage file attachments for this page. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. If a beholders retinue were likened to an army, the grunts would be represented by its lesser minions, intelligent creatures that can talk and usually live in large groups. One form of gas spore trap is nothing more than a small room or section of tunnel that contains one or more hovering gas spores. A trophy gallery is often a long chamber decorated with mementos taken from creatures the beholder has slain. Beholders and Beholderkin Beholders are one of D&D s most notable additions to the fantasy genre. To those who would seek to conquer beholders or merely understand them, nearly everything about their quarry is unfathomable. It is aware of the great library at Candlekeep and the lore stored there, and one of its main objectives is to get an agent into the place that can start sending copies of that information back to the Xanathar for review. Since the birth process involved the destruction of the womb, beholders could only become pregnant and give birth once in their entire lives. (Evil), Stability. Even intruders who dont need light to see have to contend with the beholders superior sensesthe monster can see its opponents before 60-foot darkvision sees it. When it parlays with other creatures, a beholder might use its sleep ray as a display of power, quickly disabling the leader and thereby persuading the rest of the group to mount no resistance. As a result, on rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another beholder, the dream-reality becomes warped and takes on physical form, becoming another actual beholder. Upon death, the skin would harden further into a stone-like consistency. It otherwise adopts the targets statistics. Although beholders lacked the capacity to see color, they had the ability to perceive even in the most darkened environment, under conditions in which a human or similar creature would be rendered blind. These underlings dont have as much clout as the lieutenants do, but they do hold key roles in its guild and have some degree of influence in the organization. A beholder sees in all directions. For an example of an eye tyrant that leads an organization of humanoids, see the section on the Xanathar Guild. The Note the lack of nostrils, as well as the proliferation of teeth. Alignment A beholder could also use its telekinetic ray to forcibly transport a creature immune to charm effects (such as a construct or some kinds of undead). Pets are usually of low intelligence and are kept around because of their combat abilities, entertainment value, or trophy status. In the lair, they might be stationed where they can catch intruders in an ambush, or they could be a last line of defense against foes that threaten the inner sanctum. If a human acted this way, the constant vigilance and lack of truly peaceful rest would lead to a dangerous level of psychosis, but a beholders mind accepts this attitude as normal and necessaryit is always alert to the possibility of assassination or betrayal by unknown threats that stand ready to pounce on the beholder the instant it lets its guard down. For example, to guard against magical spying, a beholder might use either ray to eliminate all common vermin (bats, rats, spiders, and so on) from its lair. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. These items are stored somewhere in the lair until theyre disposed ofsometimes by distributing them among the minions as gifts, other times by disintegration. It might react favorably toward creatures that humble themselves before it and present themselves as inferiors, but is easily provoked to attack creatures that brag about their accomplishments or claim to be mighty. Of course, this mercy has a purpose; the defeated opponent is interrogated, subjugated, and offered a role in the beholders retinue once its will is broken. Beyond that, this ray has a multitude of uses. Same as death tyrant, but with mummy rot. If an organization is useful but significantly weaker than the guild, the Xanathar is likely to absorb its members and resources into its guild (either immediately or gradually) so it can keep an eye on threats from within that group. The only allies it considers relatively safe are individuals that it (or its predecessor) has worked with for years, and most of these are creatures it has no reason to fear because they arent a physical threat to it or the guild. A beholder analyzes its opponents, makes note of armor, weapons, and tactics, and adjusts its strategy to eliminate the most dangerous threats as quickly as possible. One of the original monsters in Dungeons and Dragons, this creature comes from the minds of the creators of the game, Rob Kuntz and Gary Gygax - though the creature was imagined by Robs brother Theron Kuntz, and fleshed out by Gygax.There is no myth or legend that the Beholder is born from and is solely a creation from the minds Although previous Xanathars carefully guarded the facts of their true nature and allowed only a handful of their lieutenants to know the truth, the current Xanathar treats the matter more like an open secret. The organizations grunt-level employeesthieves, slavers, and ordinary thugswork for the Xanathar Guild because it pays well. Unless its opponents are concealed by fog, invisibility, or some other magic, a beholder can lurk in the dark and shoot any creature it can see within the range of its darkvision. This tactic is useful primarily when the beholder intends to use the group for its own purposes, and keeping the leader alive is advantageous to those plans. In addition to functioning as the beholders arms and hands for everyday tasks, the telekinetic ray is essential for building traps and other lair defenses, such as positioning the weights for a falling block trap. Cold, emotionless logic is the way I defeat my foes. A gazer cant speak any Gazer Double row (roll again, ignoring results of 10). A dark room with a 120-foot ceiling allows it to use this tactic, requiring opponents to create light at a distance in order to return fire with any accuracy. An exceptional challenger can earn a measure of respectenough that the beholder might be merciful and pacify the creature with a charm ray or a sleep ray instead of killing it outright. A beholder cant attune to items that require attunement by a spellcaster or a member of a certain class. 2nd Edition Statistics[4] Favored climate Lawful evil Heres a summary of the Beholder 5e stats youll find in the Monster Manual : The Beholder has an enormous range of actions it can perform thanks to its magical eye. It can create an anti-magic cone of 150ft at the start of a turn, and this dispels all magic within that zone. Beholders are among the few creatures that can shape reality in their vicinity. A beholder and two gazers leaving a trail of death, petrification, and disintegration. After the beholder secures the spoils it desires from its enemies, it allows its minions to divide the remaining booty. Even a slight variation in the shape of an eyestalk or the texture of its skin is enough for one beholder to consider another a flawed abomination, which should be destroyed. To the average beholder. Warlock Wizard [25], Beholders were considered adults at the age of two years old and retained their vitality until their ninetieth year. This pregnancy caused extreme paranoia in the individual, until it got so bad that the beholder had to secret itself away in its lair until it gave birth. Although each use of the charm effect lasts only an hour, repeated uses over time against the same target tend to wear down a creatures will, creating a docile servant. (Lawful), Perfection. WebThe beholder shoots three of the following magical eye rays at random (reroll duplicates), choosing one to three targets it can see within 120 feet of it: Legendary Actions Bite. It is common for a beholder to charm a hostile monster, lure the creature to the beholders lair, and confine it there so it cant escape under its own power. A gift is a treasure the beholder cant use itself but that would be useful to a minion, such as magic gloves, boots, armor, or an item it cant attune itself to. If it was dreaming about itself, it may have created an exact duplicate of itself, otherwise it could spawn a beholder-kin or even a completely unique beholder-like creature. However, the inability to cast its eye rays at full strength was hardly a hindranceit allowed a beholder to attack its foes with its large, toothy maw.[7]. Among these are the beholders accountant, chamberlain, chief messenger, doctor, fish-keeper, fortune-teller, lawyer, master entertainer, monster trainer, trap-setter, and warden for its private prison. The majority of beholders living on Faern had skin colored in cool colors - purples and blues - on the top of their bodies that graduated into earth tones further down. When the trap is triggered, a valve in the bottom of the tank opens, and oil spews into the room, making the floor slick and igniting if any open flames are present. Upon death, a beholder's skeletal structure would become brittle.[12]. Eye raysCharm MonsterFlight [15], Beholders had one lung, and two stomachs. Although careful squinting could narrow the area of the field generated, it would not stop unless the central eye's eyelid was completely closed, or the eye itself was put out or diseased to the point of uselessness. Most of the guilds low-ranking members have an idea that the boss isnt human, especially given how long the Xanathar has been in power (they arent aware that several beholders have held the job). Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits. The pit might be empty, be filled with mud (causing anything trapped in it to eventually drown), or have spikes at the bottom. Because of these features, beholders were occasionally known as "spheres of many eyes" or "eye tyrants,"[7] although the latter also referred to a specific type of beholder. The creature resembles an aberration of that kind, which determines certain traits in its stat block. I determine if a creature is worth keeping alive within the first minute of speaking to it. A beholder can fire multiple eye rays on its turn, and it might use all of them in succession on its most dangerous foe. When a beholder sleeps, its body goes briefly dormant but its mind never stops working. [7], Beholders were also capable of flight, in spite of their lack of wings or similar physical features, simply hovering above ground effortlessly. My first thought was to try and replicate the "monster classes" of 3.5 but that turned out to be a nightmare of balance and game design for a new homebrewer such as myself. Darkvision (360 degrees)[1] A beholder can shift its targets after its first or second rays. When you cast the spell, choose Beholderkin, Slaad, or Star Spawn. A beholder has plans on top of plans, even for the least likely circumstances. Gas Spores. Greed. The rules for Mounted Combat state: A willing creature that is at least one size larger than you and that has an appropriate anatomy can serve as a mount, using the following rules. It almost never leaves its home, for at the center of this world it is the master of all it sees and safe from outside threats. Saving Throws Str +16, Con +13, Int +12, Wis +13, Cha +12 Skills Athletics +16, Yog-Sothothery +13 Damage Immunities cold, poison, psychic Subtypes and Variants Categories Community Because there is no limit to the number of zombies a death tyrant can animate and control, it can pack its lair so full of undead that there is little space for anyone to walk, creating a shambling barrier of cadaverous resistance against any invasion.

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