I dk what he did to me but I need serious help I feel like giving up. Please cover my family, my home, and work with your warrior angels. Prayer To Destroy All Evil Attachments Every witchcraft padlock, fashioned against me, break by fire, in Jesus name. I put on the full armor of God and cover myself with the Blood of Jesus. Prayer Points Against Witchcraft Manipulation In the name of Jesus, I bind and break witchcraft, mind-bending spirits, spirits that block and bind will. It is usually hard to treat a victim under the negative influence of satanic food poisoning. Dear God, Holy Father, be my protector and keep any evil, Witchcraft away from my family and me. WebPowerful Prayers to Destroy Witchcraft. I blind the eyes of envious witchcraft monitoring my life, in the name of Jesus. 12. O God arise! Father, I command that witchcraft coven banks holding unto my finances and properties to release them now by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft network working against my prosperity be dismantled by fire in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, in the name of Jesus, I vomit every evil food that I have eaten. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. I break every dark resistance, in the name of Jesus. Published date; Views; Like; Comments; Ratings; Title What are you doing in the camp of witchcraft! When you feel your life slipping from all the highest you have brought it, know someone wishes for it. Who soever it might concerns. Every operation of witchcraft burial in my life be reversed now, in the name of Jesus. I put on the Helmet of Salvation! Witchcraft manipulation over my finances, die, in Jesus Name. DESTROYING THE ALTARS OF WITCHCRAFT Altars that are working against me, let the heavens send judgment against you now, in the name of Jesus. 7: And lots more If ever you feel threatened by witchcraft, you don't need to fret. Evil altars, the day of your judgment has come by fire, in the name of Jesus. My savior, protect my family and home so that we can fearlessly walk on the path you have been showing us. Every store manager is aware and imvolved as well. Father, strengthen me to pray this night. For example, when a person eat food poisoning, its end factor could be tragic sickness or even untimely death. Every witchcraft register bearing my name, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft document written against me, be consumed by fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft informant that is observing my destiny, be blinded and paralyzed, in Jesus Name, Every image carved against me, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft authority over my destiny, be broken by the jealousy of God, in Jesus Name, Every tree planted against my freedom, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every satanic road block, clear away by fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft concoction inside my body, melt away in the Name of Jesus, I clear off every Beelzebub web over my life, in Jesus Name, I command destruction upon every foundation of witchcraft assigned against me, in Jesus Name, I command the food of witchcraft to become poison, in Jesus Name, I command the seeds of witchcraft to catch fire, in Jesus Name, I command the communication system of witchcraft to be jammed and work contrary to their plans, in Jesus Name, Let every throne of witchcraft assigned against me be cast down and shattered, in Jesus Name, Let the strongholds of witchcraft be pulled down, in Jesus Name, Let their refuge be pulled down (and let them have no hiding place from our arrows of prayer), in Jesus Name, Let the network of witchcraft be broken and useless, in Jesus Name, I command the intermediaries of witchcraft to become disappointed and unable to carry out their enterprise, in Jesus Name, Let their transportation system be dismantled, in Jesus Name, I command the weapons of witchcraft to turn against themselves and against each other, in Jesus Name, Let their banks and storehouses be broken down and all the lootbe returned to the owners, in Jesus Name, I command permanent confusion upon witchcraft altars, in Jesus Name, I command the padlocks of witchcraft locking up my goodness to be broken in pieces, in Jesus Name, I command the traps and snares of witchcraft to be broken and rendered useless, in Jesus Name, I command witchcraft projections to fail woefully, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft burial of my goodness, be reversed, in Jesus Name, Every bewitchment over my life and family, clear away by the winds of God, in Jesus Name, I command witchcraft summoning to fail woefully, in Jesus Name, Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, Blood of Jesus! Amen, Dear God, I never harmed a single spirit in my consciousness, but someone is trying to harm my family and me. Remember, if someone is blessed with such a gift and using it to harm somebody, they will pay in the end. Spirit of lukewarmness,procrastination, and loss attached to my life, break by fire. I destroy the power of stagnation and limitation by the power in the Blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name. God, being All-in-all, is omnipotent. Father, let every network of witchcraft burial of my life, benefits and breakthroughs in life and destiny be reversed, in the mighty name of Jesus. Prayers of Release from the Powers of Witchcraft The Bible has a lot to say about witchcraft. Rend the heavens in Your anger and come down into this territory, in Jesus Name. You can find her on GodUpdates, iBelieve, Crosswalk, Hello Darling, Focus On The Family, and in Brio Magazine. Please pray for my family and me. 2. God is always waiting for you to ask him to protect you as He loved his obedient children more than anyone. Let my spirit be fearless in your protection and life flourish as it was before. Pray: Lord have mercy upon me come into my life be my Lord and Savior and to cleanse you from my sins and all unrighteousness. And the wicked are the enemies of God. The work of my hands, reject evil deposit and attachments, in Jesus name. You will be safe with me.. Catholic Prayer Against Witchcraft Dear God, Holy Father, be my protector and keep any evil, Witchcraft away from my family and me. She is full of grace and grit, raw honesty, and truly believes tacos can solve just about any situation. Any power drawing my blood, vomit it now, in Jesus Name, I decree that any power that has ever tasted my blood will not stop vomiting till they confess, in Jesus Name, Blood of Jesus! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Father Lord, let every inherited seat of witchcraft at present working against my life, be roasted by fire, in Jesus name. Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Attacks In My You household witchcraft energizing witchcraft embargo on my finances, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. I am happy to have found this website, Ive found deliverance here, please pray for me and my family. Father, by the blood of redemption, I call out every part of my life and destiny hidden in the deep coven of witches, in the name of Jesus. Locate me by fire! He is also free Mason I didnt know until afterwards. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Worst things is he like to attack Jamila Hicks. Prayers WebAnything I owe to evil powers, blood of Jesus, pay for me now, in the name of Jesus. Father, let witchcraft covens melt away like wax before the fire, in Jesus Name. May the two-edged sword of Your Word be ready in my hands so I can expose the tempting words of Satan. Powerful Prayer to Destroy Witchcraft Attacks O Lord confuse the tongue of every witch speaking against my destiny in Jesus name. due to his prolong evil attacks hoping me unable to take his tormentation any longer. is burdened with the great desire to teach the Christian world how to pray targeted prayers and get answers to our prayers. Dolores. Every evil spirit that hears my voice, I command you to tell the truth in the name of Jesus. And I will cut off witchcraft out of thine hand; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands Micah 5:12. That the flexibility our Father But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. God is our refuge, fortress and protector from the snare of the fowler, pestilence and danger at night. O Lord, let the rain of affliction fall upon the marine world that is after my progress for evil. Prayers For Protection Against Witchcraft You demon backing witchcraft in my life, somersault, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Through the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I break and destroy my enemies evil powers and their works; including the influences of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes, voodo, hoodo, roots, potions, or any such things off me, my life, my family, my home, my possessions and all future generations, in my Lord Jesus name. May Your Kingdom manifest in my life as it is in Heaven. Holy fire, break the backbones and destroy the roots of every evil spirit that is speaking against me, in the name of Jesus. I believe Witches are extra blessed souls who have to gain powers from the universe by practicing spiritual activities. Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Expectations And Evil Can anyone help. Witchcraft warfare is an orchestrated attack unleashed upon the children of God to destroy their life and destiny. Much prayer helped her. WebPOWERFUL PRAYER TO BREAK WITCHCRAFT POWER (Against Curses, Spells, Black Magic). At first, I thought by leaving the country All rights reserved. God has promised to cut off the witchcraft network from the midst of us, and that he will do so. I take authority over witches, sorcerers and all other form of evildoers in the mighty name of Jesus. You witchcraft foundation in my life is dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus. This is the good news to me .I ,ve been seaching around for powerful prayer .I KNOW AND BELIEVE THAT MY QUESTION IS ANSWERED .I THANK GOD FOR DIRECTING TO THIS SITE . O Lord, deliver me from any ungodly seed of witchcraft corrupting my glory,in Jesus name. Lord, please wash away my iniquities and make me white as snow. I cut down every tree of failure in my family line, in Jesus Name, I destroy every pin and needle of witchcraft in my family, in Jesus Name. Unboxed Thinking 2023 All Rights Reserved. Prayer of Release from the Powers of Witchcraft Heavenly Father, in the name of your son Jesus, I bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it. #7 You have started feeling helpless and no longer desire to get help from others or see a better, bright day for you. Published date; Views; Like; Comments; Ratings; Title 50 Warfare Prayers Against Severe Witchcraft Attacks. WebAnything I owe to evil powers, blood of Jesus, pay for me now, in the name of Jesus. Dave. Father in heaven, send power from the third heaven to destroy these demons in the name of Jesus. Expose and disgraceand disappoint the human beings that are working with Satan to trouble my life,in Jesus Name. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Father, I curse every operation of the wicked in my family. So witchcraft networks are meant to be destroyed, including all their evil works. WebThe Spirit of Peace. Midnight Prayer Points Against Witchcraft Powers Home; Tag "prayer to destroy witchcraft in marriage" Order By. You curse of bitterness issued against my life by witchcraft spirits, be broken in the name of Jesus. (Repeat) Hotter! DESTROYING THE TRAVELING ROUTES OF WITCHCRAFT. And I will cut off witchcraft out of thine hand; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands Micah 5:12. Let my spirit be fearless in your protection and life flourish as it was before. Continue with Recommended Cookies. PRAYER PRAYERS Please pray for mu husband John. My Father! 14. For example, you are rushing for urgent appointment, once WebPowerful Prayers to Destroy Witchcraft. I recover my finances from witchcraft embargo, in the name of Jesus. Horsemen charge with bright sword and glittering spear. Katie thackery. I have been under assault for 40 years , my mother played with a Ouija board and asked questions about me when I was very young , this took place in a house where she didnt know about the past that took place in it and it had many evil spirits. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the spirits of fear, greed, addiction, drugs, and alcohol. We know that the enemy wouldnt be fighting so hard against us if we werent making a difference for your kingdom. He is very afraid of my very powerful Let your power become stronger than any other evil source. Father, let every embargo of witchcraft network placed upon my life and destiny be consumed by the fire of the holy ghost, in the name of Jesus. There is another waitress who becomes pregnant or engaged.its. Prayers to Destroy Witchcraft Please help me :,-(. DISMANTLING THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS OF WITCHCRAFT. Every witchcraft covenant working against my life, be broken by the covenant Blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name. O Lord, let the weapons of witchcraft powers turn against them, in the name of Jesus. We give credit for some of the articles and materials we have shared on this website to Bible.com and Dr. D.K. Father, I thank you for your love and the gift of life which none other can give, in the name of Jesus. 1. Using Prayer to Destroy Witchcraft and asking for wisdom and mercy for those doing it makes you a wonderful human being. Let the stars in their courses fight against witches and wizards, in Jesus name. Father, let my work, marriage, husband, wife, children and finances be lost from the bondage of the witchcraft network, in the name of Jesus. I ask for a hedge of protection in the name of Jesus. And do you have a legal right to be there? I cancel all demonic assignments on this person. (Repeat) Something at night flings something at my mouth. spiritual weapons (anti-witchcraft prayers recorded into my mobile phone) and I had about 120 prayers recorded. Pour your white light upon us, heal us and let your protection shield cover us forever. Every witchcraft remote control monitoring my life, I black you out, in Jesus Name. The other woman has his mind under manipulation along with the spirit of seduction, Jezebel, addictions, affliction, confusion and depression, alcohol and compulsive behavior. I call for the fear of the Lord upon the persons praying this prayer and the persons being prayed for. If you have any crystals , they can help , but can be used against you to terrible consequences. prayer to destroy witchcraft Any power carrying sacrifice at night around my streets because of me, die, in Jesus name. Let the angel of destruction continually minister on any route of witchcraft that is fashioned against me, in Jesus name. Queen of heaven that is networking with witchcraft power, I judge you by fire, in Jesus Name. Before we go to the main topic, Its crucial to understand the true meaning of Witchcraft or unethical activities. Every witchcraft pot cooking my glory, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Please purify me, mold me, fill me with you. Their body has been sanctified by the blood of Jesus. Address the Father in Praise and Worship. 11. I love you Jesus! 14. Father, I come against every severe attack of witchcraft against my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus. Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Expectations And Evil God not only protects you from your enemies, witchcraft activities but strengthens your, Prayer to Destroy Witchcraft Attacks Against Your Life, 15 + Powerful Prayers to The Universe for Healing And Manifestations, How to Be A Christian Psychic By Adrian Lee- Every Christian Must Read, What is The Step 7 Prayer of AA and How It Works- BigBrainCoach, 6 Tips For Three Day Fasting and Prayer for Breakthrough- BigBrainCoach, 11+Powerful Sleep Prayer for Insomnia, Anxiety, and Healing, 9 Inspirational Prayers for Hope And Faith in 2022- BigBrainCoach, Top 10 Career Development Goals for Leaders BigBrainCoach, What is Emotional empathy | Example of Emotional Empathy, How to Make Friends as an Adult | How to Make Friends in Your 40s, How to Detox Your Body Naturally at Home BigBrainCoach, How to Let Go of Someone Who Hurt You BigBrainCoach. Therefore, I will never go to any medium but will ask you to destroy all the negativity around my home and family. Fire from head to toe! Every witchcraft engagement over my success, break, in Jesus Name, Every ancestral witchcraft claim over my life, break, in Jesus Name. Block the flying route of witchcraft assigned against me,in Jesus Name. God and Satan hold sources of spiritual power. WebLet every witchcraft attack against me be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. -David Jeremiah. I call for the fear of the Lord upon the persons praying this prayer and the persons being prayed for. Instead, men need to do more to protect women and those in dire circumstances from being prey to the enemy. PRAYERS FOR BREAKING WITCHCRAFT O Lord, let the weapons of witchcraft powers turn against them, in the name of Jesus. 4: How to Know if You Are Under a Witchcraft Attack. Let the tables of witchcraft become their snares, in Jesus Name. Father, let every witchcraft network calling my name into any caldron fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Olukoya of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. Every witchcraft transportation system assigned against my life shall not prosper in Jesus name. Destroy Witchcraft: 12 Steps to Uproot Jesus. 1. I ask for awareness and discernment against any who oppose you. Before we dive into our spiritual warfare tools, we must understand what witchcraft is. Father, strengthen me to pray this night. Record the below powerful spiritual warfare prayer to your mobile phone or digital voice recorder and play it (with earpieces so that nobody know that you are under witchcraft attack) again and again once you are under demonic attacks sent by the evil sender of witchcraft..you may hear the demons / evil spirits scream in extreme pain and suffering and their evil master (the witch or warlock) beg you to stop (you could actually hear them screaming through your mobile phone or Nehemiah and David prayed against their attackers. 120 PRAYERS TO CRUSH WITCHCRAFT by Dr D K Olukoya, COUNSELLING, DREAM INTERPRETATION & PRAYERS, THE MYSTERIOUS LAND OF DREAMS AND HOW TO PROFIT THERE, RAISING A GENERATION OF TRUSTED CHRISTIAN LEADERS FOR AFRICA, POWER AGAINST LOCAL SENNACHERIB by Dr D K Olukoya. Thk u for this awesome prayer. Amen. I was a victim of witchcraft even though the Devil is still using his agents to carried out witchcraft attacks against my life i choose to use the word was because once you have committed your life to Jesus you are no more a victim they will send there spell against you but it will be of no effect the fire of God will cancel it,with my experience the holy spirit always reveal to me whenever an attack is coming does this happen because i am the most perfect christian not at all but brothers and sisters when you truly committed and surrender your all to God you have nothing to fear God has given us authority over unclean spirits yes the battle might be long but if you sincerely surrender your all to God sold out for Christ your are coming out victorious without a doubt because i have experience it the very same thing the agents of the devil done to me the mighty hand of God justify me it return back on them i never i hide from the enemy my facebook picture is there for them to see, a warrior of of God dont hide remember Gideon and all the other children of Israel never get the break through against the enemy until they came out of hidig in the cave and dens, fear is a weapon of the enemy rebuke it God gives us a spirit of power, obedience to the words of God is the greatest weapon against the enemy Satan tremble when you obey God honor God with your tithes remember God will honor those who honor him, high level of witchcraft came against me to kill me and i am still standing not by my strength but by the strength of the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob our God is mighty, ruler of the universe a consuming fire when you give all yourself to God and seek his precious holy spirit to come and live inside of you oh my brothers and sisters you will be on fire head to toes witchcraft will flee, attend a church that is preaching God truth and casting out demons, this life is a battle we are in a continuous warfare no time to rest because the devil doesnt rest neither should we, Satan only have power over us if we allow him to but if you are sold out for Christ he cant even look at you because the light of Christ in you is blinding for him to look at, if God fight my battles against the wicked he can and will do the same for you but you must surrender your all to God walk in total obedience do not give the Devil nothing to accuse you of leave no gap for him to come in your life we have the greatest weapon the blood of Jesus, have no fear God doesnt work with fear if you call youself a child of God and fear youre only underestimating God power remember he created us with a spirit of power, the Devil himself know the power of a true child of God dont let him and his agents scared you our God over come this world the Devil his defeated and will always remain defeated Jesus his the winner man all the time (Amen). Forgive us for the times weve neglected to set our eyes and hearts on you, for the days weve forgotten to come to you first. This demon had been secretly ruining my life relationship s money No job will call me anything. Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Attacks In My I dont know who is doing it, but I pray to you to strengthen me to deal with this evil energy. Just act normally as if you are listening to song from your mobile phone. Let every altar of witchcraft and familiar spirit, be broken in the name of Jesus. This has been helpful , but I was warned by a guardian angel to never send anything back or attack the witches , it violates the spiritual mandate. Amen - Debbie McDaniel. Father, let every witchcraft wall of resistance against my progress and success in life be demolished by fire, in Jesus name. Destroy your own kingdom.