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Evidence-based trigger words can work extremely well when you want to establish credibility for your business. The two that went by the color-coded name of Dr. Green are a Jewish doctor named Dr. Gruenbaum, who supposedly collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, and Dr. Josef Mengele, whose trademark of cold blooded and calculating brutality has not only scarred the souls of survivors from Auschwitz, but also a countless number of victims throughout the world. Nevada The abusers semen is magic and seals the programming. Heavy exercise along with long periods of little sleep (2-3 hours/day) causes an overproduction of endorphins in the brain and victims begin to robotically respond to commands. Thats why social proof is so powerful. The subject wants to remember. Trigger words work because these make the user pay attention to what youre saying. Arkansas Paranormal phenomenon such as astral projection, telepathy, ESP, etc. While you cant force someone to buy your digital products, you can encourage them to pay attention. appear to be more pronounced between those who have undergone this process. Who doesnt like a simple solution? Alternatively, very young children can be made dissociative through trauma-based programming. Likewise, Rocco is single and wants a partner. Trigger Words (1994). Thomas Narut Yet we dont need to blame ourselves for this: Our bodies have only our survival in mind. Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, also known as Dr. White, was the former head of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations. Offutt AFB South Dakota F. Severe flinching and spasms (as if being electro-shocked) when approaching trauma material. I could not help myself. Kirkland AFB Its a great way to inspire conversions on time-limited offers. The original Dr. Hood Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Triggers offer endless opportunities for achieving your personal hypnosis goals. In many cases, program removal is essential to stop ongoing contact with abuser groups. Then we respond consciously instead of acting on reflex. During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s). 201 Trigger Words That Will Make Your Headlines More Engaging The controversial Phillips has his share of critics who are skeptical of the veracity of his claims. Thats a good thing. It also suggests a solution, which always appeals to consumers who are struggling with pain points. We dont have to accept abuse, but we can learn to take in stride that triggering events will happen. Some Christian counselors have been able to eliminate parts of the programming with limited success. (See How to Stop Dreading Family Gatherings for nine tips to handle difficult relatives.). Name it. robots Having boundaries while being loving is the goal. The non prepping trainer will then let the child know exactly what he/she expects: that they will achieve a special state, called delta state. Interview with Ex Illuminati Programmer, 1. We encourage you to use these observations and research to invent your personal secret list of emotional trigger words that will skyrocket your campaigns open rates. Use dictionaries to discover even more trigger words and pick the ones that suit the tone of your message. Also, consider your target audience. This week, due to some random twitter interaction, i found Mistress Amethyst and something Read more Changed my mind, Where to begin? spider webs 9. I think being able to identify your triggers as well as knowing when to remove yourself from the situation so you can take a breather and get in control of yourself is really important. Words Diamond is the reward for completing one's first mission successfully.In 2002 there was a series of Beltway sniper attacks in Washington D.C. Rosenbaum, who is Jewish, has maintained a deep friendship with the two, despite the seemingly precarious circumstances. Provide specific direction on what to do next to buy or engage with your company. Plus points if the triggering happens to be by accident (like hearing something on the radio or when talking to someone). Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection, military and CIA mind control research, Greek letter and color programming and specifically mentioned the Monarch Project in relation to a form of operative conditioning. A few of the internal images predominately seen by victims/survivors are: trees The shock puts the person back into unconsciousness. Burial caskets, some outside and some at inside locations are often used on slaves. He also worked for the CIA. storms) and is known for its pliability or flexibility. trigger The person actually thinks that their face has melted. Common situations that trigger intense emotions include: rejection betrayal unjust treatment challenged beliefs helplessness or loss of control being excluded or (pp. All hypnotic programming and fantasy sessions offered on this website are intended to be used while in a relaxed environment, preferably while sitting or lying down. WebSymptom triggers: A physical change can trigger larger mental health issues. Mississippi Florida We may feel like the wind is knocked out of us. They can also stimulate joy or happy memories, like when we smell a flower that reminds us of a place we love or see a photograph of an event where we felt happy. One of the most common ASMR triggers, gentle whispering can result in feelings of calmness and relaxation, as a recent study noted. Homestead AFB You might offer an instant download, for example, which encourages consumers to sign up. Arizona Oddball news reports from obscure local stations all over the world are permanently archived on the internet. The intent is to bury all memory for the event deeply in the unconscious mind, below the level of consciousness of all personalities. Brainwashing through Deprivation of Basic Needs: Sleep, food, water, combined with chanting, social isolation, etc. Try an echo response. Not all strong emotional responses are trigger reactions. But they also allow us to look directly into the hidden world of who we are. Victims/survivors generally respond more readily to a rigid religious (dogmatic, legalistic) hierarchical structure because it parallels their base programming. Much trauma-based mind control programming is significantly more complex, more technological in its methods of installation, and utilizes the individuals dissociated identities (personalities) to effect greater layering of psychological effects. Guam I now agree that my primary goal in life is to serve her Read more Becoming Beta, I can write a thousand words here but it wont suffice the level of enslavement I am in towards Mistress Amethyst.. She is by far the most skilled femdom hypnotist I have ever heard in my lifeher voice , from the first syllable lulls my brain with steamy anticipation.. And by the time of the Read more Enslaved in haze, In the first years after i found hypnosis i tried a lot of hypnosis files and struggeled a lot to go under. This is often necessary when programming young children who the outside world will see soon after their programming session. These humanoids carry out specific functions within the mind, or in external actions. Your email could be flagged as spam. Witchcraft ritual abuse seeks to attach evil entities (spirits of abusers and demons) to dissociated identities to harass and control victims for their entire lives. 4. You may withdraw your consent at any time via the Unsubscribe link in any email or view our. Link to definition. London, and New York, NY: Routledge. They encourage consumers to select your products, head to the checkout page, and plunk down their hard-earned cash. A few may have had various parts of their bodies mutilated by knives, branding irons, or needles, Butterfly or occult tattoos are also common. Trigger words are your vehicle for selling digital products. in Gnostic art was portrayed crushing the butterfly. Anger Management When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly,What about monarch? he replied angrily and ambiguously, We stopped that between the late 1960s and the early 1970s.Suffice to say that society, in its apparent state of cognitive dissonance, is generally in denial of the over whelming evidence of this multifarious conspiracy. Platos Republic is ruled by the Philosopher Kings; the Military Ruling Class and the Merchant Class, and this is the Illuminati hierarchy as well. Who doesnt like to win something? Heres, Why Youre Promoting Your Photo Business Wrong: The. Then the bent spread legs are flapped, while the victim is specifically told she is a Monarch butterfly. Sooner or later the very commands used by Mk Ultra handlers were bound to be captured on record. In many cases, walls are also installed that serve as barriers to hide deeper levels of programming and structures. For loyalty the subject is compensated with Emerald. The victim may be traumatized by being lowered on ropes or a cage on ropes into the water from a cliff, or may end up being buried alive in sand and watching the tide come in, or simply being totally buried alive in sand and abandoned. 3. Maryland And when it comes time to utilize that word, it comes out as a command. For instance, the water, cave and sand tortures make the survivor fearful of oceans. Many victims have created butterflies in their minds while being raped. Ive been being triggered by my past. These words grab attention and make people want to learn more about what you have to say. Minnesota In simpler terms, triggers are kind of like reminders. They can be words, sounds or other things that remind you of certain experiences youve had in the past. The association is so strong that they trick the mind to deliver the same response whenever the trigger is repeated. She has a velvet voice that makes you beg and want her more and more. Pennsylvania Triggers based on past trauma show us where the past invades the present. Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique. If its possible, find the humor in a triggering situation. Doing a brain dump will help you clear your mind and de-stress from all the little things that add up MacGill AFB The more we become able to accept reality with an unconditional yes, the less apt we are to be triggered. Practice knowing and showing your emotions. Jamie is just leaving town; her decision is not an abandonment of Casey. Repetitive, robotic statements that do not make sense in context of dialogue, e.g., I want to go home, meaning to return to the abuser group. Generally, bloodliners are less likely to have the subsequent markings, as their skin is to remain pure and unblemished.. For sexual submission the reward is Ruby. A few got close but no one had the mojo to truly put me under and keep Read more I was unhypnotizable, If you are wondering whether to take the plunge do it. Didnt work, none did. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lt. Col John Alexander Fritz Springmeier. Use the just before a descriptor, such as best, cheapest, only, or greatest.. the process of indoctrination that occurred to some American prisoners of war during the Korean War (1950-1953). This was done to co-author Fritz under the pretense of military training. Tinker AFB. Through Bo Gritz, the Illuminati have redefined, discredited and subverted the Patriot movement in the United States: According to Bo Gritzs campaign literature for President he was a commander in Delta Forces. WebSome examples of power words include: amazing, astonishing, incredible, beautiful, brilliant, exciting. The new system will be taught what delta means. Youll often spot them in the best sales Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body and soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A file (alter) is created through trauma, repetition and reinforcement. Structures are installed in early childhood, generally between 2 and 5 years of age. But they can lead us to healing, too. 99+ Emotional Trigger Words That Spark Curiosity And Boost harassment substances Hypnosis is a great resource for identifying and assigning triggers, because you can form a much deeper association with them when youre in a trance state. The most publicized case of MONARCH monomania has surfaced through the book TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a ClA Slave by Cathy OBrien. And every one of us has them. Levels of Brainwashing and Mind Control from Least to Most Complex and Binding, and often used in combination, especially in ritual abuse: 1. Some of the traumas are done for specific medical reasons. Third Stage: In this final stage, the subject becomes bizarrely calm. Virginia For example, a trigger may elicit a physical reaction, such as heavy breathing or sweating. Mind-control expert James Martinez suggests that Omicron, the name of the new Covid-19 variant, is a trigger word for mass-hypnosis This level is intertwined with demonology and tends to regenerate itself at a later time if inappropriately deactivated. Both files so aptly describe the situation that I find my self in, truly, I have become a BETA BOY, and wonder if Read more now a Beta boy, I recently listened for the third time to one of your dark files. (3) investigate memory enhancement We just need to equip ourselves with sometools. Practice acceptance. If youve ever seen hypnosis portrayed on TV, then youve probably seen the classic example of a hypnotist snapping their fingers to make a subject fall instantly asleep or wake up. For the first time in my life I feel truly submissive Read more Ive been searching for some one as special as Mistress Amethyst for a long time., Forever Beta changed me and Helplessly Beta has destroyed and alpha left in me What is next for me?? 10 Reasons Why Your Emails Go to Spam Category #1: Symbols Category #2: Words That Create Urgency Category #3: Words That Create False Promises Category #4: Medical Spam Words Category #5: Sleazy/Dating Spam Words Now Over to You Link building cheat sheet (For a four-step process to help cope with trauma, visit How to Deal With Traumatic Memories.). Her voice is so soothing and her recordings are amazing. flowers One of the appropriate tortures is to place a bar between a little girls legs, which spreads the girls loins for rape. So that whenever your partner is close, you become naturally more aroused and lustful. Claims, curses, covenants, hexes, vexes, etc. People are quick to react, especially when theyre emotional, and pausing, thinking, then acting is super important especially when you are triggered by something. Unconscious personalities perceive themselves as trapped within, or attached to, these structures, both visually (in internal imagery), and somatically (in experiences of pain, suffocation, electroshock, etc.). Surprised daily by the vistas She is opening up Read more Staring into Her voice, I dont know how I could put this in more glowing terms, but Goddess Amethyst is an enchanting, enthralling, bewitching addictive presence in my life. The lie that accompanies such abuse is that this institutionalized abuse is an obligation for both the abuser and the victim. Noblitt, J.R., & Perskin, P. (2000). His most astonishing conclusion was that Jerry Dotey and Ann White were likely the off-spring of Adolf Hitler, based in part on the uncanny resemblance from photos (facial features; bone structure and size were taken into consideration). The Canadian court found in favor of the patients who endured Dr. Camerons tortures in the name of creating a more efficient Manchurian Candidate for the CIA championed by Allen Dulles, the man behind the MKUltra projects. Most important, when we make our reaction all about other people, it leaves us powerless, because we cant change them. Safe passage to healing: A guide for survivors of ritual abuse. Ive been going in trance for a long time looking for something that I couldnt quite find until I had found Mistress Amethyst. Start the equation with If + a scenario, then finish the equation with an outcome: It completes an imaginary equation and implies that your consumers can achieve the desired outcome. and mistress has indeed worked her spell over me and through me The single word NOW has so very much power over me I really have lost free will. CIA calls part of MK-ULTRA by the name PROJECT MONARCH. Kajabi will use your data to personalize and improve your Kajabi experience and to send you information about Kajabi. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press. Your email address will not be published. Stockholm Syndrome: Terror (abuser harms victim or threatens victim and his/her family with violence), plus isolation from prior support, often combined with lies of family abandonment, lead to dependence on abuser(s), and perceived loyalty to the abuser. However, the great majority of people are too preoccupied with themselves to show any genuine compassion toward these severely wounded individuals. Satanism survived this period of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the veil of various esoteric groups. I welcome people to contact me for more information about my consultant and the program removal process. Then you found a mistress whos voice just took you under and left you feeling amazing. The project was known as MK Ultra and it was terminated in the 1970's. In my work as a psychotherapist, I see nine categories of triggers: Notice that every trigger on the list, while unpleasant, is a given of life and relationships all triggers are. WebHypnotic trigger words Can mimic any of the above symptoms: radiation, pain, bad tastes, head aches, and so on or trigger unbearable fatigue. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of this CIA program without regression or hypnosis techniques.[19]. Spiritual Programming: Evil attachments, claims, curses, covenants, etc. North Dakota It feels so good to fall for Mistress Amethyst. Oklahoma A former labor attorney for Atlantic Richfield Co., David E. Rosenbaum, conducted a nine. Gain Acceptance. If you use Kajabi email marketing, we use an email subject line validation tool to automatically detect potential spam signals for you. Program removal cannot be achieved with re-programming or abuse, e.g., use of coercion, manipulation, deceit, intimidation, sleep deprivation. West Virginia (4) establish defensive means for preventing hostile control of agency personnel. This is not something to be avoided, nor is it healthy to try to control it. Or they can help you in your conscious state. By the 19th century, Great Britain and Germany were recognized as the primary geographic areas of Illuminati control. areas in or by Mt. (ibid). The word proven equates effective, legitimate, valid. 12. The CIA and Canadian government settled out of court so as not to be required to officially admit to any wrongdoing. In the movie, Grandmother Willow is a mystical 400 year old tree who counsels the motherless Pochahontas to listen to her heart and help her realize all the answers lie within. Whats the point of hypnosis triggers? WebHey there, I am looking for stories about trigger phrases or words. 13 Strategies to Deal With Your Emotional Triggers - Experience Life The free will of the host and other personalities must be respected at all times in the process of disabling/removing mind control programming. Besides using the pseudonym of Dr. Green, survivors knew him as Vaterchen (daddy), Schoner Josef (beautiful Joseph), David and Fairchild. They will reward them when they comply, and shock or otherwise traumatize them if they do not act like deltas. Being on the lookout for our triggers makes us ready for them. Ft. Lewis Combating cult mind control. The correlation between the concentration camp experiments and the numerous sub-projects of MKULTRA are clearly evident. 1. Here are some trigger words you can use in your copy. Trigger Words #1: Trust Trigger Words #2: Greed Trigger Words #3: Fear Trigger words #4: Encouragement Trigger Words #5: Curiosity Trigger Words #6: Angry Trigger Words Mind Control Trigger Words (March 14, 2004) - Educate-Yourself Its arguably one of the simplest words in the human language. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Maimonides Medical Center Get free expert insights and tips to grow your knowledge business sent right to your inbox. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity), to a butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin. Consultation with experts in program removal who have extensive knowledge of various kinds of programming done by the various abuser groups permits; a) the discovery of programming buried in the unconscious mind, b) techniques in side-stepping programming, and c) recognition of red herrings and disinformation. Michigan Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Code-named Malcolm, Aquino was reported to have developed training tapes on how to create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between Government/Military Intelligence and various criminal organizations and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.[16]. year investigation (1983-1992) concerning allegations of physical torture and coercive conditioning of numerous employees at an ARCO plant in Monaca, PA.[20]. Of course, they were rewarded generously with government grants and miscellaneous funding. materials LSD being the most widely dispensed material, A special procedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA abroad. How can we increase conversions? Omicron: A Hypnotic Trigger | Call Me Stormy If youre being triggered by an inner critic, dont reply with an opposing opinion that reaction will only start an argument with a force Where are you from, Miss Ruby Shoes?\" J.D. Web2 days ago Mk ultra trigger codes.. 6 Main Signs of MK-Ultra Mind Control This is not a test - MK Ultra trigger test - Part 1 Trigger words & symbols of MK Dec 19, 2020 Yet this plan isn't just about Americans it's globalism and this false flag in Germany is a intel op executed by groups outside the intel in America. evangelist, a heralded former Green Beret officer and a popular country-western singer are a few others likely having succumbed to MONARCH madness. Wheelers protg, E. Hummel is active in the Northwest, along with W. Bowers (from the Rothschild bloodline). trigger words? 50 examples These Alters are then programmed as intelligence assets (spies); assassins; military strategists; combat soldiers; martial arts experts; weapons experts etc. The trainers will often flash a cue, or delta (triangle) symbol on a projector overhead, and grind in the delta imprinting. This is done by using wax masks upon the victim, and giving them fire torture. Using trigger words can: Heres how to use trigger words to increase your engagement. Journalists who have recently expounded on the subject matter in exemplary fashion are Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control, Jon Rappoport, U.S. Government Mind-Control Experiments on Children and Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship In The USA. Trigger words & symbols of MK Ultra Jewel Programming mind control MKultra victims glitch NightTerrors 65.7K subscribers Subscribe 4.6K 439K views 5 years Get the latest content and program updates via The Insider from Life Time. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. Alaska Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations, U.S. Senate, April 1976, p. 337 MKultra? Evidence of Mind Control & 'Trigger' Words in the Media The article states: He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must FIt: is it going to fit? Nobody likes to feel like a guinea pig in an unproven experiment. He essentially confirmed the suspicions of the attentive crowd of mental health professionals, wherein a certain percentage of their clients had undergone mind control programming in an intensively systematic manner. Dont fight the inner voice. Thank you. Up until this point i had never heard of self triggers and i found this article very helpful to keeping myself mindful of steps i can tale to help myself to recognize them and atop them before they can really affect me. Names are harder. University of Rochester The ostensible reason the cult gives for this step is to create a child who doesnt fantasize, who is more outwardly directed, less inwardly directed. Depending on your audience, experimenting with these trigger words may help spice up your copy. By submitting you agree to receive our monthly Knowledge Economy Newsletter as well as other promotional emails from Kajabi. Everybody loves getting free stuff. Think of your digital products as any other merchandise on a store shelf. Were programmed to seek out the latest and greatest products on the market. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Life Time, Inc. All rights reserved. This is the most comprehensive and helpful list I have ever read. Some alters are tortured in a fashion that the eye area is traumatized and they squint the left eye. Be ready for family. Trigger reactions are about projection. Take a deep breath. Mengele honed this to a fine art with concentration camp victims, while records were made of how fast blood drained from a child or adults stomach when they were dunked upside down into a tank of ice-cold water. Citing the book Operation Mind Control, to which he contributed, Martinez says that during a group discussion, it was revealed that the word Omicron was said to affect some people that had to do with their linkage and associations, with drug smuggling, the Mafia, big business and government leaders.

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mind control trigger words list